Chapter 80 - Black Ball (Part 1)

Several SUVs pack in front of an entrance as Chase, Jesse, Peter, and the rest of the team got down, the men dressed in black fitted suits, the ladies dressed in a black gown, all wearing masks also.

The environment is filled with people walking towards the entrance either with a partner or single.

"Fuck this dress is uncomfortable" Jesse hissed quietly, silently cursing under her breath at her long black gown, heavy at the down, she was never a fan of dresses always the easy-going type, if she had a choice in the dress code, she would have gladly worn her jeans.

"Calm it down Jesse it's just for one night," Peter said adjusting his mask properly.

Jesse just rolled her eyes.

"I can't wait for this to be over," Jesse said practically bored already.

"Everyone get in position," Chase said gaining their attention.

They gave a slight nod as they all walked to the entrance, on their way Jesse took glances behind her hoping to catch a glimpse of Lorna.

"Who are you looking for?" Peter asked puzzled noticing her uneasiness.

"Oh nothing," she said nervously.

Peter just gave her a nod.

Jesse looks sideways unable to find Lorna.

'Where the fuck is she?' she thought worried.


Giving their invite to the door name with fake identities and their code announced they were let in, only code names were allowed and not their actual name of existence to keep the higher up ghouls hidden.

Inside the hall was breathtaking, it was wide and decorated majestically, filled with people in blacks all dressed elegantly, either engaged in chatter or whatsoever, a group of instrumentalists played a classical song brightening the mood.

"So creepy," Jesse said quietly knowing very well everyone here was a ghoul.

"Rest assure the perfume we applied will mask our scent" Peter assures her noticing her tensed muscles due to how close they were standing.

Jesse just nods gulping hard, her eyes search the crowd hoping to see Lorna but she was nowhere to be seen.


A limo parks outside, the driver steps down opening the door as Liam steps out, holding Iris's hand as she did also.

"Wow," Iris said stunned.

"It's so..."

"Majestic," Liam said observing the hall, his gaze turns back to Iris, releasing his elbow to her with a smirk.

"Shall we?" Liam said.

Iris smiles locking her hand with his elbow.

"I'm sure you have a plan, we can't risk getting exposed," Iris said as they walk along the red carpet leading to the large entrance.

"Trust me Iris am always prepared" he winks.

Iris gave him a skeptical look as she watches him hand the doorman their invite.

The man froze when he saw the name on the invite.

Iris turns to him puzzled wondering why he hasn't ushered them in.

"Th...the... black ghoul," the man said as he paled.

Iris froze with widen eyes turning to Liam who had a side smirk plastered on his lips.

"What are you waiting for announce us," Liam said amused.

Iris stares at Liam like he had two heads. 'Was this seriously your plan? Really?' she thought in her head panicking, out in the open was risky.

"The Black Ghoul!"

The whole chatter in the hall abruptly stops, as everyone turns to the entrance, with stunning looks.

Even the music came to a stop.

Jesse froze where she was as her heart slams a loud beat.

"You have got to be kidding me," Peter said stun.

Chase's fist clenches tightly as he watches Liam and Iris stroll in, a dark smirk plastered on his lips.

Chase body boils in anger, as a flash of Max and Nicole's cold dead body rang in his head, after three long years the black ghoul was right in front of him, his chance was right in front of him, the cold heart killer that took the most important people in his lives without blinking.

'Liam O'Brien' he thought with a deep scowl against his features.

He slowly reaches for a device in his suit jacket inner pocket, now he was off guard, it was now or never, his chance was granted after years of thinking about nothing but revenge. He took a step forward, his steps louder and louder as he got to Liam.

Liam's attention drifts to the man walking towards them, a hand inside his suit like he was about to pull out something, the man looked familiar, he couldn't quite place who he was because of the mask but he was sure he has seen him before.

Chase pulled his device about exposing it.

'I smell danger' Ghost growls loudly in his head, on impulse Liam's eyes changed to his ghoul ones but Chase didn't waver as he pulled the device about clicking on a button.

A hand stops him,  shifting the device back inside.

Liam watched as a woman wearing a slender black gown, enticing curves shaped out due to the tight gown against her body, she exposed back from her gown style faced Liam, leaving his eyes to feast upon it.

Iris faced him, a spite of jealousy filled her insides noticing his heated glance directed on another female.

"There you are darling," Lorna said stealing a kiss from Chase's lips.

Chase froze at the woman's action, his eyes left ajar as Lorna had her way with him, running her hands up and down his chest, lip going up and down gaining every asses to his mouth uninvited, her lips were soft against his and he loved the feel of it, but who was this woman that caught him by surprise and worse stops his attempt to kill the black ghoul.She slowly pulls away.

"Just play along" she whispers close his to ear. 

'Lorna' Chase thought as his eyes widen in realization.

With a hand on her waist, she turns to Liam and Iris.

When Liam saw her eyes the realization struck him like thousand tons of bricks. There she was, the very agent that made his heartbeat tons of miles, his head in haze whenever he saw her, his very existence shatters because of her, the very agent he heartlessly wants to avoid with every fiber of his bone and focus on his goal, right now here she was dressed in a gown that brought out all her mouth-watering curves, the front of her dress had two dividing holding her pump breast firm and a black net running from the chest down to the waistline to cover her exposed skin. Her face held a black mask looking like peacock feathers.

Liam's eyes silently assess the beauty in front of him, until Chase hand slowly slide around her waist, Liam saw red as his body tense, Ghost growls deeply in his head in response about to come forth and claw the man's hand away but Liam kept him at bay, he didn't know why they were both in a pissed mood because of her, but he didn't care he just wanted that hand-off.

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