Black Iron Crown

Chapter 140: Count Jeppel

In this way, the two sides did not rush to fight immediately. Count Jeppe hopes to lower the morale of the enemy through pressure, while Reiner hopes that Count Jeppe can come to Babsburg as soon as possible. Fight against them in the complex terrain.

   The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and it has been three days since Count Zhebo came here. Both parties are closely watching each other's movements, and immediately become nervous when there is any disturbance.

   However, unexpectedly, there was no major movement on both sides, especially Earl Zhebo, who seemed a little different about how calm the enemy was.

"Master Earl, our food is consumed too quickly! The soldiers under the lords are simply a bunch of rice buckets, and now our food is running out!" Complain before you.

This is really no wonder him. Those lords responded to the call of Count Zhebo to participate in the war. Count Zhebo can't let them help themselves in the war and bring their own food. If it is a vassal under the command of Earl Zhebo, he will not bear the arsenal. It's normal, after all, it is their duty to fight for him.

But the other lords were different. They themselves did not become vassals of Earl Jeppa. To help him fight, Earl Jeppa needed to pay for his rations. He himself sat on the city of Mekaron and controlled the north-south trade, earning a lot of money. The bowl is full, but a batch of terrible food has been accumulated over the years.

   But now he finally knows what it costs to support so many troops. After being stationed here for just three days, his heart is bleeding.

When people eat and chew, they consume a batch of grain like a hill almost every day. It can be said that according to the current grain consumption rate, it only takes fifteen days to harvest the grain produced in a year on his territory. Eat up.

  Although he does not depend on farming for survival, it is almost the same as killing him. People have to eat, thousands of horses have to eat forage, and hundreds of war horses need to be fed with exquisite beans.

   These are all considerable consumption. Originally, he thought he could easily take on these things, but as it is now, he obviously thinks too much.

   Listening to the quartermaster's words, Count Zhebo's face is also very ugly, he sees the current situation in his eyes.

   It doesn't work anymore, it can't be sustained anymore. Count Zhebo can't bear this kind of expenditure. He thinks that confrontation with the enemy like this is really a terrible idea.

Finding his vassals and generals, as well as other lords, Earl Zhebo said in this huge tent: "I have decided. Today I will send the enemy a letter of war. Tomorrow we will be in our A decisive battle with the enemy on the plain in front of you!"

   After hearing Earl Zhebo's words, the lords felt a little regretful. They were very happy for Earl Zhebo's "generous" support of their army, at least they didn't need to spend a penny on their own.

However, while regretting, they also felt their blood boiled. The decisive battle was about to begin. No one of them cared about the victory or defeat of this war. In their opinion, they and others had assembled such a huge force to face the poor army of the enemy. How could it fail?

   What awaits them will be an unsurprising victory, followed by a large area of ​​territory and wealth. It is said that the army under Baron Reiner has many armors, and it seems that they can make a fortune!

  All the lords are high-spirited, they hope to get huge benefits in this war, but the vassals of Count Zhebo are finally relieved.

   The three days they stayed here have consumed a lot of their food. As a vassal of Earl Zhebo, it is natural to fight for the prince, and Earl Zhebo will of course not bear their rations.

  They are very worried that they will have to face off with the enemy for a long time, in that case they might be bankrupt before the war begins!

At this time, Rainer was calmly waiting in the camp to see the movements of Earl Zhebo and others. Anyway, he would not take the initiative to attack if he was killed now, and if Earl Zhebo took the initiative to attack for so long, he would have to give up. Part of the military advantage came to fight near Babsburg.

   Putting aside the comparison of forces, the initiative is still held in Rainer's hand for the time being.

   However, it is obvious that the problem that Count Zhebo has had also appeared on Reiner's side. Baron Belemmu's food has been completely unable to keep up with the provision, but fortunately these lords also understood it.

After all, they are not united for the benefit, but for the survival of the team. At this time, understanding is very precious. Everyone expresses their understanding for Baron Belemmu, although he only provided a day or two of rations. , But everyone knows that he has done his best. He can only temporarily eat the rations he carries, and then send people to his territory to mobilize more food for consumption.

   But Reiner is not so calm. The army that has expanded so much is obviously not supported by the food last year. Now Fort Merland is running out of food. Where can I find food for the army?

   However, that night Reiner received the battle book from Earl Zeppa.

   Finding other lords, Rainer passed on the battle book, and then said: "Earl Zeppa wants us to go to the Paznon Plains for a decisive battle tomorrow. What do you think we should do?"

"Ha! Of course we should think about what you said before, Baron Reiner, and just wait here, if they really want to fight then let them come, if they don't come, then we will spend with them like this!" A middle-aged old nobleman, Baron Cromwell glanced at Rainer with a big belly, and then said with a smile to the other nobles.

   "Haha! Good way!"

   "We just want to **** Earl Zeppa!"

   "That's right! If they don't come, they won't fight, what are we afraid of?"

The lords seemed to agree with Baron Cromwell's words, and Rainer nodded with a smile: "It is very true to my dear Baron Cromwell! Let's do it! Then I will immediately I wrote him back! That **** messenger is still waiting!"

   "Damn it!" Count Zhebo read this reply and immediately tore it to pieces, and slapped the table fiercely, as if an angry lion was roaring loudly.

   "How dare he! Despicable and shameless! Doesn't he even have the shame of aristocrats?"

  Rainer’s letter is very arrogant and domineering. The whole article is a mockery of Earl Zhebo, hoping to make Earl Zhebo lose his mind and directly attack.

   "My Lord Earl! We should send troops to destroy this **** Baron Rainer! He is so arrogant!" A vassal also said indignantly.

   "Very good! Tomorrow morning we will attack immediately! I want to smash this arrogant boy!"

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