Black Iron Crown

Chapter 112: Killing mission

  Rainer stood in the open space in the castle. All the troops in Fort Merland were assembled here, including two hundred militiamen who were also called here. They will carry out a cleanup operation against the Clades.

   "Our territory is invaded by the clads every year. I believe everyone has had enough. We must protect our territory and eliminate the disasters of winter in summer!"

"Therefore, we have to take advantage of the present to wipe out the clads scattered in the frigid forest one by one! Now we have a powerful force, enough to deal with the scattered them, so I decided that today, I will lead you into the frigid zone. The forest wipes out the clads!"

   Sending troops always requires a high-sounding excuse. Reiner prepared to enter the forest for slaughter under the pretext of eliminating the hidden dangers of winter in advance to accumulate merit points to deal with future chaos.

As for the issue of military pay, there are still more than 600 gold coins in the castle. This is enough to support the military pay of the existing army for more than two years. Even if there are more troops, it is estimated that it will be able to support more than half a year. He felt that based on the current situation, the first half of the year might not be needed, and Earl Zhebo might have to take the next step.

What's more, the blacksmiths were not idle during this period, and they produced a lot of armor, which was a large sum of money to be sold in the mainland. Although the route to the mainland has been blocked by the Earl of Zhebo, the north border is accessible. How can it be possible for the border line of hundreds of kilometers to the inland to be comprehensive.

   It’s a big deal. It’s okay to walk through the bumpy wilderness without taking the ready-made road. At most, it will only increase the time and distance of the round trip. Anyway, Leiner is not in a hurry to pay for the army for the time being, he can afford it.

   At this time, Lena was wearing an exquisite chain armor, and he was also wearing the same iron tie armor as the sergeants. The weight was indeed a bit heavy, but for his current body, it was not a burden.

   Behind him was more than thirty carriages carrying logistical equipment. These carriages were not very suitable for traveling in the rugged forest, but there was no way. The army had to carry these carriages.

   Riding on the back of a horse, Lena wore a long sword around his waist. The sergeants came out this time, and a whole eighty sergeants lined up behind Lena in a neat formation.

The Scarlet Gryphon Riders also rode horses, and all the knights in Morland County are like this. The rugged forest paths are not suitable for galloping horses at all, so they are just riding horses for walking, and wait until the real battle. They will dismount at the beginning.

   Although the armor is heavy, it will not have a serious impact on them. After all, they are all elites who have been trained for a long time. The burden of a mere ten kilograms is too great for the beauty.

For example, many people in later generations said that the armor is too heavy and not suitable for long-term combat. It is simply nonsense. You must know that even if it is developed to the extreme actual combat plate armor, the weight is usually only about 20 to 30 kilograms. There is no such thing as being unable to get up after falling down.

In fact, the burden of knights wearing armor for foot combat is lighter than that of modern soldiers. Modern soldiers usually carry more than 30 kilograms of equipment and other items, and the knights of Morandburg only need to bear ten. The armor of more than one kilogram, and the weight is distributed throughout the body, the burden will not be great.

   What's more, they have received rigorous knight training since they were young, and this weight is nothing to them.

As for the Scarlet Gryphon Riders, let alone, the blood of the Griffon into the body has twice the strength of ordinary people. Their 40 kilograms of plate-chain composite armor plus the inner leather armor is nothing at all. , They can even wear this armor to walk fast and even sprint.

   Even the double-layered armor worn by Sergeant Moreland is only 27 kilograms. They can wear this armor for more than two hours of fierce combat.

   Fort Morand is not far from the boreal forest. As soon as it gets dark, they have already reached the junction of the boreal forest and Fort Morand.

The camp is set up, and every tent is arranged strictly in accordance with the requirements. Eighty Sergeants Morand, two hundred militiamen, fifty long-range troops composed of regular archers and hunters, and fifty mixed. Armed soldiers of the new and veterans, this is the full force of the expedition.

As for the remaining twenty-odd armed soldiers, they are all stationed in Fort Merland. All five castles in Reiner are stationed by militias and some guards, and there will be no surprises in the absence of powerful foreign enemies. condition.

   The camp is brightly lit, and the torches and fires are burning like this. The guards of the night watch vigilantly look around, being alert for things that may threaten the camp.

   Lying in a comfortable big tent, the system suddenly made a sound.

   A burst of mechanical and electronic sounds rang in his ears, and the task board of the system also appeared on his retina.

   "Mission released!"

  "Alien Conqueror"

"Task 1: Crazy killing: As a Redka lord you should defend your territory and eliminate any hidden dangers. The Clades invade the territory every year and cause a lot of losses to the residents, so the lord should use Folding the blood of the aliens makes them understand that Fort Morand is not a place where they can go wild!"

  "Task reward: "200 merit points, junior officials ×5"

"Task 2: Bloody Lord: "As the lord selected by the system, this is only the first step of your accomplishment. Building a great accomplishment requires iron and blood. The throne is made of countless bones, allowing the blood of aliens to follow. Your prestige spread everywhere, making everyone tremble because of your name! "

   "Requirements for the mission: to kill more than 1,200 Klads in total and use their heads to forge Jingguan to deter other aliens in the forest."

   "Task Reward: Merit Points 300, Title: Alien Slaughter, 10% morale against aliens, and 10% increase in morale of our soldiers against the enemy"

Rainer was surprised at these two tasks. The system hadn't released a task to himself for a long time. But this time, there were two tasks, and they were still such **** and brutal tasks. It seemed that the system really wanted to Train yourself in the direction of tyrants and executioners.

However, he did not feel resisted. He has gradually adjusted his mentality for more than half a year. In this era, if you don’t kill, you will be killed by others. Killing in order to enhance your own strength does not have any mentality for him. The shadow was over, and when he accepted the two tasks with pleasure, Rainer closed his eyes and got ready to sleep.

   Tomorrow, I have to make a long mountain road to search for the enemy's traces. It will definitely be very tiring. Tonight, I have to cultivate my spirit to cope with the march tomorrow.


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