The coffee was dropped on the ground, followed by the sound of all kinds of falling things. The little secretary closed his eyes in a hurry, covered his ears and hid in one side. The atmosphere did not dare to breathe From the president's office, an Nian, who was angry and fierce, almost exhausted all her strength and all her reason. She kept telling herself to be calm and calm from the bottom of her heart until she walked out of the door of Li's group with her strong perseverance.

Looking at the towering buildings for the first time, my heart was full of sadness. The place she once yearned for is now disgusted by the people inside.

Finally, with a deep look at the gate, an Nian turned her head and walked towards the road without hesitation. She didn't want to stay in this place for a second, and the hypocritical person inside would only make her feel sick.

She quickly took a taxi by the side of the road. Instead of giving the name of the place to go, she dialed a telephone number that she had learned from her heart.

The phone calls out and nobody answers.

Again, it's still the case.

Anxious, she can only keep playing, non-stop playing, the mood of the whole person is like falling into a strange circle of infinite cycle, more and more nervous, more and more uneasy.

"Miss, where on earth are you going? I can't keep driving like this." When the driver urged him for the countless times, an Nian put away his mobile phone awkwardly and bit his lip hesitantly. Finally, he said helplessly, "please put me down at the intersection in front of you."

The driver looked at her like a lunatic. He didn't speak any more. When he got to the intersection in front of him, he stopped the car directly. An Nian was embarrassed to pay to get off. He didn't even ask for the change.

Standing in the street, her heart suddenly fell into a panic.

Although she returned to the city she was familiar with, all the people she knew seemed to disappear. Li's phone number became empty. Lin Chu Chu's phone was not answered. She really didn't know what happened?

For the first time, she felt that she was so desperate, standing at this crossroad, left or right, so painful to choose!

Lost look slightly raised his head, toward the sky gently sighed, tired expression written all over the face, but still very do not believe evil heavy pocket took out the mobile phone. She didn't believe that everyone could disappear from her world overnight. She pressed a string of numbers on her mobile phone screen again, waiting for the phone to be answered.

This time, she was lucky.

When the phone was connected, she was a little excited: "Tingting, I'm Anning."

The person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a second and screamed: "is it really you, Nianjie? where are you? You scared me to death. Do you know I'm worried about you all this time? "

Standing in the people to work on the street, an Nian is full of emotion, the voice is very light, light like cotton, "where are you? I'll find you

…… At the window seat of a theme restaurant called "girlfriends", Annin has not seen Chen ting for a long time. She has lost a lot of weight. Compared with the baby fat before, her round baby face has become a sharp chin, and her long black straight ponytail has also been cut into a handsome wave head and dyed with flax, which makes her look much more energetic. She was wearing a gray turtleneck sweater with a tight black jeans at the bottom. Annin noticed that she had a short jacket with a thousand bird pattern on the chair beside her.

From body to dress, from head to makeup, from head to foot, Chen Ting has undergone earth shaking changes. If she hadn't stood up from her chair and waved to her, "Hey, Nianjie, this way!" She did not dare to recognize that she was that heartless and even a little bit "two" Chen ting.

She stepped forward with a smile and opened her arms, "Tingting, long time no see!"

"Miss Nian, you want to die of me. I thought I would never see you again in my life." Chen Ting hugs her tightly, tears are coming down. And an Nian, who was hugged by her, suddenly thought of Lin ChuChu because of her words. When she came back from abroad last time, Lin ChuChu also held her tightly and said to her like this. But now she came back again, but how can't contact Lin Chu Chu, her heart some lost, some panic, more is worried.

Chen Ting took her to her seat and asked for two drinks. Then she turned her affectionate eyes to an Nian and opened the conversation box: "Nianjie, where have you been these days? I can't get in touch with you. I can't find you through all kinds of ways. I'm worried about you! But now, you are safe in front of me, my heart is also a landing! The only regret is that you didn't attend my fashion design conference... "

Quietly listening to Chen Ting said, the heart is unable to say the taste, Chen ting from a small assistant efforts to become an excellent designer, her design of clothing have opened a press conference, and she is still in place, even life, live a mess, not to mention even her life as a design work do not know that she was thrown out of the clouds!

This kind of self, or the self she knew? Or the one who can give everything for the dream?Dream, does she remember her own dream?

"Nianjie, Nianjie, are you ok?" Said dancing Chen Ting saw her eyes motionless staring at the water cup in her hand, could not help gently shaking her arm, calling his name.

"Well?" She was distracted from her own emotional world, the whole person's mood will also appear a little dull, gradually on Chen Ting's eager eyes, slightly raised the corner of the mouth, gently smile: "Tingting, Congratulations, you can make today's achievements, I really feel happy for you!"

Chen Ting heard Anning's affirmation of her, immediately opened her eyes and grinned, gently held her hand and said gratefully: "Nianjie, do you know? The reason why I am able to achieve today is inseparable from your encouragement. I am thinking of becoming an excellent designer like you. One day, I will design it out, so I will have something I like. So I will persist step by step and work hard step by step, so I really want to thank you very much! "

An read a bitter smile, gently wisp a hair, "this has what to thank me, this is all your own efforts to achieve!"

”Don't say that, Nianjie. How are you recently? “

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