Chapter 31 - Black Trump Card

Heart Beats Slowly






Liam's eyes widen in pure shock as he stared at the screen. He stood like a statue at what he just uncovered, could this be?

"We found out subject 24 was the name of the prison he was kept," Jarvis said.

"I hacked deeper and we found out he has been transferred to the agency but we don't know why," Evan said his eyes grew wistful, he knew this news was too much for Liam to bear after everything he has been through.

"Allen said he was dead," Sean said.

"They must have kept him alive for some reason," Iris said certainly.

"The agency is always up to something. Dr. Steve O'Brien has been alive this whole time, we have been kept in the dark" Rory said pissed.

"Liam" Riley said worried, taking Liam's stiff hand in a tight hold.

He hasn't moved or said anything since. 'He's alive'. Liam said stun. 'That's why'. He gulps hard. 'That's what Ghost was trying to tell me'. His teeth clenched as his fist tighten with Riley's hand unaware.

She watches him with sad eyes.

"He's the key Liam" Jarvis began gaining their attention, he turned his wheelchair to face Liam.

Liam's eyes drifted to him.

"He's the first key to achieving peace. He is proof that the agency isn't all they seem, we get the humans to see the agency's secretive nature, we gain their attention, they will hear us out" he said certainly.

"That means we have to get Liam's dad out," Riley said.

"We are gonna infiltrate the agency?" Evan said in shock.

"That is nearly impossible," Rory said.

"Not if we plan, carefully" Iris reasons.

"It could take months to hack into their whole database," Evan said.

"A chance we will be willing to take," Iris said firmly.

"This is our first step, we have to do this right and we need you Liam" Jarvis pleaded.

Liam was still silent, all eyes on him, his eyes drift to the screen, seeing his dad's picture. A long-lost memory floods in.


Seventeen Years Ago

The year 2004

New York City Park

"Come on Liam you can do it" Steve encourage his son.

Six years old Liam struggle with his bike.

"Come on Liam" Steve kept cheering despite his small efforts.

Liam misses a wheel, he fell on the crying.

"LIAM!" Steve shouted rushing to his son.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly checking his body for injury, he found his swollen knee, it bleeds slightly.

"It's alright kiddo" Steve assured him.

"I don't think I will be able to ride it, I always fall," Liam said cleaning his tears with the back of his hand.

Steve smiled at the kid's protest.

"Oh, Liam! Who told you to give up that easily" Steve said amused.

"Cause there's no way I can do it," Liam said certainly.

"Without trying harder?" Steve reasoned.

Liam looked away making a face. Steve raised to his feet raising his bike.

"Sometimes we face challenges, we all have tough times," Steve said.

"But what matters is how you get back up every time you fall, it shows how determined you are to face what's ahead of you," Steve said smiling.

Liam's eyes turn to his dad.

"So son" Steve said holding his hand for Liam to grab.

"Wanna surge further?"

Liam smiled as he nods taking it.

Steve growled jocularly like he was heavy, Liam giggled at his antics.

Steve playfully scattered his hair like he always does.

"Dad" Liam pouted moving his hand away.

Steve chuckle.

"Steve, Liam" a voice came in.

They turned. Liam features lit up seeing his mom.



Present Day

'You were alive all this time'. Liam thought his eyes shaky. 'Locked away all these years'. His teeth clenched in a tight hold.

All the while lost in his head, voices around him erupted.

"He just found out his dad is alive after all these years, you should give him some time to process this" Riley said pissed.

"Look Riley, we know how hard it is for Liam, but this is the first chance we have ever got. We get him out then he can testify against the agents" Iris said.

Riley faces her.

"Just give him a moment to process this" Riley snap.

"There isn't a moment Riley, this is the trump card we have been waiting for, we must grab it".

"This isn't just a trump card, it's about his dad!"

"Enough you two!" Jarvis hissed.

"This is not the time to argue" he adds his eyes going back and forth between the two.

"I will do it".

This gained their attention, they all turned facing Liam.

"Are you sure?" Riley asked worriedly.

"Don't you need time to-"

He shakes his head negatively.

"I have had all the time I need, I want answers Riley" Liam said softly giving her hand locked with his a reassuring gentle squeeze.

He faces the others.

"This is the chance to make up for what I did at Steel, we have to let the humans know that the agency isn't truthful with them and that starts by saving my dad".


A few Hours Later

Liam and Riley were both seated at the edge of the veranda, staring at the skies, the stars brighten it, the moon bright and reflecting.

"I never thought you would agree to it," Riley said facing him.

"No matter what he has done, he's still my dad," Liam said softly.

"I wonder how he has been living in that hell hole" he adds sadly.

Riley placed her hand on his. He turned to her.

"We will get him out, he's gonna be okay" she assured him.

"I have so many questions I wanna ask him, so many things I never got to tell him before he was captured," Liam said.

"You will get that chance, you definitely will," she said without a doubt.

"It's gonna be hard, like Evan said it's gonna take months, it's the agency we are talking about, the ghouls will have to put their life on the line," he said certainly.

"We are fighting for the right cause, a chance to be free, a life no longer in hiding, we will get the chance to be who we are, of course, it's worth fighting for," she said without a doubt.

"And that starts by saving your dad" she adds.

Liam nods not taking his eyes off her. Riley faces the skies humming a tone.

Liam was familiar with it. He remembered when he first heard it back at the former ghoul underground when she was alone staring at the skies.

"That tone" Liam began.

"It belonged to my mum, my dad taught me, I don't remember her or have anything of hers, only this tone in my head. You see Liam this is why we have to fight so that other ghouls in the future won't have to pass through what we did, we will make the world a better place for them" Riley said.

The wind blew harshly around them, her dark red hair flapping with the wind in waves. Liam couldn't take his eyes off her for a sec. Riley completed him, she was there for him, defended him, he may have just realized it now but Riley has always been like that, been there for him and Jenna, rescue him from being tortured. Liam couldn't begin how he would make up for leaving her when he thought it was the best thing to do, to keep her safe. To make up for all that he will make everything right, not just a better world for ghouls but a better world for her, he was willing to create it just for her, she was everything to him.

"I love you, Riley," Liam said sincerely, his heart slamming loudly, waiting for what she might say.

Riley slowly turn to him, they stare at each other, no words said, and then Riley leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips, she pulled away.

"I love you too Liam O'Brien," she said, a smile curved up Liam's lips, she smiled too, as they went in for another kiss, they both roamed their lips nonstop, under the moonlight that reflected at both of them.


Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

Beneath The Agency (Project Z)

Several wires were connected on Seth's bareback, like a spinal cord, some on his head, he closes his eyes taking a deep breath as his body slowly levitate through the help of the wires. His mind traveled.


Seth Consciousness






Heart Beats Slowly

Seth slowly open his eyes, he stood amid raging flames that burnt nonstop, at the other end was Rath staring at him with beaming red eyes.

Seth looks dark as he gazes upon the monster living inside him. He walked through to it, the flames not burning him, he stood in front of Rath, Rath looked down on him. Seth placed his forehead on its chest.

"I don't need to ask for your permission, I am the master here," Seth said closing his eyes. Rath growled deeply.

Seth pulled away.

"I am the master, you obey me only," He said darkly, the flames instantly surround them in a circle.

"You answer to me" he adds smirking.

A wide smile formed on Rath's lips like a mischievous Chester, just like the one Seth had on his lips, it was like looking at a mirror when it came to their amusement. Seth turned.

"Together we will make Barbra's dreams come true," he said determined raising his tighten fist.

"Reshape the world" he adds darkly.


Steve watches the action of Seth's brain function through the screens, he was improving rapidly. 'He's responding to the treatment'.

Steve thought going through the computers. He drew two screens together forming a cell that moved in a spiral form. Steve paused for a moment rubbing his chin.

Seth opens his eyes as his body dropped down, He raised his head, staring at Steve through the glass. He walked towards it placing his hand on the glass.

Steve's eyes drift to him.

"Whats next Dr. O'Brien?" Seth asked amused.

Steve frowns.

"Starting final procedure".

Seth grins widely.

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