Chapter 61 - Black Visit

One Week Later

Lorna's Residence 

Lorna opened her fridge reaching for a bottle of wine, she took the bottle out, sighing.

"Yeah Jesse, am fine and I will surely be at work on Monday, no need to worry," Lorna said on a call. It has been a week and she was a bit okay now, but her partner was always worried about her, and it was Jesse who kept telling her to get a check-up in the agency medical center and of course, she didn't agree to it because she knew she was perfectly fine, the only hurt was her head from constantly thinking about the encounter with the black ghoul, it still hurts!.

"I know Lorna, it's good you're okay now, what you just need is an assignment to get your head back in the game," Jesse said through the small earplugs Lorna had in her ears.

Lorna pours the wine into her glass.

"Exactly what I need," Lorna said drinking.

"And about those files" she adds. 

"Yeah, I have uploaded them to your laptop, all footage of the city, possible info's I could find about the black ghoul, and remind me why you wanna look into it again?".

"I will tell you once we see," Lorna said.

"Okay, bye and see you on Monday".


The call cut.

Lorna sighs, staring at her wine in the glass, she took a moment before, she pulled out her earplugs and walked to her bedroom, she quickly changes to her light lavender short nightwear gown, with tiny hand strings, she was most comfortable around this, wearing nothing beneath, it was just her in the apartment, it wasn't like she was expecting a visitor or anything, she was new to New York she had fewer friends at the moment, although she had Jesse they weren't exactly close, yet.

She walks towards the mini dining set, placing her iPhone laptop on the table, taking a sit. She opened it, seeing notification of the file uploaded to her. She smiled knowing that Jesse wouldn't disappoint her.

She clicked on it, series of footage was shown and some information about the black ghoul. She opens the footage as several came up, she scans through it, and then she got to footage of 2019.

"First sightings of the black ghoul, after all these years thinking there wasn't a greater threat. The black ghoul Jenna O'Brien" Lorna read the contents as she clicked on the footage during a train attack as her black Claw surge out and attacked the agents.

"Liam O'Brien's sister was the black ghoul?" she said puzzled as she clicked on the profile and saw Jenna's picture. 'They look alike'. She thought, at the bottom, she saw 'Parents deceased, no further information'.

Lorna clicked on another footage.

"We thought we had the black ghoul but we just found out we are still far away from the threat and then it became known to us that Liam O'Brien was the black ghoul from the start and not his sister," Lorna said as she watched the footage. She watches how Jenna died, the footage wasn't clear but she could make it out. Liam crying as then suddenly he screamed and something came out of him and attack the agent leaving none alive. 

"Ghost," Lorna said in realization as she gulps hard, seeing the horrifying massacre of the agents, and what struck her the most was when he devoured his sister, she closed her mouth with her hand at the scene, she was petrified to the core at this, The black ghoul was a dangerous man, she started to rethink the faint dark affection she shown her, who would ever love such a guy as sick and twisted as he was, what was in that Riley girl's head to love such a man?

She clicked on another one unable to watch further.

"The Black ghoul single-handedly stormed the most impenetrable prison 'Steel' for just one ghoul," Lorna said as her eyes widen when she watches the footage of killings at Steel. 'For just one ghoul?' she thought stunned, he was nuts.

"Riley Leah" Lorna said clicking on the profile, she paled when she saw Riley's picture. She gulps hard, it was like staring at a mirror seeing her very own reflection, the difference was Riley was a natural red hair and she wasn't, the rest was identical, was this even possible? She did believe in doppelganger existing but this was breathtaking.

"I do look like her" Lorna said unbelievably. She shakily clicks on another footage.

"The black ghoul attacks the agency, killing our best agent, the ghoul killer", it was just writing and then her eyes caught small footage to it, she clicked on it and watch the death of Riley Leah and Liam flying out with Ghost. She replayed it once more.

"She died in his arms," Lorna said as her eyes lingered on the video.

"So did his sister" she shut her laptop. 

"And now he's after the agency" she adds on her chair, one of her knees up against her chest, she stares at the white ceiling.

"What a broken guy," she said with a thoughtful face, yes a broken guy and a sick twisted killer at that, that was she certain about there was no two ways about that. But still, though Rex survived at the hands of the black ghoul, which was still a mystery according to Chase report, he was there just in time before Ghost devoured him, But Lorna knew deep down that wasn't the case here, because the black ghoul would have just asked his Claw to devour the boy right there, but instead, he sent him out, what could explain such a thing, was he protecting Rex or asked Ghost to devour him for the latter.

She sighs facing downwards, she didn't wanna bore her head in thinking about the black ghoul's actions, reaching for her wine but a noise came in.

She automatically turned to the glass doors with the white curtains swirling around due to the wind, because the doors were slightly open, and worse the noise came from there, from the balcony. She mentally cursed herself for leaving the doors open, she had forgotten that this was New York and anything can happen, anything.

Quickly reaching for the gun she kept a few distances away from her on the table out of instinct, her eyes still fixed on the doors as the cool breeze made the curtains dance, was it just her or that everything was just so quiet right now, like literary no sound at all just her heartbeat and it freaked her out.

Grabbing the gun she quickly rises to her feet, pointing at the window as she approached it slowly, careful not to draw attention to herself that she was coming.

She peeks just her head, turning sideways, her eyes observing the medium space, but nothing just the dark space, she looked up at the ceiling the lights were busted.

"Great," she said sternly, now she had to get a new one.

Stepping out fully and observing the space more, the cool breeze blew against her skin, she shivered, rubbing her arms, making a shivering noise. She steps further to the edge of the pillar line and looked down, the neighborhood was just calm as usual, with city night lights everywhere.

"Am just overreacting" she said sighing as she turned.

She rubs her eyes walking back to the glass doors, she felt sleepy and that was the number one thing she would do once she's back inside, to crash on her bed.

Suddenly the hairs at the back of her neck stood up in alert, her eyes slowly widen as she gasps in realization, she felt something like a black shadow behind her, in a panic she turns pointing her gun but like a blink of an eye, the shadow came at her pushing her body against the wall, hard. She gasps at the impact as he held both her wrist, locked together in his tight grip above her head, her gun falling to the ground from the impact, his height towered over her, she was but a small doll in his presence.

Lorna couldn't scream that moment, it was like she lost her voice all of a sudden, the scream she wanted so badly was hung in her throat as she stared at his chocolate brown eyes like she was lost again in them, curse those eyes.

One of his hands was on the wall keeping a space between them, but she wondered for how long.

"I told you I will come back for you," Liam said darkly, his deep dark husky voice sent a shiver down Lorna's spine, it wasn't just the cold anymore, Lorna's heart slammed loudly in her chest, she stared into his chocolate eyes, trembling. The black ghoul came for her like he said he would. 'What now?' Lorna thought in extreme fear that held her voice. 'He's here for me'

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