Chapter 59 - Black Reason

'I don't understand'






*Heart Beats Slowly*








'Why would he risk his life?'




'Why would the black ghoul risk his life for an agent?' Lorna couldn't wrap her head around it, it was all too much of a shock to process, the only question was why.

"Wh...wh...Why?" she trembles staring deep into his chocolate brown eyes that got her sink in, a feeling from it she couldn't explain, the intense gaze burn into her own, her green eyes searched his for answers, for any kind of explanation of why he would go this far, the more she stares the more she got sink in.

Liam's hand slowly reaches for her, his blood-stained fingers reach for her cheeks, even though it was just a light touch that trailed blood on her cheeks, she shivered just by that light contact, her body reacting to his touch in all sought of way she couldn't explain.

Wayne drew him back, Lorna gasps terrified as her butt lands on the floor, she went back in panic. Wayne growling out deadly as he abruptly smashes Liam to the wall cracks visible from the impact, his claws dug in his shoulder more deeply.

Liam groans in extreme pain, he could hear his shoulder born cracking and cracking, and then it snapped.

"Liam O'Brien, your life is in my hands," Wayne said amused, Liam's answer wasn't what he expected, he thought Liam pursued power just as he did, but turns out Liam was the weak one, he was the strong one, he was the only one that can wield the responsible, all he had to do was consume Liam and then he can become the ghoul king and more wield the black Claw, it was power at his very own disposal and no one could stop him.

Lorna watches the scene petrified to the core knowing that was the end of the black ghoul, this could change everything but still, her body didn't exactly go well with her mind, she felt a slight pain in her chest for him, for the black ghoul. 'What the fuck is wrong with me?' She mentally slaps herself, why would she feel such a thing, she must be going nuts, but Liam's faint chuckle broke her out of that trance, he broke out in a burst of intense laughter that was cold and rang in the hallways.

This caught them off guard. Lorna stares at him with wide eyes like he had two heads. Wayne's smile fading. His dark laughter died down but is still evident in his tone.

"Do you think a wound like this can kill me?"

Lorna paled as Liam's features turned cold and dark, it rose a large amount of killing intent, that got them shaking.

"Think again," he adds, his eyes changed instantly to his ghoul ones, his body vibrating in dark shadow.

Wayne roars in response deepening his claws in his shoulder. Liam growls out as he plunges further despite his wound, he places the back of his foot on the wall pushing his body further at Wayne. He was petrified by Liam's bizarre move as he spins around and twisted his arm tearing it off. Wayne roars in pain, circling on his feet.

Liam got to the ground turning to Wayne holding his cut-off arm as blood spill out. His broken arm spins back to the socket, healing gradually.

Lorna watches in horror at this, what he just did was insane, her body was left paralyzed where she was. 

Wayne's body slowly went back to its normal human form. He coughs out blood due to his Claw within him injured.

Liam walks towards Wayne in a haunting footstep. Wayne knew Liam was coming for him and he was good as dead, he imagined all the horrifying ways he could die in his hand and it wasn't pleasant, he had to think of a way to get out of this and survive for another day, his Claw within him was deeply injured and there was no way it could come out in that state, his only option was for him to survive on his own.

Wayne's eyes spot the gun on the floor, it was a saving grace for him as he quickly took it in speed and fired at Liam but he dodges it with simple moves, Wayne paled as Liam kept coming despite his advances, there was only one other option and he hated it to the core but that was all the chance he got. He made a run for it, cursing at his retreat.

Liam wanted so bad to go after him but he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, he held it groaning, yes it was healing but it still hurt like hell, it ached and was sore.

"Dammit," he cursed pissed, he just missed his chance of completing the mission. He stood upright, his eyes drifting to Lorna, their gaze pins each other down once one. She stared deep into his ghoul eyes unable to say anything, whenever their eyes met it was like time stops around them because of the way he looks at her. She gulps.

Lights flashes into the lobby through the window, it was from choppers circling outside.

Liam slowly walks towards Lorna, she panics at his action but her body didn't respond. 'Get up dammit!'. She cursed herself but her body didn't make any move, pure fear clung to her at that moment.

He stood in front of her and squats, leaning close, her breath caught, their faces inches apart from each other, she could now see his handsome features, bits of his brown hair fell on his forehead perfectly, and it intrigued her.

His hand reaches for her, tears fell from Lorna's eyes. 'Am gonna die'. Lorna thought closing her eyes and trembling, hoping for the worst but then it was just a gentle cold touch on her flushed cheek, she opens her eyes surprised at the touch against her cheek. Her eyes searched his ghoul ones for answers of 'why' but it was unreadable and cold, all this dark faint affection started when he called her that name and it scared her and chilled her insides, his palm moved slightly against her cheeks, she shivers at the action never taking her eyes off his, their face was so close, so close that she thought he might kiss her.

"I will be back for you" the moment he mouths those words she felt like her heart would give out any second, and he was dead serious when he said those words, she could see it in his eyes.

"I will" he adds sternly, she gulps hard wondering what he was getting at.

Liam needed to be sure, he needed to dig and find out why the fuck this agent looks like his Riley, he would have preferred to swamp her off her feet and carried her in his arms and away, far away until he got his answers, but still, he couldn't take that risk, it would raise suspicions, which he didn't want right now. Being this up close to her he could see his Riley, every little detail about her, her smooth skin he would love to run his hands through, those pump pink lips he would love to devour.

"AGENT HART" a voice came in, breaking Liam out of his trance, he stiffens a bit realizing that maybe her name, it made him unease as doubt cloud his thoughts and all possible reason of this agent being his Riley all gone, sternly Liam rise to his feet and backs away from her without turning, he halts.

Ghost zaps in through the broken wall that leads to the other lobby, he stood behind Liam as he growls. He turned to Lorna.

"Riley" Ghost said.

Lorna gasps at the sound of the dark double voice. This discovery gave her more shock. 'His Claw can talk?' she was petrified, but that wasn't her main concern but the shocking thing the black ghoul just told her, he will be coming for her.

"HART!" the voice came in again but this time closer.

Liam's body vibrated in black shadow so did Ghost as their body phase. Lorna watches the action with shaky eyes as their body merges into something like a black tall shadow in the shape of Ghost's Claw form, black wings spreading out.

"Agent hart!" Chase calls again as he rushes into the lobby, he froze when he saw the shadow but it was too late as it flew out of the window into the distance far ahead, in a wave of speed.

"The black ghoul," he said certain, he cursed knowing he missed the chance to face him, his eyes drifts to Lorna who was paralyzed where she was, unable to move from her position. Chase watches Lorna with curious eyes like he was waiting for something.

Lorna was lost in her head replaying everything she experienced at the hand of the black ghoul, her eyes lingering at where Liam once stood, her mind was unable to process what just happened, she had only one question that haunted her.

"Who's Riley?!"

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