Chapter 51 - Black Demand

"I want everyone ready, we are going in soon," Chase said as they got ready.

"We got some info, there are hostages," Jesse said. Chase pause.

"Hostages?! Ghouls don't keep hostages" Chase said puzzled.

"But these are V-ghoul's sir," she said.


They turned, Lorna walks toward them.

"What is it agent Hart" he demands. 

"There's a call for you, from inside," she said. Chase blinks. 

They walked towards the van that held computers and comm. They handed Chase a comm.

"Yes," Chase said darkly.

"Hello, agent Wyatt or should I call you Chase," Wayne said through the comm. 

"I believe I have been calling your cell but you're not responding," he said.

"What?!" Chase said puzzled as he reaches for his phone, he froze when saw the missed calls from Renee.

"I guess you understand now," he said amused. Chase's eyes widen. 

"No" he trembles. 

"Yes agent, I believe her name is Renee and her son Rex, such handsome young boy," he said.

"If you touch them I will kill you," Chase said pissed.

Wayne laughed, it sounds from the comm. 

"We are ghouls Chase, what do you expect and beside my Claw is hungry," he said amused.

Chase paled. Lorna watches him with shaky eyes.

"Hear my demands and they live, it's as simple as that" he added.

Chase gulps hard.

"Chase, Chase" he heard her voice from the speaker.


"I want your Captain, you have two hours to comply with my demand, or else she and her son will be nothing but pieces for you to pick up along with every man, woman, and child in here" he warned darkly.

"Am sure you don't wanna bear that kind of burden Chase". The call cut.

Chase leaned on the car for balance as his fist tightened in anger.

"Chase" Lorna said worriedly.


Section Three 

Ghoul Investigators Headquarter (GIH)

"I see," Barbra said as the call cut, she just heard the news from an agent, she rises to her feet grabbing her jacket. She had a stern expression as she walked out of her office.

"Get the car ready," she said to her agent who nodded, she was accompanied by others.

'So the V-ghoul's are now making demands'. She thought darkly. 'Then they will get exactly what they want'. She smirks darkly.

Section Seven

New York Mall

Iris and Rory were in the crowd as they watch the scene, about three ghouls with them. They stayed within unnoticed, they couldn't be spotted because of the uproar going around.

"The V-ghoul's are now taking hostages, they must be after something," Iris said certainly.

"I believe we will find out very soon," Rory said.

Iris's eyes drift to the building.

"They got all the place surrounded, it would be hard to get in".

"We will find a way," Rory said looking around. He hoped they would, they had to get inside that building.


Section Seven

New York Mall

Lorna's body trembles from an unknown cold, she quickly reaches for her jacket pocket bringing out her meds, she swallowed some pills. She took deep breaths calming a bit. 

"Calm down Lorna," she told herself, sighing.

"Are you okay?!" Jesse asked worriedly seeing how paled she was.

"Yeah, am fine," Lorna said forcing a smile.

"I didn't know you take meds," Jesse said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, this?" Lorna said shaking the small container.

"It's for my anxiety issues, it keeps my nerves down" she adds.

Jesse just nodded.

"I wonder how agent Wyatt is doing, his family is caught up in this mess," Lorna said.

"Not good I guess. It's unbelievable, V-ghouls keeping hostages and making demands?" Jesse said stunned.

"There's something always off about this city" she adds shaking her head.

Lorna gulps hard her eyes drifting to the building.

About three SUVs pulled up at the scene. Barbra got down along with her agents. Lorna and Jesse turned.

"I wonder why they want my aunt," Lorna said worriedly.

"She's the Captain of the agency and the Order, your aunt is the biggest figure, why won't they hunt her," Jesse said facing her.

Lorna knew this was true, her aunt was a very important figure that's why she chose in the first place to live her life differently and work her future herself. She didn't want to be part of this hunting parade. 

"I will be right back," Lorna said walking towards her aunt.

Chase walked towards Barbra his expression was unreadable.

"You're an hour late," Chase said impatiently.

"I understand how you're feeling right now Chase" she began placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I assure you I will do everything in my power to help Renee and her son, trust me" she assured him.

Chase just nods.

"The V-ghoul's want me, we will give them just that" she adds smirking.

Chase blinked there must be something up her sleeves but Chase choose to ignore it, he was more worried about Renee and Rex.

"Aunt" Lorna rushed to her side.

"I will be fine Lorna just stay with the rest of the agents until I make my call," Barbra said knowing what she was about to say.

"I have everything under control now stick to your post" she adds. 

"Yes, Aunt" Lorna's eyes slowly drift to Chase who paid no attention to her.

"Shall we?" Barbra said walking towards the other agents. 

Chase was about leaving but Lorna held his jacket slightly.

"Everything will be okay sir" Lorna assured him.

Chase gave her a look like she was in no position to say that. He walked away not saying a word.

"Are you are willing to do this, who knows what they will do when they get their hands on you?" Chase said following Barbra behind.

Barbra took off her suit jacket, taking two mini-guns from an agent.

"Really?!" Chase scoffs. 

"Going in armed?" he adds. 

"I can't take that risk Chase, we have never dealt with this kind of ghouls before, precautions must be taken. It's okay I will be the only one going in armed, you don't have to" she stated firmly as she hid the gun at her back, putting back on her suit jacket.

"Let's just hope they keep their end of the bargain. I will try my best to get them out" Barbra said sternly. 

"Let's go," she said turning to the building. Chase followed behind. 'Just wait Renee, Rex, am coming'. He thought.


Rory walks back to Iris. Iris was busy studying the scene, she watches as Barbra and Chase walked into the building alone. 'The V-ghoul's wants the Captain of the agency, uncle was right they must be after something, let's hope their leader is in there too'. She thought.

"I checked for any means to get into that building, there's no way in," Rory said. 

Iris's eyes drift to the other building beside the mall. 

"Then we will have to use another means," Iris said. Rory's eyes averted to where her gaze was.

"Not only are we going in outnumbered and now we are gonna have to jump to the building," Rory said sarcastically.

"Great just great" he adds. 

"It's the only way Rory we have to get inside and end this" she turns to him. 

"Fine" he groans turning to the others.

"Let's go," Rory said to the other three ghouls they nodded heading out.

"It's your call," Rory said, Iris nods as they walked out.

Inside The Mall

Chase and Barbra took the elevator to the fourth floor.

"Do whatever I say" Barbra said.

"Seems like you have a plan," Chase said certainly. She smirks.

"Not a plan Chase, but a way we will both survive in this," she said amused. 

"Let's hope this your not a plan theory doesn't get anyone killed".

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