Black Iron Crown

Chapter 121: The army is expanded

   "Golden Lion Guard, price: 20, an increase of one-half of the unit price for every fifty people"

"The Golden Lion Guard is a powerful army formed by William, the founding emperor of the Loric Empire. It uses unique potions to strengthen their physical fitness, allowing them to gain strength beyond ordinary people. They have defeated powerful enemies countless times and won. Played a huge role in the unification war"

  "Physical fitness: high×2, discipline: high, fighting skills: extremely high"

  Rainer is very curious about the founding emperor of the Loric Empire in the introduction of the Golden Lion Guard and arms, because when he exchanges arms, he often sees his arms appear in the system mall.

   What Iron Cross Knights, what inner knights, what Lorik infantry, or Lorik archers, especially the inner knights, Rainer hesitated many times whether to exchange this unit.

  Because their equipment is so good, even compared with those extremely rare fantasy world arms, and even with the equipment of the Scarlet Griffin Knights, the difference is not very big.

   The fate of fifteen o'clock is not very high in comparison, it is a very cost-effective unit.

   But because he already had an army with the same effect, he didn't exchange them.

   Looking at the Golden Lion Guards with super cost-effectiveness, Rainer hesitated, and finally chose to redeem them. After deducting a full two hundred points of merit, Rainer exchanged ten Golden Lion Guards.

   This Golden Lion Guard can be used as a killer. If the soldiers are caught in a hard fight with too many enemies, these ten powerful one-handed Golden Lion Guards will be the key to breaking the game.

   Believe that their combat power can make the enemy fall into fear and chaos, after all, they have super high attributes.

   After redeeming these soldiers, Rainer found that he had more than 900 merit points left, so he redeemed fifty Sergeants Merland again, costing 750 merit points.

I have to say that after the price has risen to fifteen points, Sergeant Molande is not as good value as before. The price-performance ratio is similar to his at the same price. If there is no way to make Sergeant Molande more cost-effective If that is the case, Rainer may have to give up the exchange of this unit in the future.

   The remaining two hundred merit points, Lena did not find other units that could be exchanged, and directly exchanged them for five senior cavalry shooters again. After deducting fifty points of merit, Lena ended this exchange.

   Now Rainer’s army has undergone a formidable expansion, and its strength has undergone a radical change compared to before.

   And the column of Rainer’s current army has now become:

  "Current army: Scarlet Gryphon Rider 10, Scarlet Gryphon Retainer 40, Golden Lion Guard 10, Morland Senior Cavalry Archer 30, Morland Sergeant 150, Rewant Crossbowman 50, Armed Soldier 53, Archer 20"

These armies have a total of 363 people, which is a total of 363 regular troops, and they are all powerful and cost-effective troops exchanged from the system. Sergeant Merland alone can single out two ordinary soldiers from other lords. , And if they are allowed to form a battle formation, it is not impossible to win even by fighting an enemy three times their own body.

   This shows how powerful these 363 people are.

It is worth mentioning that there are only fifty-five sets of Zha armor in the current castle. Even if it is fully manufactured, it will take ten months to add all the new Sergeant Merland with a layer of armor. By then, it is estimated that the day lily will be cold, maybe Earl Zhebo has used his skull as a bowl for four or five months.

  Rainer was fortunate that he had left more than a hundred merit points, and he directly exchanged it for ten junior blacksmiths, which could triple the production capacity of the armor.

   At that time, fifteen junior blacksmiths are working at the same time, and it only takes two months to fill in the lack of armor.

   After the soldiers had been exchanged, Rainer closed the system panel and began to look up the various documents on the desk.

   In a month, Logan must have collected a lot of information for himself. Half of the table on the table is from Logan's documents, and there must be a lot of information waiting for him to check.

   After reading a few pieces of information, Rainer's face became more and more ugly. As Mekatha said, the documents sent by Logan were exactly the same as Mekatha's letter.

Where did Earl Jeppo have gathered more than 1,200 regular troops, one hundred and fifty knights, more than a dozen barons who were not his vassals but took refuge in him have led his own army to gather in Mecalon City Up.

   Count Zhebo completely cut off the communication between the northern border and the interior of the empire. It seems that the condition of the imperial family is not very good, and the northern border has reached this point and has not sent troops to suppress it.

Seeing that the other party had assembled such forces, Rainer couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Even if he exchanged for more new units, his strength has far surpassed the other barons, but his own strength seemed to be in front of Earl Zhebo. Not enough to see.

If it is only Earl Zhebo himself and his vassals, then Rainer also has good faith in the powerful army exchanged in his system. After all, he is an earl can mobilize more than a thousand people All of his troops are already very good. With the sturdiness of his army, he still has some confidence in repelling the enemy.

However, he has such a strength simply by gathering together. If all the other northern lords were gathered by him, it would be terrifying. Entering the closet really requires him to face three thousand troops, then Rainer Without thinking about it, there won't be any possibility of victory.

"And according to my speculation, Earl Zhebo will probably act within a month. We have not shown loyalty to him for a long time. In addition, the Merland family belongs to the royal branch. The two points are combined. Earl Zhebo will They think that we are the biggest obstacle to the Northern Territory. According to my guess, their goal is that our probability has exceeded 70%. The target may not only be us, but there are other northern lords who have not shown allegiance to him! "

Seeing Logan’s prediction at the end of the document, Reiner couldn’t help being silent. In fact, Logan rarely added such predictions to the back of the intelligence dossier. He didn’t want his speculation that might be wrong to affect him. The right decision of your own lord.

   Even if the possibility of his mistakes is small, or even minimal, he rarely does this kind of thing.

   It can be seen how much Logan takes this matter seriously.

Closing his eyes, Rainer thought carefully. Logan said that the opponent might attack in a month, which means that he still has one month to prepare, which is enough for him to send troops into the boreal forest to sweep up again. .

   And the militiamen also accelerated their training under Reiner's order, even if the sun is high in the sky, it cannot affect their training.

   More than four hundred militiamen stood up to the sun, shouting loudly, dripping sweat on the ground, training hard.


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