Chapter 98 - Black Club (Part 2)

The music booms loudly with every beat, Liam stood at a corner, one hand in his pocket, the other held a glass of drink he took a sip from. His eyes fixed on the dance floor.

Iris walks up to him, she stood beside him folding her arms.

"Any word on Cain?" he asked not sparing her a glance.

"No nothing" she shrugs.

"Who are you looking for?" She asked noticing his eyes scanning the crowd.

"You're looking for that agent aren't you?" she said rolling her eyes.

Liam ignores her.

"Too bad" she murmurs under her breath, taking her drink.

Liam caught that as his head snaps towards her.


"What?" she snaps facing him with angry eyes.

"You know something don't you," Liam said deadly.

"We are here to catch the drug king, not worry about an agent," she said darkly.

Liam's muscles tensed, something was off, he and Ghost felt it.

"What do you know?" Liam said carefully and deadly like he was ready to snap her neck.

Iris froze at his deadly gaze.

"Liam," she said a bit scared and shock he would give that look, was he being serious right now?

"Liam snaps out of this, I don't understand why you're acting this way over her" Iris fired.

"You have me" she adds softly placing her hand against his chest.

"I thought we had something, we did have something, don't let her come between us," she said with pleading eyes.

With an unreadable expression, Liam walks past her.

Tears threaten to fall from Iris's eyes, but she held them in.

"They spike her drink," Iris said in a shaky breath.

Liam halts his steps instantly.

"I smelt it, they must be onto her but I don't know who" she adds.

Liam's fist clenched in a tight hold, the glass breaking in the process as he walks away, he damn right knows who, and he was itching to rip his heart out if he so much as touch Lorna.


Moans could be heard from a corner as Cain ravished Lorna's lips hungrily, Lorna wraps her arms around his neck in heat, he growls straddling her on the table as he unbuckled his jeans. 'A taste and then it's chow time' he thought, smirking deviously.

"Can't wait to devour you pretty thing" Cain said unbuttoning her jean shorts.

Lorna giggled, biting her lip.

"How about I devour you first," Lorna said licking her lips.

Cain gave her a skeptical look but smirks, waiting in anticipation of what this chick might do.

Lorna grabs his neck pulling him closer but what he got next was not what he expected.

Lorna head buts him breaking his nose instantly, he gave out a loud cry in pain, Lorna quickly pulled out a round device clicking it around his neck, it was Steel to keep him from shifting, She then used her knee to slam his core, hard, he growls out in pain as he leans away.

Lorna got down from the table, spitting in disgust.

"Damn you taste awful," she said cleaning her mouth, she wanted to throw up.

He stares at her in horror, his hands clenched tightly between his legs.

Lorna pulls out a device as it shapes shift to a gun, she points at him.

"You bitch!" he cursed distastefully.

"I drugged you, you aren't supposed to be in your right senses".

"You think I didn't know that, who the heck offers a lady a drink without her asking" she hissed.

"I knew something was fishy, I smelt the drug spiked in it, I knew there was a motive so I acted as I took it" she adds.

"That's impossible, the drug was odorless only a ghoul or a Claw Walker with high senses can smell it," he said stunned.

Lorna froze at his words.

"What the fuck are you?".

Instantly the door was kicked open by Liam as he rushed in but froze seeing the scene, Lorna pulls out another device that shifts into a gun on her right-left, pointing it at Liam.


She pulls the trigger.


*Loud Music Beats*

Natasha's eyes scan the dance floor from the top searching not just for Cain but Lorna, but she was nowhere to be seen, the last time she saw her was at the bar and she just disappears. 

"Anything?" Johnny asked standing next to her.

"Nothing and I can't seem to find Lorna," she said sternly.

She faced Johnny.

"Her comm isn't going through either".

"You seem suspicious of her" Johny said tilting his head to the side.

"There's something fishy, everything about her doesn't seem to add up".

"What makes you say that?"

"I have my hunch and I'm gonna prove it," she said walking away.


Liam's head turns to the wall behind his head, a hole in it, red steams coming out from the bullet, he turns to Lorna with a frown.

"Did you just shoot at me?" he asked stunned.

"I must have missed, I was aiming for your head," Lorna said sternly.

Their eyes burned in each other in a heated glance, but Liam broke the contact knowing they will settle their score later. His fury glance lands on Cain who almost peed his pants from the murder look he gave him.

Liam was itching to rip Cain's heart out.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you for touching her" Liam said deadly.

"You will do no such thing," Lorna said pulling the other gun down, it shifts back to the device.

"I wasn't asking for your permission," Liam said firmly.

"I need him to get to the drug dealer I have a job to do," Lorna said.

In response to that, he rang, the name showing drug king. 

Lorna cocked her gun, pointing it at him once more.

"Answer it" she mouths deadly.

Liam didn't know why but her badass action turned him ON, this agent will be the death of him.

Cain did as he was told but then the call cuts as a message came in. 

"The drug king is here," he said with trembling words.

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