In view of the dishonest situation after a few nights' sleep, an Niang simply did not dare to go to bed. Sitting on the table in front of the window, he worked hard on the drawing design. At first, he could not help fighting with his eyelids. Later, he lay down on the desk and fell asleep with his arms on his pillow.

Li Moshen gets up from the bed and walks gently. Annian's face is all buried in his arm. Li Mo Shen can't see her face, but he can feel her helplessness. He stares at her thin back for a while, and quietly reaches out to hold her. His hand just touches her skin, and the hairy top of his head is lifted up. Li Moshen is unprepared and hard The head touched his nose, ate a pain, touched the tip of his nose, and instantly the bright red blood flowed down from his nose.

Originally sleeping is fragrant an read to wake up, flustered to stand up, asked: "are you ok?"

Cold voice: "it's OK." Turn around and go into the bathroom.

When she came out again, there was a tissue in her nose, which was very funny to Annin.

Holding a smile, he asked carefully after him, "are you ok?"

"Does it look like it's ok?"

Annian couldn't help laughing, "who made you stay up in the middle of the night..." I didn't go on because I was embarrassed.

Li Mo Shen didn't speak. He went over her and lay down on the bed directly. An Nian was staring at his back and laughing.

It seems that you are very angry!

Ann read immediately to get rid of gas, who let him follow her without saying that she still has that poisonous tongue.

After a look at the mobile phone running out of power, I went to the bag to look for the charger. Suddenly, a small box fell out of the bag. It seemed that it was not her thing. She bent down and picked it up. Several small black fonts of the tracker came into view. It was no wonder that he could accurately find her location. It turned out that the tracker was put in her bag.

"Bang Dang", the tracker in his hand smashed out and hit him impartially.

The person on the bed turned over and stared at her like a falcon. "What's crazy?"

"You follow me?"

This question has already been said. Obviously, at this time, he was very impatient to listen to her again, but he noticed the tracker on the bed and immediately understood. Half squinting at her, "do you think this is mine?"

"Isn't it?" An Nian's voice was full of anger.

Li Mo deep disdains smile, turn over to be about to sleep, suddenly seem to think of something, pause, cold voice way: "I Li Mo deep do not need to monitor a woman like this."

"How do you explain this thing?"

Looking at an Nian's indomitable strength, Li Mo Shen turned around again, "explain? Need I explain? Don't you need to know where you went after you separated from him? "

In a word, Annin felt that the world was spinning and the brain was out of control.

Is it true that as he said, Gu Kai put the things in her bag?

She doesn't believe it!

As for Gu Kai, he could have asked her directly. He didn't care to use such a cheap trick.

Therefore, he must be cleaning up the suspicion for himself and slandering Gu Kai in turn.

This night, destined to be sleepless.

Holding the tracker, an Nian sat on the sofa in the living room. If something like this happened, she would like to move out of here now, not to mention staying in the same room with him.

"Niannian, why are you sitting here?" Grandma felt downstairs from upstairs to drink water, and saw her in a daze on the sofa.

"Grandma, how did you get down?" Annian immediately got up and went to help her grandmother.

"Grandma chuckled," the legs and feet of recent exercise are much more agile, and it's not in the way of walking down. "

She helped her grandmother into the sofa. Annian brought a glass of water to her grandmother. She took a few sips and looked at her with a smile, "did you quarrel with the stinky boy?"

Ann thought to shake with the rattle like, said: "No."

Grandma took her little hand and rubbed it. "It's good if you don't have a fight. You have a lot of thoughts. You'd rather hold on to your heart and get sick than say it. You've had this problem since childhood. If he makes you angry, don't pay attention to him. Don't give him the same insight..."

Grandma read fragmentary, Anning nodded, "grandma, I know."

"In fact, Mo Shen is a poor boy. When he was ten years old, his father went out to sketch and met with a landslide. Unfortunately, he died. His mother, who left a fox spirit, ran away with other men. He didn't come back to see him for so many years He was bitter in his heart, but he never said it

"At the beginning of that time, I fought with other children all day and didn't go to school well. One day, I wanted to be a different person. He was very good all day. He devoted himself to study. He was smart and had a little work. I still kept his various awards secretly."

"Before, I was afraid that he would be affected, and I was afraid of getting married. Until you got married, grandma's heart was completely relieved. No matter how unfortunate before, at least I met you. The future is bright Read, you must be good, love and love for a lifetime

At the corner of the room on the second floor, the tall figure leans against the wall, which can't be recalled for a long timeHer throat seemed to be stuck by something, and Ann couldn't say a word.

His childhood, so dark.

Grandma said something, Annie didn't hear a word and went there, only to know that later Grandma drank water and climbed up the stairs. She was the only one left on the first floor of Nuo da. Her grandmother's words occupied all her heart. She had no other thoughts to think about the tracker.

At dawn, Annie woke up in the sofa. To be sure, Annie was licked by the silly chocolate.

Light blue eyes stare at her, as if to say: "shovel excrement officer, I am hungry."

Ann read helplessly touched its thick hair, voice hoarse: "today have good ah?"

"Look for yourself!" The answer was a yell.

An exciting spirit, Annin got up from the sofa and almost fell down.

Standing still and looking at the people in front of you, khaki casual pants and Tri Color polo shirt, the navy blue color of the body keeps the calm charm as always, and the stitching on the sleeves injects a bit of young vitality.

Looks like you're going to play golf?

The corner of the mouth Yang smiles: "Li chief is also really daily, big weekend also does not rest?"

The man approached a few steps, the corner of his mouth with a smile: "love me?"

An Nian Yu Sai "..." Who is distressed, but he was pulled into the wechat group of college students by Lin ChuChu last night. Tang Zitong is in the wechat group and says that he has made an appointment with Li Mo Shen to play basketball today. He is curious and asks.

Look at her pursed lips do not speak, the corner of the mouth smile disappeared, across her, still do not forget cold order: "take your dog good."

Chocolate seemed to understand the words of Li Mo Shen and howled at his back.

"Chocolate, don't yell!" I don't know why, inexplicably some irritability.

Lin ChuChu called to ask her to go out to play with her. Originally, she planned to stay at home with her grandmother, so she refused. However, the crazy girl was a crazy girl. She was very soft and hard. Finally, she threatened her and had to agree.

Grandma sat on the sofa watching TV and asked her with a smile, "what's the matter?"

"A friend asked me out." To be honest, I still feel guilty.

Grandma waved her hand, "go ahead, young people should go out more and have a look, or at the age of grandma, if you want to go out, you can't go out."

Grandma said this, she is more guilty, took grandma's hand, coquettish: "where do you want to go, I push you to go."

"No, grandma has your Aunt Wang with you. Tell Aunt Wang where you want to go. You don't have to trouble you." Grandma's condition has stabilized a lot recently, and her brain is not confused. She only considers everything for them, for fear that she may implicate the child. "Come on, don't make your friend wait."

Reluctantly pulled a smile: "then I promise to go home early and make dumplings for you in the evening."

"Good, good."


An nianwan didn't expect that the place where Lin ChuChu said he was going was a golf club. It was nothing. Who knows that the enemy family is narrow-minded, and they come from the same family. As soon as he enters the door, he meets the rich girl of Tang Zitong, who looks like a dog in the eye: "Oh, who am I? This is not miss ANN, so? You've sold all your bankrupt houses. Do you still want to come here? "

As soon as the sarcastic voice sounded, everyone's eyes were on their side.

For a while, it was embarrassing.

Lin ChuChu stepped forward to protect her behind her. He glared at Tang Zitong, who was smiling angrily. "If you have the energy to manage other people's affairs, you'd better go back and see what kind of little mother your father has found!"

"Shua" once, small face is very white!

"What are you talking about?"

"How dare you! I don't want you to pick me up? If you have time to ask me, I'd better go back and have a look. It seems that I'm a few years younger than you. Tut, I have to open my mouth to call my mother. Do you think it's good to have a good time

"You If you can't make any noise, you'll start it. This is the style of Tang Zitong. He is so angry that he grabs his raised arm. He glares at her and warns, "do you dare to hit her today?"

The bad tone frightened Tang Zitong and Lin ChuChu.

Seeing the unbelievable expression on Tang Zitong's face, annian shook off her hand and took Lin ChuChu to change clothes.

Looking at the two people's far away back, palm big small face twisted into persimmon cake, tore their hearts, had to, in order to confirm what Lin ChuChu said, before he had time to play to go outside, she would like to see the one who dares to be a little mother for her?

The driver was driving so fast that she urged her to come back to see Li Mo Shen. She came here today because of her friend's appointment. She came to pretend to meet Li Mo Shen.

Tang Zitong pushed the door into the magnificent mahogany gate, walked through the living room along the corridor and went upstairs. From the room, there were a lot of disgusting female voices.


The brain is blank for a moment.

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