Black Iron Crown

Chapter 132: Royal family

Rainer, who had sent these lords away, was in a much better mood. This time, he finally improved his winning rate against Earl Zeppa a bit. Count Zeppa has just summoned less than half of his lords and has reached it. More than 1,500 regular troops.

  If all were assembled, what a terrifying number would there be, three thousand people are estimated to be small, if you count his own army, this is nearly four thousand people!

   The four thousand-lived regular army is almost a force that can participate in the throne war. Such a powerful army in the northern border is obviously not something they can easily fight against.

   Sitting in his room, Rainer carefully watched the information sent by Logan about Earl Zeppa. There were about two thousand soldiers gathered in Mecalon City and the number was still increasing.

   However, because Logan's intelligence personnel are just ordinary residents, they can only simply guess the number of troops gathered outside the city wall, and cannot intuitively obtain this information.

However, the intelligence officer still transmitted information to Lena from all aspects. Grain-carriage carts continued to go from the granary in the city of Mecalon full of food to the outside of the city. It is estimated that it is not far from the day when Earl Zeppel went north. Up.

At the same time, the imperial family also made a move. One hundred elite armed soldiers and thirty heavily armed heavy cavalry left the imperial capital quietly with a group of carriages, hiding their whereabouts and heading north. Go ahead.

   "Sir Horn, are we really going to cross the dense forest this time? Really, it took me half a month to get from the north to the imperial capital after crossing the jungle!"

   A tall, blond man riding on a tall war horse and wearing a light leather armor said to a middle-aged man with a big beard beside him.

He is a member of the heavy cavalry newly formed by the royal family. Because of his strong strength and skilled riding skills, he joined this team very smoothly. If it weren't for the fact that he came from other places, he was not the second son of various families trusted by the royal family. The offspring of the royal family, it is estimated that a duck is enough to be a ten-person leader.

"Of course! Feder, the imperial capital and the lords have insufficient steel, and according to my observations, the barbarian earl in the north seems to be selling steel to the lords in other regions for huge profits. If this continues, the royal family and the lords will be both. You lose your advantage when you lose and lose!"

Sir Horn subconsciously stroked the light red beard on his chin, and said: "So we have to go to the North in person. Where is a royal branch lord named Rainer, they are in the northernmost Fort Merand. Where to live, where is the goal of our trip!"

   "Fort Merland?" The heavy cavalry seemed very surprised. Although he was only aiming for the north, he really didn't know that they were going to Fort Merland.

   "Isn't that my hometown?" Fide said with some surprise, she and he was indeed a homesteader from Morandburg in the north.

At the beginning, there were two hundred acres of fertile farmland in his home. Even if he paid 30% of the harvest to the Merland family every year, there was still a lot of surplus. In addition, his father had superb hunting skills. He and him His elder brother can often eat fresh meat, besides his family also raises ten lambs, he can drink some goat's milk every year, which makes him so tall and strong.

   In fact, if he hadn't been about to reach adulthood at the beginning, and didn't want to split the farmland with his close brother, he would not have gone through the dense jungle to make a living inside the empire.

   And now he is actually going to return to his hometown. With all the troubles and gains and losses, Feder is nervous.

   "Oh, it turns out that this is the case, you are still from Fort Morand, it seems that our trip will be much smoother!" Sir Horn said with a smile.

This team marched toward the north quickly like this, but what made them uncomfortable was that the imperial capital was too far away from the northern border. After a full half month of marching, they were still nearly 300 kilometers away from the northern border. , This is another ten days' journey, not to mention that they have to cross a dense forest, where the road conditions can be imagined, it is obviously impossible to pass without spending some time.

At this time, Rainer had been waiting in the castle for nearly a month, but Earl Zerbo hadn’t changed anything. He was still gathering forces, and now nearly 3,000 regular troops have gathered. In addition, there are more than three hundred knights and six hundred archers already gathered there.

   But Lehner knew that it was not too far before Count Zhebo really did something, because he had already received a letter from Count Zhebo again.

The whole article above is all about himself and Mekatha. It seems that he understands all this well, and he threatens and woos him. He is very skillful in the trick of playing a stick and giving a sweet date. First of all, he is threatening Rainer if What would happen if he didn't take refuge in himself, sent forward troops to attack Rainer.

   Then the conversation changed again, and he began to talk about what benefits Reiner will get when he joins marrying Mekasha and living a happy life.

   But Lena didn't believe a word. The matter has reached this point. He has assembled a regular army of nearly 3,000 people, and the total number is about to reach a huge army of 4,000. How can it be such an anticlimactic surrender of Lena?

  Rainer believed that this letter was the smoke that Earl Zeppa deliberately wanted to paralyze himself, and he didn't want to believe that Earl Zeppa really had this meaning.

   What's more, even if everything he said was true, it would be impossible for Rainer to really take refuge in him. Although this war is fierce, once it is won, it will be a step-by-step achievement.

   For this reason, Rainer is willing to take a huge risk to give it a go. Earl Zhebo is not completely invincible. As long as there is enough time, Rainer is confident that he will gradually surpass the opponent's strength.

  Although he still can't forget Mekatha, after all, the parting letter was handwritten by himself and sent to him. Although Mekatha never wrote back to himself, after all, he proposed the breakup.

   Time just passed by. Logan sent a piece of information to Reiner’s study every day. Although these were information from several days ago, he still took it very seriously.

Moreover, during this period of time, the lords who have reached an alliance with Reiner have also communicated frequently with each other, hoping to exchange feelings to make the future battle easier, otherwise they will calculate each other and the hearts of the people will be uneven. If it is not a good combat state.

   In this state, time flies quickly, and a month has passed, and Earl Zhebo also completely tore his face with the northern lord, and sent them more than two dozen war books in a row.

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