Just a flash of panic in the man's eyes is because of the word she mentioned: sentenced!

Seemingly inconspicuous flicker, he is actually afraid, the specific what he is afraid of, I am afraid that only his own heart knows.

This time, an Nian is more determined, her guess is not wrong. Endless plot wrapped her, let her subconsciously clench the fist, the face is still silent. At this time, she needs more should be calm, she can't panic herself first, before Li Mo Shen has found her, what she needs is self-help. After calming down her mood a little, she began to smile again. "Mr. policeman, if it's intentional homicide, is it death penalty?"

The crime of intentional homicide, the death penalty, a sharp problem, a harsh word, like a sharp knife, in a man's heart, and another. This time, even the ferocious man next to him could not resist the fear in his heart. He showed a ferocious expression to an Nian and yelled: "nonsense. Before the case is investigated clearly, every word he said may become evidence in court and be held responsible."

As the man talks, an Nian puts his shrewd eyes on him. It may be because the car is too hot, or it may be because he is nervous because he is a bad man. He tore off the collar of a police uniform which represents the justice of the people's police. Even he doesn't know when the button on the collar of his shirt was pulled away by him, which is different from the serious image of the people's police It's not average big.

Xu was discovered by an Nian's eyes. He even said, "it's too hot in this car. Turn down the warm air."

The man in the driver's seat turned his head slightly and glanced back. Without speaking, he turned down the warm air consciously.

Ann read light eyes from the fierce man swept, agreed with the nod, "well, is a little hot."

The man looked at her and warned her angrily: "don't talk. It will be here soon. When it comes to it, speak slowly!"

Annie raised his eyelids twice and turned to look out of the window. It was clear that this road was not driving towards the urban area. It was clear that it was getting farther and farther away from the city center. He was also serious nonsense. He wanted to go to the police station and talk slowly, thanks to their imagination. The younger man saw the difference on annian's face and quickly explained, "we need to go to the scene of the accident to confirm the scene, and then go back to the police station."

Confirm the scene of the accident?

It has been more than two months since the accident happened. They told her that they wanted to confirm the scene of the accident. Who would they lie to?

Don't say it's a wise person who doesn't believe it. Even if anyone has a little knowledge of law, he won't believe them?

As soon as the young man's words were uttered, all the people in the whole body, except Ann Nian, entered a highly tense state. They all looked at her, even the fat man driving.

She wants to ask elder sister is not bad, also unapt to let you so infatuated stare at?

Annian quickly pretended to be OK and gave a slight smile, "Oh, I said, how to get there seems to be something different. Let you say that, I will understand. Is this the way to Tianshan Avenue? " When saying this, the hand that always carried in the coat pocket touched her mobile phone carefully, with the feeling, pressed the dial out key. With a very small voice: "hello?" She said the way in which she was going. But just after she finished speaking, she realized that the voice on the phone was a woman's voice?

A woman has a cell phone?

What's the situation?

The brain's high-speed operation, has not thought clearly among them the reason, the opposite man is a sharp, ah, "good sit your bar, to you will know." With this sentence, the three men's eyes secretly meet, intending to pass in the eyes, and then the fat man driving suddenly increases the gas speed, and a bang on the gallop.

The sudden rapid driving makes an Nian's body shake off uncontrollably. She subconsciously covered her mobile phone in her pocket for fear that it would fall out at this time, and then her other arm tried to support her in the seat. It took a few seconds to get back up and sit up straight, as if nothing had happened.

She knew that the danger was getting closer to her.

In a hurry, she once again touched the screen of her mobile phone, and the dead horse was treated as a living horse doctor. Without any way, she could only hope to contact Li Moshen with Aunt Wang, quickly find out the location of the car and rescue her If only things could be as simple as she thought, at this time, she must not put all the trust on Aunt Wang, she must find a way to call again to help herself!

With the feeling of random to find the dialing page, with a try attitude dial out again.

With a trace of hope, fear reaches her heart, hoping that this time someone will answer, no matter who the call is, hope to have a smart brain, can understand her intention. Her mobile phone was tightly covered in her pocket, for fear that a bad person would be aware of it.

Toot toot's connection sound in her palm all became the tiny vibration, until the vibration stopped, she tried to prick up her ears to listen to the subtle voice in the receiver, "Hello, that one?"This mobile phone was bought by Li Mo Shen Xin, and the code number was also changed by Li Mo Shen Xin. Therefore, few people knew her number. Except for Lin ChuChu and Chen Ting, she could hardly count the third person. However, she carefully stored all the contact information on it. The idea at that time was very simple, that is, in case the contact could not be reached on that day Couldn't find someone's phone number. Today's action seems to have no success.

On the other end of the phone, Annin knew who the other party was when she heard the hello. Hurry to grab the time to start to casually find a topic to chat: "idle is also idle chat, afraid of what? Are you police always serious and serious? "

She deliberately raised her voice a few degrees in order to be heard.

One of the impatient man showed disgust, fidgety grin: "why do you talk so much, how do police have anything to do with us?"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the whole carriage was very quiet. The atmosphere of depression and tension magnetized the whole carriage. Among them, the two who stare at an Nian stare at each other with big eyes and small eyes. They look at each other with a frightened expression. I saw an Nian smile, pretending not to understand the appearance, "idle flustered, ask it!"

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