Chapter 6 - Black Choice

Riley and Jenna were out of the store looking for an exit but according to Evan, the G.I agents were already on their trail.

"Evan find us a way out of here fast," Riley said looking out the window were several SUV was packed, agents out. Jenna paced in the room in a panic.

"What are we gonna do Riley?" Jenna asked haste. Riley's fist tightens, her comm sounded.

"There's no way out, the G.I has eyes everywhere, the moment you step out of that room you're done," Evan said.

"You know what to do" he adds.

"I see," Riley said offing the comm, she turned to Jenna who was stiff.

"Remember when I said, there might be a situation where you have to kill agents," Riley said darkly, Jenna swallowed.

"That time is now".


Liam got out of the taxi as it drove off, an alarm was blowing inside the hospitals as the agent's flood in, the press was already there ready to fabricate more news.

"I repeat we have multiple killings in the building I need more agents".

Liam turned when he heard the words coming from Drake in a distance. His eyes widen at the news, his sister wasn't a killer there was no way she would do that no way. That moment a loud sound came, his head shot up to the twelve floors where the sound came from, a body burst out through the window and landed on the ground causing a bloody mess, screams sounded everywhere. Liam stood frozen his eyes were not on the body that fell but at the window where a black feminine Claw was and it was Jenna's there was no doubt about it. His mouth was left apart unable to form the right words in this chaos. The Claw disappeared back inside.

The siren blows loudly as more police cars surround the front of the hospital and more agents came. Liam was still, as he watches the scene. 'Jen did all this?'. He thought swallowing hard. He looked sideways confused. He ran his hands in his hair stressed out, his eyes drifted to a window near a bit of bush, he looked around, everyone was focused on all the front windows and doors but not the one near the bush.

Making sure he wasn't spotted he rushed to it, the window was sealed, he looked for anything around him he could use to burst his way in, he spotted a stone, he used it to break the window using his hand to find the handle, it clicked, he climbed in. It leads to abandoned storage that was dark, he took his time before he could find the door, it leads him to a room that had pipelines, his eyes drifted to the stairs. He quickly made his way towards it.



An SUV drove in, Chase got down from the car, adjusting his jacket, his eyes scanned the chaos, he walked to the control center where Drake was leading the force.

"Sir" Chase said, Drake's eyes drifted to him.

"It's about time you came here" he hissed.

"Traffic sir," Chase said.

"What is the status, sir" he adds.

"Well it's messed up, the ghouls in there are not giving the agents chances, there are tons of hostages in there and I don't know if they are alive or not," Drake said frustrated.

"Prepare yourself" he turned to Chase.

"You're going in with the next unit".

"Yes sir".



Liam's eyes scanned the scattered lobby, the lights shaking, he checked if there were any agents but none, a chopper passed from outside showing lights, Liam hid behind a wall, it took some time before he ventured further searching every room. He got to another floor, the moment he stepped in, he stepped on blood, his eyes widen when he saw various bodies of agents and what shocked him the most, the bodies of some nurses and doctors, he gasped shakily as he leaned on a wall. He froze when he heard a gunshot.

"Jen" he panicked as he rushed to the sound, it came from another lobby.

"Jen!" he called the moment he got there, about three agents turned seeing him who pointed their gun at Jenna's Claw.

"Liam?" Jenna said with wide eyes.

"Jen" he stepped forward.

"Don't move" an agent hissed about firing but another Claw jumped at their front, it attacked them until they were devoured. Riley stepped forward as she stepped on the blood.

"What are you doing here Liam," she said sternly.

"What am I doing here?" Liam said unbelievingly.

"Just look at the fucking mess you guys caused, you're killing like mindless monsters" Liam hissed.

"If you think we are doing this on purpose, we are not," Riley said.

"Then explain the bodies of those innocent people" Liam hissed.

"It was the agents" Jenna caught in. His eyes landed on her.

"They spotted us and they opened fire, they were just unfortunate being in the front lines," she said.

"Unfortunate? Jenna what the fuck are you even doing here, you're supposed to be in the underground away from all this but" he lost it running his hands in his hair.

"Riley needed help Liam, the people at the underground needed help" Jenna reasoned.

"So stealing and killing agents is the help huh," Liam said.

"We didn't have a choice" Riley hissed.

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT" Liam shouted, Riley's look darken, he tore his eyes away from her facing Jenna.

"Our life is destroyed Jenna, we were almost at peace away from the world but rather you chose to do this" Liam said.

"It's my choice Liam, not yours" she looked away, Liam let out a gasp of surprise at her words.



"Sir we have gotten a clear visual of the ghouls," a man said from Drake's comm.

"Shoot them" he ordered.

"I want all units in that building in a minute".

"Yes sir".



Instantly Jenna's Claw snap so did Riley's, they sensed something. Jenna's eyes widen in realization.

"LIAM LOOKOUT" Jenna shouted, Liam turned but it was too late, the chopper came from nowhere and fired a bomb. It caused a huge explosion sound as everything went blank.

Jenna gasped opening her eyes as Riley helped her up, Jenna groaned in confusion as she tried to gain her vision, everything was a blur, her ears sounded like rings.

"Jenna" Riley called her name but it was like a faint sound, inaudible. Her vision cleared as she searched for her brother, she spotted him but the destroyed building separated them, blood trailed from his head as he struggled to stand.

"Liam" Jenna called as he turned to her relieved she was okay, but then he saw lights, he knew the agents were coming.

"Riley gets Jenna out of here" Liam hissed.

"No, we have to get you out," Riley said.

"JUST GO" he shouted. Riley gasped as the agents came at the other end where Liam was. She turned to Liam as their eyes met, everything else was in slow motion, Riley was about to speak.

"It's the only way," Liam said turning his back.

"Let's go, Jenna," Riley said looking away as her chest twisted from a newfound pain.

"What no, no am not leaving my brother no" Jenna cried as Riley dragged her away.

"NO NO NO LIAM" she cried, Riley pulling her back as they left.

The agents came and saw Liam, Chase stepped forward, their eyes meet.

"We meet again Liam O'Brien," he said darkly. Liam was silent.

"Cuff him" Chase ordered as an agent came to Liam and pulled him to his knees, his hands behind as the agent cuffed him, Chase's eyes scanned the scene but no ghouls.

"Some brother you are," Chase said, Liam's eyes drifted to him.

"Risking your life for your sister," he said.

"I will do anything for her," Liam said stern, Chase let out a weak smile.

"Let's see how long that lasts".


"The incident at the New York General Hospital has been uncovered to be no other than the work of ghouls, the G.I agency believes the mastermind behind it, is the black ghoul and one other ghoul yet to be identified. Several innocent people were killed during this chaos. The black ghoul is now posing a huge threat to the--".

Nicole clicked on the remote before she could hear more, she sighed pulling her hair backward, she turned standing to her feet as she got to her room window, the gates were opened, her dad car drove in, she rushed out.

Xavier's eyes were fixed on his watch as he walked into the mansion, he halted when he saw Nicole standing in front of him.

"What is it Nicole?" he asked walking past her. He knew what she was about to say.

"It's about Liam and his sister," she said following behind they both climbed the stairs.

"There's nothing I can do, his sister is a criminal and he's siding with her," he said.

"Of course he will, she's his sister," she said. Xavier halted turning to her.

"I just found out you were dating this Liam O'Brien, you came to me pleading I should let him off the hook if he turned his sister in but he refused".

Nicole looked away.

"You said so yourself" he adds, Nicole was about to say something.

"And now you're siding for both of them" he reasoned.

"Because it's what's right," she said.

"Siding with ghouls isn't right, you of all people should know that" he hissed. Nicole's eyes landed on his bag, she saw a file sticking out, the tip said Liam O'Brien. She swallowed.

"Yes dad you're right, I shouldn't be siding with ghouls, sorry for disturbing you," she said turning back downstairs. Xavier just sighed going up.

Nicole halted turning. 'Why does dad have a file on Liam, I thought Jenna was the only threat'. She thought puzzled.


Section One

Ghoul Underground.

"What were you thinking Riley do you have any idea how much damage you have caused" Allen hissed pissed, Riley looked away.

"Everything was going according to plan, but the cameras were well monitored," she said.

"I told you it was too risky but yet you did it and dragged Jenna into this and now Liam is taken to a place we have no idea" Allen said frustrated.

"I will take full responsibility for what happened," Riley said, Allen sighed.

The Door Clicked Open.

They turned. Jenna walked in with bloodshot eyes from crying.

"Please" she began crying.

"Please we have to find Liam, please" she cried.

"It's all my fault, if I would have just stayed put none of this would have happened" she broke.

Riley walked towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Evan is searching every section in the city, don't worry we will find him, and I will bring him back, I promise" Riley assured her, she nodded hugging Riley as she cried, Riley froze at this action, she made no move to wrap her arms around her, she remembered when she looked into Liam's eyes, that moment, she blinked at the thought.

"Don't worry we will find him" she said wrapping her arms around her.


Somewhere In Section Ten

Liam could hear sounds of water dripping, his eyes slowly opened, he looked around weakly, he was in a wide room with dim lights, but the sun reflected through the windows, it was the only source of light in the wide warehouse. He tried to move but he found out he was cuffed to the chair.

"Hello, Liam".

His head shot up when he heard a voice, his eyes caught a figure in a distance that walked to him, he swallowed when the man came to the light. Xavier smiled taking his seat in front of him, Liam turned when he heard another noise, a man in white came rolling a table that had several knives on it, Liam's eyes widen as he turned to Xavier, who smirked.

"Let's start with something simple shall we".


Jose Mansion

It was hours since Nicole's dad left, this was a perfect opportunity. Nicole slightly opened the door to her dad's study room, she walked in shutting the door from behind. She rushed to the table searching for Liam's file.

"Where is it?" she said turning to face the shelves, she got to it and searched, opening everything, checking every file in place but nothing, she looked around the office running her hand in her hair confused. When Liam asked for her help she should have helped him but she was blinded by the law, she shouldn't have hesitated, she would make things right, she just hoped it wasn't too late to make amend.

Her eyes drifted to his table, she blinked walking towards it, she turned to where the chair was and squat checking the table, she felt her hand on it and opened something that showed a password input.

"Really dad," she said sighing, she tried a password she knew it was the right one and it opened, it was always the date her mom died.

She opened the shelf and saw series of classified files, she searched for Liam's and found it, she quickly opened it going through it, she saw his picture something written on it, she froze.

"Captured?" she gasped as she searched for a location until she found it.

"Section 10".


Hours Later

Section Ten


Sound of screams of pain could be heard as the knives came in contact with Liam's chest, he took a harsh breath as the man finally stopped, his blood flow through his chest to the floor, dripping like water.

"Let's start again, where is your sister and where is the ghoul underground located," Xavier said losing his patience. Liam laughed slightly despise the pain he was in.

"You think this is funny?. Your life is in the line here" Xavier hissed, Liam spat blood on his face.

"Screw you," Liam said a stern, Xavier slowly wipes the blood off his face with his thumb. He smiled facing Liam.

"Make sure you torture him until his last breath, he's no use to us," Xavier said rising to his feet not breaking eye contact with Liam.

"You made a big mistake Liam and now you have to pay for it," he said turning to leave, Liam burned hate on Xavier until he exits the warehouse, the man on white sharpened his knives.

"Let the fun begin," the man said bringing out a syringe, Liam's eyes shook as he watches the liquid spill slightly from the tip of the needle.


Section One

Ghoul Underground

"I found him". The moment Evan said that everyone rushed to him.

"Where is he?" Jenna demanded.

"He's in section 10 at an old warehouse," Evan said.

"But the place is guarded by agents" he adds.

"Sean, Paige let's go," Riley said about leaving.

"Am coming with you" Jenna said unwaveringly. Riley turned to her. She knew that there was no way to talk Jenna out of this.

"Then let's go".


Section Ten


They waited patiently in the woods, they watch the guard's movement, their face covered.

"Sean, Paige you two take care of the guards, me and Jenna will take care of the ones inside," Riley said, they nodded as they came out and their Claw surged out, shots were fired at once as the Claw's attacked.

Nicole arrived in a car in a distance, she parked getting down, she gasped when she heard gunshots, panicking she rushed towards the warehouse she didn't know if she could get there in time but she just hopes she would, for Liam's sake.

Jenna and Riley were able to make their way inside, there was only one light in the wide room, Jenna's eyes scanned everywhere until she met a sight that left her trembling.

"Liam," she said heartbroken as she saw the state her brother was in, his chest had series of cuts everywhere, he was in the pool of his own blood, his head downwards like he was drugged, the man torturing him turned and moved back when he saw them, Jenna's eyes changed, without hesitation, her Claw came at the man, he shouted as he ran but the Claw came at him devouring him instantly. Riley stood frozen watching the state Liam was in as Jenna rushed to him.

"Liam! Liam!" Jenna said but he didn't answer he was unconscious, her Claw came behind and broke the cuffs, she held him steady before he could fall hugging him tightly, not minding the blood getting to her.

"Liam" she cried as her trembling fingers felt the cuts at his back, she broke.

"Am so sorry, am so so sorry this is all my fault" she cried.

"Am sorry please please wake up" she sobbed. Riley's eyes shook watching the scene that gave her pain in her chest. He would have talked, he would have told them their located, where Jenna is, for his own safety but yet he took it all, he took it just to protect his sister.

"What kind of guy are you Liam," Riley said softly.

"Liam please wake up," Jenna said crying.

Liam slowly opened his eyes, pain shocking his body but that's wasn't his concern right now.

"Jen," he said faintly. Jenna gasped breaking the hug.

"Liam" her eyes filled with tears more, Liam forced a smile despite the pain he was in as he cleaned her tears.

"Don't cry, am fine" he assured her.

"No you're not," Jenna said sobbing.

"This can't kill me," he said. Sean rushed in with Paige.

"Guys we have to go one of the agents set off an alarm, agents will be flooding here soon," Sean said.

"Let's go," Jenna said helping Liam up, Sean rushed and helped as they took him out of the warehouse, Liam's whole body shock in pain, everything was spinning in his vision.

"Liam". They halted when they heard his name.

"Nicole," Jenna said with wide eyes, Liam slowly turned as their eyes meet, she gasped as tears filled her eyes when she saw the state he was in.

"Liam," she said in tears.

"Let's go," Riley said as they walked out to the forest leaving a heartbroken Nicole.



Section One

Ghoul Underground

Jenna walked to and fro outside a door waiting, Sean came out.

"How is he?" Jenna asked worriedly.

"Well the stitches took some time, hopefully, it won't leave any mark except for some" Sean said, Jenna swallowed.

"But more importantly he's gonna live" he adds smiling, Jenna nodded rushing in. Sean turned and saw Riley leaning on a wall.

"You could go see him" Sean shrugged. Riley looked away, as she turned about leaving.

"You saved him Riley there's no need for you to feel guilty about what happened to him," Sean said.

"Am not feeling guilty" Riley hissed turning to face Sean.

"He had every chance to get away from all this but yet he stayed and got himself almost killed," Riley said. Sean sighed.

"You don't get it? do you Riley" Sean said, she looked away.

"Even ghouls deserve to feel the love you know and Liam's love for his sister is what kept him alive" he adds. Her eyes landed on him.

Liam's eyes slowly opened and met with a brown ceiling, he tried to move his hand but it was paralyzed by the drip, he tried the other one and felt something on it, his eyes drifted and saw Jenna sleeping on it, her hands locked with his, Liam smiled faintly, he forced his other hand to move, it did and he placed it on her head patting it softly, he sighed looking up, he felt a stare on him, he turned to the curtains at the door, the wind blew in as it waved slightly, Riley was there watching him, he blinked cause for once her green eyes were not covered in darkness but light, she had a light expression than usual and she felt sad. Their eyes locked as they both studied each other feelings with their eyes, Riley forced her eyes away as the darkness came back, she turned to leave, the curtains flapping as Liam watch her disappear. Liam turned back to face the ceiling. 'Ghouls can never have a normal life. That thought kept lingering in his mind, Jenna will never have a normal life, but Liam would choose, he won't let that thought destroy Jenna's future, never again, he will put an end to all this, once and for all.


One Month Later

Section Three

G.I Headquarters (Medical Unit)

Chase walked through the slide doors, Max was already on his feet packing his things, he turned as Chase stepped in, he smiled.

"Finally out of this cozy room," Max said amused.

"Am glad you're okay" Chase said.

"Yeah I am and finally I can see Renee," Max said.

"Wanna come with" he offered, Chase was about to say something.

"I actually need a ride," Max said, Chase let out a laugh forgetting what he was about to say.



Section Four

Cody Resident

"I just hope I don't get a beating than a welcome" Max said amused.

"Am sure she won't put up a fight" Chase said pushing a button that rang inside, it took some seconds before a woman opened the door, she gasped when she saw Max.

"Hi honey," Max said smiling.

"Max," she said tearily as she hugged him tightly.

A few Hours Later

"No working until after the baby okay," Renee said packing their plates.

"I can't promise," Max said, Renee made a face.

"Chase please you're his best friend talk to him since he won't listen to his wife," Renee said rolling her eyes as she walked to the kitchen.

"She's right you know" Chase shrug.

"So now you're taking her side" Max raised an eyebrow.

"Come on Max you're gonna be a father soon, just stay with your family" Chase reasoned.

"There won't be a family when ghouls keep moving around," Max said.

"Yeah that one I can agree with," Chase said leaning on his chair, Max's eyes drifted to Renee at the kitchen, he smiled.

"Families are the best thing in the world that's why we do everything we can to protect them," Max said facing Chase, he nodded.

"You're always afraid of starting a family because you're afraid of the world" he adds.

"Come on Max".

"That's why you're still single".

"Shut up" Chase looked away, Max just let out a laugh.

"Trust me, a family is the best thing that can ever happen in this messed-up city" he shrugged. Chase sighed.

"Say that to the brother and sister on the run," Chase said sternly.


Section Eight

Nicole came out of a book store walking towards her car, she checked her bag for her keys when her phone rang, she stared at the number strangely until she picked.

"Hello?" she said but no answer.


"Nicole". She froze when she heard Liam's voice she almost had a heart attack just hearing it.

"Liam," she said shakily as hope that he was still alive creped through her body, after a month she finally heard from him.

"We need to talk".

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