Chapter 44 - Black Newbie

Section Three 

Ghoul Investigators Headquarter (GIH) 

Lorna's car parked in front of the agency skyscraper, she got down walking towards the building. The doors slid open as she walks in.

Inside was wider and bigger, many places were made of glass. Lorna looks around a bit admiring the place, before heading towards the attendant center, a bold sign of 'Ghoul Investigators Headquarter' above the wall, an air computer showing different branches and agency staffs.

The attendant raised her head when she saw the young woman walking up to her. She clears her throat.

"What can I help you with miss?" she asked smiling. Lorna smiled at her as she brought out her ID which was like a transparent card, she slides it to the woman.

"Sorry I know am late," Lorna said amused.

"Oh!" she made a sound as she saw the identification, she raised her head.

"Indeed you are, the conference has already started, on the tenth floor," she said.

"Thank you," Lorna said taking her ID, walking to the elevator by the side. Some parts were in form of glass, transparent to see the floors up. Lorna watches the view as the elevator took her to the tenth floor.


Tenth Floor 

The elevator stops as the glass slide open in a curve, Lorna steps out walking straight to the hall. She got to the door, she stood taking a deep breath before walking through it. This gained the attention of the other agents listening to Barbra who was at the stance, a wide air computer behind her.

'Shit! Am so late'. Lorna mentally cursed while keeping a smiley face on the surface.

"Lorna Hart, you are finally here," Barbra said amused, she looked smart as always, with her red wine suit and short skirt, money reading over her.

"After 15 calls" she adds raising an eyebrow.

"Um...I was…Um...I was settling in" Lorna said.

"Now you are done, seat down. For your sake I will have to start from the very beginning".

"Yes, Captain," Lorna said knowing she pissed off her aunt.

'Great'. She thought as she made her way to the front, where a seat was reversed for her. Unknowingly to her, next to Chase, who didn't pay any sought of attention.

"Okay then shall we? As we were brief earlier Lorna Hart is from the Los Angeles branch, a trainee for four years, now an official member of the agency" Barbra began.

"Chase, make sure you will brief her in, she's now part of the special team against the black ghoul. The Fox team" she adds turning to Chase.

Lorna blinks as she faces Chase, he had dark moist hair and dark blue eyes, wearing a smart suit. Lorna turns away shrugging.

"Speaking of the black ghoul" Barbra began again. Some images showing behind her.

"Last sighted in England"

The moment she said that several pictures of the black ghoul sightings came up, but were not clear.

"And this is what remains of our branch there". Another image shows up, it was nothing but destruction, everything desecrated.

"None survived".

Lorna gulps hard as her eyes shake. A clear image of the black ghoul came up, but his face could not be seen, he stood on a rooftop, something beside him having black wings.

Seeing the image Lorna's eyes trembled more. 'The black ghoul'. She thought, during her training years she only heard stories about the black ghoul, any agent's who as much as stood up against him ended up dead, he was like a bringer of death itself, he was destruction, everything he touches fades away, he was a monster. Lorna's fist tightens.

"He's the most powerful ghoul we have ever encounter, he possesses a very strong Claw known as Ghost, rumors have it, and it has a mind of his own, capable of thinking and understanding us".

Whispers filled the hall, tension rising.

"And he's not alone. He's the leader of an organization called the Silver-lining, they are untraceable, they are good and they are smart if possible a foundation that can meet up to ours" Barbra said darkly as she pointed to the picture.

"We are at a needlepoint here. For three years now the Silver-lining has brought down half our branches, this is our greatest threat, we will have to stop the black ghoul even if it means our lives cause that's the only way we will ever survive this nightmare".

"The black ghoul is what's standing between us from achieving peace," she said facing them.

"Peace where we humans get to decide the fate of our world, not this flesh-eaters".


A few Hours Later

"Aunt!" Lorna called following behind Barbra.

"You are more than late Lorna, you are a recruit on the field, you should have considered that," Barbra said as she and Lorna walked the halls. 

"I know Aunt am sorry" Lorna pleaded, Barbra halts turning to her. 

"This is a new city, everything is new I can't just settle in like that, it needs processing," Lorna said sighing.

"Then you process fast, you are part of the Fox team hunting down the Black ghoul, I can't have you slacking because you are processing this city," Barbra said firmly.

Lorna looks away.

"I don't know Aunt this place is kinda off" she faces her.

"New York is the highest crime city with thousands of ghouls, this is like their center".

"And you are afraid?" Barbra asked taking a step closer to her.

"Am not afraid" Lorna said with a stern look.

"They killed my family, they took them away from me. I have spent four years of my life training to become an agent, I won't let fear get in the way of that".

Barbra's lips pressed in a smirk.

"Good that's the fire Lorna, keep that burning and focus on only that," Barbra said turning.

"I suggest you adapt quickly" she adds walking away.

Lorna sighs as she turned to the wide window. 'Aunt is right'. She walks to the window, gazing upon the buildings. 'I have to adapt'. 

"So you're the newbie". She heard a voice as she turned.

A young lady walked up to her, her brown hair packed in a high ponytail. Dim blue eyes.

"Am Jesse Landon" she said smiling. They both shook hands.


"Yeah no need for that, we all know you are the transfer agent," she said.

"Am part of the Fox team you're stationed on. Follow me, you have some catching up to do" she said walking ahead of her.

Lorna sighs following behind.


Seventh Floor

The elevator doors slide open, they stepped out. Lorna looks around, it was like a whole new building up there.

"This floor is specifically for the fox team, all our equipment, Treatment Centre, and gadgets are all here," Jesse said pointing to a different area.

"Wow!" Lorna exclaimed at the big place.

"And this is our training hall," Jesse said as they walked into the wide hall.

Attention drift to them. They were about five there.

"Lorna this is a few of the team. This is Mia Hailey, Kyle Bell, Kris Mash, Peter Brook, and Freddy Vile" Jesse introduced.

Lorna smiles as she was about to say something. 

"So we have a newbie," Kris said stepping forward, a mischievous smirk plastered his lips. Lorna blinks.

"Trained for four years and never been on the field, are you sure you will be able to hunt ghouls, let alone stand a chance against the black ghoul" he adds amused.

Lorna scoffs at his statement as her smile fades.

"Kris," Jesse said rolling her eyes. But he ignores her. 

"What do you say guys?" he began walking to take a gun, it didn't look like a normal gun, it was a bit bigger than the ordinary one, both sides transparent showing a red liquid like a bullet, the rest of the body was black metal.

"Why don't you show us, we don't want a weak link in our team" he walks up to Lorna as he hands her the gun.

Her eyes drift to it as she took it. Kris folds his arms waiting.

"A weak link?!" Lorna said, hurt by his comment knowing the game he was playing, they wanted to taste her strength as a member.

Smirking she walks to walking the target space. She set her gun, it came up with an automatic sound.

"It's a bit harsh don't you think, Kris" she turns to him pointing her gun at the target, she fired the gun without looking at it. His smile fades when he saw the bullet hit the target at the perfect spot, the chest.

"Whoa!" Kyle exclaims, others were amazed at it.

Lorna clicked her gun again, she faces the target, firing the bullet multiple times at the same place not missing a single line or step. In slow motioned, the last bullet fired out and reach for the target at the same spot burning a hole in it. Lorna clicked, the gun stops, it made an offing sound.

She turned to the others who still had stun looks. Lorna smiles walking toward Kris, she gave him the gun back.

"Still think am a weak link?!" Lorna said amused.

Kris just gulps hard. The doors slide open, they turned as Chase walks in with a stern expression.

"What's going on?!" he demands.

"Um, nothing sir," Jesse said.

"He's the unit leader of the Fox team" Mia whispered to Lorna.

"Chase Wyatt".

Lorna blinks her eyes glued to him. 

"Then head back to training all of you" Chase hissed. 

"Yes sir!" they said in unison, leaving Lorna behind.

"And you don't you have anything to do," Chase said sternly.

"Um sir am new, you haven't given any orders to me," Lorna said raising an eyebrow.

Chase scoffs at her reply, he walks up to her, standing in front of her.

"Then I suggest you make yourself useful," Chase said, their eyes locked together.

'Why do I get the feeling he does not like me'. Lorna thought gulping hard. 'We only just met'.

"Yes sir" she shrugs walking away.. 'I wonder why'.

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