Chapter 49 - Black Result

"Liam!" Iris said breathlessly, tears whelming up instantly, after three long years she finally heard his voice. She was stunned and happy, her efforts for tracking him did pay off after all and she was glad it did because it was worth hearing his voice again.

She sobs, taking a deep breath about saying something but then the connection went off. She froze, her eyes widening. 

"No!" Iris panicked, she checks the transparent air computer, the trace signal was suddenly offline.

"No, no, no," Iris said as her hands went through the keyboard, trying to restore the signal but it kept cracking and cracking until there was nothing left.

Her eyes shake, she leans on her chair running her fingers in her hair, she broke into tears removing the headset and flinging it away in anger.

Just a few seconds ago she heard from him and then nothing. 

"Why" she cried.


One week Later

Section Eleven

The Black Lotus 

Rory heads towards the garden at the back of the mansion. He searches everywhere in the mansion but he couldn't find her, the garden was the last stop, he knew this was the place she always comes to when something was bothering her.

Rory found Iris watering the plants lost in deep thought.

"Iris," Rory said softly.

She turns facing him, her eyes were heavy from lack of sleep, Rory knew she didn't have any and he was worried.

"What is it Rory?!" she said turning back to what she was doing.

Rory sighed knowing he had to ask her.

"I know you contacted Liam a week ago" he began sternly. 

"What do you care?!" she scoffs facing him.

"It's not like you want him back, but I do. So why bother" she adds. 

"Of course I care, Iris, I don't you hurting yourself thinking he's gonna come back just because you ask him to".

"Why, because am not his Riley?" she said sarcastic rolling her eyes.

But Rory knew she was hurt by this.

"I know if she was the one who made the call, he wouldn't have hesitated".

Rory gulps hard.

"Not even for a second" she adds.

"Iris," Rory said worriedly.

She took a deep breath trying to hold the tears back of how hurt she was, she hated showing she was weak not right now they were in this tight situation.

"He answered me, Rory, he answered me but then the stupid connection went off" she hissed.

She throws the water pipe aside.

"Iris" Rory began. 

"What you did was risky, what if the agency picks up the signal you made, it could be bad for us".

"I know, I know and am sorry but just face it, Rory, we need him, we can't do this all by ourselves," she said.

"We need the black ghoul whether we wanna admit it or not" she adds pissed, walking away making sure she bumps his shoulder.

Rory sighs as he turning, watching her walk away.


Section Three 

Ghoul Investigators Headquarter (GIH)

Lorna's hands went through the transparent air computer, checking some reports.

"Fuck! It's been a week and we haven't been sent on an assignment" Jesse said leaning on her chair as she groans.

"At least we have office hours," Lorna said minimizing the air computer.

"Office are lame, working on the field is cooler" she comments.

"We both know how dangerous an assignment can be, our lives on the line at every minute, we are lucky we see it through the way things are," Lorna said as she smiled. For the past one week now her stay in New York was a bit peaceful, no many ghouls attack that got them stirred up.

"And I want the same thing too, wish we could get an assignment to shake things up a little. We are agents it's what our life is all about" Lorna adds with a thoughtful face.

"Now we're talking," Jesse said.

Lorna's eyes drift upstairs, Chase office was closed down today.

"Where's our unit leader, it's a bit odd he's not in today," Lorna said puzzled.

"Oh yeah it's Thursday, he out," Jesse said.

Lorna blinks. 

"You see I heard one of his best friends who was part of the agency was killed leaving his wife and child," Jesse said.

"So what now he's the dad now?" Lorna said with widened eyes.

"Jesus sister no, he more like watching out for them, like any friend would do even though he's taking the responsibility on too much. So don't get the wrong idea, Lorna, he's single" she adds the last part grinning.

"Seems like you have a thing for him," Lorna said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah a little but he doesn't give anyone much attention so I guess it's zero with him" she rolls her eyes.

"Who knows maybe he's waiting or doesn't have time for it" Jesse shrugs.

"I guess so," Lorna said.


Section Nine 

New York City Park 

"Mummy I want ice cream," Rex said pulling on his mom's hand.

"Okay, okay," Renee said as her son pouts for the third time since they came to the park. She wanted to call Chase but Rex kept pulling her to the ice-cream truck.

Renee was still a beauty in her age, her hair short and curly, she wore a slender black gown with a white jacket and shoes.

"Just one" Renee said to the ice-cream man, he nods preparing one for Rex as he jumped happily.

"Renee, am so sorry am late," Chase said rushing towards them.

"Well not to me but Rex, you promised you would take him out," Renee said.

"I know I know, I just had to check up one or two things before coming," Chase said.

Rex turned to them, the ice cream in his hand.

"Hey buddy," Chase said sweetly to Rex. Rex smiled.

"Can I go play now?" Rex said.

"Go on," Renee said, Rex rushed to the playground happily.

"He's growing so fast," Chase said amazed.

"Yeah they all do," Renee said amused.

"We visited the cemetery before coming here" she adds as her face drops a little.

"Rex was happy just seating there, not a worry in the world".

Chase smiled.

"He's just a kid, there's a lot he doesn't understand, that's why I wanna make the world a better place for him," Chase said.

"You should focus more on your life Chase" she began, he turned to her puzzled.

"Yeah you heard me. It's been four years since Max, you don't have to feel guilty anytime you see us, we are better now because of you, and am thankful but Chase you need to start building a life for yourself".

"Renee not this again" Chase grumbles.

"Yeah this again, you're still young and in your early thirties Chase, don't tell me you wanna take care of Rex till you die without having a family of your own," she said slightly punching his arm lightly.

"Come on Renee, I don't have time for that, not right now when the black ghoul is causing more trouble for us" he shrugs.

Renee was always the upfront type, they have been close friends since way before she met Max.

Renee rolls her eyes.

"Chase, that's literally what you say each time, I get it okay, the black ghoul killed Max, and am angry. But that doesn't mean you should evolve your life around it like a circle without moving forward" she hissed.

Chase froze at her sudden outburst.

"I care for you Chase you will always be like a brother and friend to me and I love you" she took a deep breath closing her eyes and then opened them. 

"That's why I keep urging you to go have a life. I feel like am the one holding you back. You are making me feel guilty and I don't want that".

Chase's eyes shake at her words.

She looks away sighing.

"You should go back to work, I and Rex will be fine," she said walking away adjusting her handbag.

"Renee" Chase calls but she didn't turn.


A few Hours Later 

Section Three 

Ghoul Investigators Headquarter (GIH)

Chase walks inside the agency, towards the elevator stepping in, his mind lingering on what Renee told him about him focusing on his life. 'Am I too focused on work?' He thought. He saw how to hurt Renee was telling him about it, she was guilty because he was focusing too much on them. He never put much thought into it. 

He steps out of the elevator walking along the long hall. His life was more of being an agent and that's who he is. 'Love'. He never experienced such a thing before, he just wants nothing more. 'The black ghoul'. He thought darkly, that was all he wanted. He turned to the next hall but bump into someone.

Lorna gasp raising her head, she saw Chase who had a stern expression. 'Oops! This is not good'. She thought in her head, the last thing she wanted was his stern expression that was always present on his face.

"Am sorry sir, I should have seen where I was going" Lorna said forcing smile.

He smiled at her back but it didn't reach his eyes as he walks past her. Lorna sighs frustrated.

"Sir did I do something to piss you off, cause I will like to know," she said turning to him.

Chase halt in his steps.

"Did I do something wrong?" she asked again. He slowly turned to her.

"Focus on your duty agent Hart," he said firmly. The way he said her name made her shiver slightly, she gulps hard.

He walks away. 

"I will make sure you find me in high regard," she said in high pitch voice but he ignored her.


Chase sighs taking his seat, he ran his hands in his head. He took a deep breath in thought.

"You have to endure," he told himself.

He had to no matter how hard it was.

Kris walks into Chase's office, a file in his hand.

"Sir, we found the V-ghoul body but he was already killed," he said, Chase's eyes drift to him.

"Who killed him?" he demands. 

"We believe it must have been the ghoul after him that agent Hart reported about," Kris said handling a file to him.

"This is the autopsy report, we have done several on ghouls but this one proves different" Kris said. Chase went through it.

"Their genes are more aggressive and out of control, something must have triggered those qualities, making them different from the other ghouls" he adds.

"They must have given in to hate and anger just like us humans when we give in to violence but theirs reacts differently because they are ghouls," Chase said in realization.

He smirks but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Fucking ghouls" he cursed. 'They just keep coming. Is there an end to all this?'. He thought.

"This could be bad, we never notice this, not once. But why, why now, why would they chose to come out now, there must be a reason, a purpose" Chase said in deep thought.

"They must have a leader" he adds darkly.

Suddenly the alarm went off.

Mia rushed in.

"Sir there a ghoul attack at section seven," she said haste.

"And the ghouls are identified as a V-ghouls by our surveillance" she adds.

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