Chapter 85 - Black Reports

Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

"Lorna you have got to stop ending up in the hospital, it's too much for my fragile heart to bear," Jesse said taking a seat on her bed where Lorna laid, she smiled.

"Well the hospital keeps calling me," she said sarcastically in a playful manner, she needed Jesse right now, she was the only one that could make her feel better at this point after what she just heard.

"I'm serious Lorna, you have to stop doing that," she said with a pouting face earning a giggle from Lorna.

"Jess it's not my fault I'm at the wrong place at the wrong time" she shrugs.

Jesse sighs in frustration.

"This partner will be the death of me", she rolls her eyes.

"I know you love me," Lorna said amused.

"So how you feeling?".

"Aside from being paralyzed right now, I'm good," she said lifting her arm a bit but it weakly fell back to the bed like an example of her current helpless state.

"Figures, cause Last time I saw you, you were bleeding green blood all over, I'm glad we got there in time before the drug got to your system".

"The drug did get to my system Jess," Lorna said blinking puzzled at her words.

"I'm sorry what now?" Jesse said staring at her like she was crazy.

"The drug did get to my system" she repeats once more and this time, wondering whether Jesse didn't get her point or something.

"Of course it didn't Lorna because if it did you would have been turned by now, like into a Claw walker" she explains.

'I thought doctor Steve said I was immune' Lorna thought puzzled, why was everything different now? But Jesse last words caught her out of her thoughts.

"Claw Walker?", she blinks.

"Yes, that's what they are calling the drug addicts with the ability to transform, it's way better than a drug addict," she said with a roll of her eyes.

"Um, Jess what did my medical reports say? Just curious"

"It's just like I told you, it stated the drugs didn't get to your system that's why you are still you" she shrugs.

"You're good" she adds with a smile.

"I thought I was immune," Lorna said faintly, it was more like a whisper cause she knew in her heart she felt it with every fiber of her bone that she was slowly transforming until she didn't.

"I'm sorry what?" Jesse said not quite catching her words.

Her gaze drifts back to her, she forced a smile against her lips.

"Nothing it's nothing, just feeling dizzy," she said rubbing her temple as an example, Jesse just nods.

'Why are they covering it up, it doesn't make any sense' Lorna thought lost in her head once more. 'Something isn't right'

"Seems like you have a secret admirer," Jesse said pointing at the bunch of roses in a flower pot against the table.

"I don't remember having one," Lorna said puzzled but then her eyes widen as a name rang in her head of who it might be. 'Liam' the thought of his name warms her heart.

Jesse walks up to the flower picking the letter next to it.

"Well this is interesting," she said with a raise of an eyebrow.

"Who is it?" Lorna's voice sounded more haste than she intended it to.

"The almighty Chase Wyatt wishes you quick recovery," she said amused.

"The scarecrow sent those?!"

"Yup," Jesse said popping the word 'Yup' while smirking.

"Well, I didn't expect that".

"Oh really you didn't? I'm sure you know I was right there when you two kissed".

"Come on Jess we were undercover and I was trying to save his neck or he would have gotten himself killed, he practically just always jumps on his instinct" Lorna explains.

"Do I now?" a voice came in at the door, they froze as they turned to the familiar voice.

"Oops!" Jesse made a sound dropping the letter.

"I hope you like roses, Lorna," Chase said amused.

Lorna's mouth hung unable to find the right words to use as her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"Um I'm gonna go, I have paperwork to finish," Jesse said giggling slightly as she left shutting the door behind.

"How are you feeling?" Chase asked breaking the ice as he slowly walks towards her, he was on a white long sleeve shirt folded in his arms and gray pants and shoes.

"Never better," Lorna said forcing a smile.

He stood beside the roses.

"I hope you like the flowers, I don't know what you like so I just got roses," Chase said.

"No no no it's okay, they are lovely," she said trying to sound genuine as possible.

"Rose isn't your flower is it?".

She sighs in defeat.

"Yes," she said.

He laughs slightly, Lorna smiled loving the sound of his laugh.

"You should laugh more sir, it suits you," she said in amusement.

"Call me Chase," he said walking close to her bed.

"Does this mean you finally like me?" she said raising an eyebrow.

"Still debating on that"

"Well I'm glad you like me just a little bit, it warms my heart".

"It's not everyone that would like their boss to hate them" she adds when she sees his frown.

"Well, hate is a strong word" he shrugs forcing a smile.

Lorna just nods.

"I'm sure you have a question concerning what happened at the ball, that's the reason you came here right?" she asked waiting to be thrown lost of questions again, she wonders what the agency thinks of her at this point.

"No Lorna," he said frowning again.

"I came to see how you're doing, the questions can come later"

"Oh" she made a sound shock, she was surprised he came here just to check on her and not to interrogate her like before.

Chase was about to say something but a doctor walked in wearing a white face mask and white laboratory jacket holding a rooster.

"It's time for her meds" his deep voice sounds.

"I guess I will leave you now, take care Lorna," he said with a charming smile before leaving, shutting the door behind.

"I must have hit my head, cause now my boss is suddenly nice to me," Lorna said sarcastically as she stares at the ceiling with a sigh.

The doctor approaches her getting the equipment ready, she pauses for a minute as a realization struck her.

"Wait meds?" Lorna said puzzled remembering she has already taken her meds for today, in response to that the strange doctor zaps the curtains around covering them, Lorna pales at the action.

"W-who a-are y-you?" she panics as the doctor unravels his face mask taking it off, her breath caught.


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