Black Iron Crown

Chapter 144: Tentative

   I saw that his face was extremely distorted because of the pain, but it did not affect his next movements.

   The long sword in his hand suddenly slashed, and the enemy in front of him didn't even have time to scream, and his head fell off, leaving only a rib on the side connected to it, which was drooping on his body, looking terrifying.

   The blood mist sprayed on the soldier. He gritted his teeth and kicked the enemy in front of him, and then drew out the long sword in his abdomen.

   The blood flowed out from his wound like a stream, the blue veins on his neck collapsed, and his forehead was also sweaty. He covered the wound with his hands, but still couldn't stop the slow loss of blood.

   His face gradually paled, but he still held the long sword tightly in his hand.

   Suddenly, his head tilted, and the slightly rough helmet on top of his head flew out. It turned out that an enemy soldier took advantage of his injury and brandished a long sword to kill him.

   But what I didn't expect was that this soldier had such a serious injury but still possessed such a speed of reaction.

   The attack was evaded, and the enemy no longer hid his figure, and jumped upright in front of the soldier, with a hideous smile on his face circled around him.

   No matter how strong the body is, after suffering such a blow, there is not much strength left in the body. The enemy was killed just now because of rebirth. Under this situation, no matter who is supposed to think so.

   As time passed, more and more blood left his body, and his face became paler and less bloody.

   Fighting is cruel. At this time, no one cares about helping the people around him. Everyone is fighting desperately against the enemy in front of him.

   Staring hard at the enemy turning around, this soldier couldn't help but clenched his hand with a long sword with many gaps. That was his only hope now.

   At this time, the enemy finally stopped hesitating, and suddenly rushed up and swung the long sword in his hand towards the soldier.

   He subconsciously wanted to raise the long sword in his hand to block, but the excessive blood loss made him weak, and his movements began to slow down, and even a sharp pain came.


Another sword was hit in his chest, and the enemy sent the long sword fiercely into his chest. Her tattered armor could no longer provide him with protection. The severe pain from his internal organs caused him. There was a blank in front of him, and after a loud roar, he mobilized his whole body's strength to raise the long sword in his hand, and stabbed the enemy fiercely.

   The two were playing a turn-based game at this time. After one was stabbed with a sword, they immediately attacked the enemy.

The leather armor worn by the enemy could not resist the soldier who had exerted all his strength. Similarly, a mouthful of blood poured out of his enemy's mouth, and his eyes looked blankly at the strong soldier who had fallen to his knees. , His pupils gradually dilated, and then fell to the ground feebly.

   And after killing the enemy, this soldier had no strength at all. He slowly lay on the ground, his eyes staring up at the sky blankly, his consciousness gradually dissipated, and then he lost his last breath.

   Although battles like this are fierce, they are happening at any time on this battlefield. The battle started in just five minutes, and the total number of casualties on both sides has reached thirty or forty people.

   The napkins randomly placed on the ground with broken arms or internal organs rendered this place like the most terrible hell. It may be an exaggeration to put the blood stream here, but it is true that the blood flowing on the ground is like a small stream.

   The visceral fragments mixed with the blood and plunged into the mud, regardless of you and me. It was a little sticky when stepped on the ground. It was blood silt produced by the mashed viscera and blood mixed together.

   Baron Belemmu stood behind and his eyes were covered with red blood. There was such a terrible loss at the beginning of the battle. His heart was bleeding. These armed soldiers were recruited and trained at a high price.

There are also distant relatives of his family, as well as homesteaders who have followed him a long time ago. These soldiers who he could call everyone’s name on weekdays fell one after another. It is conceivable that he is now What kind of mood.

"Knight! Knight ready!!" Baron Belemmu's eyes were red, and he shouted loudly to the knights who were already riding on the horse and ready to fight. His voice was a little hoarse, and he really couldn't bear it. Lost.

He grabbed the lance from a defender next to him, and when he was nearly forty years old, he stepped on a tall horse, pointed the lance at the sky, and shouted: "Charge!" The life and death of the Belem Mu family depends on today! "


   The knight behind him did not shout any exciting slogans, but made a huge roar, and rushed out with Baron Belemmu.

Eight knights plus five apprentice knights, fourteen people riding on horses with a layer of iron chain armor and horse armor launched a charge. With the **** of the hill, the speed of the knights quickly increased. Get The horseshoe slams on the ground, like a group of terrifying war beasts being angered and charged towards their enemies.

   Baron Belemmu leveled the lance in his hand and aimed at the enemy in front of him, and the knights behind him also put down their lances one by one, preparing to strike the enemy fiercely.


The lance in Baron Belemmu's hand suddenly broke, and the knights behind did the same. After piercing the enemy's body with the lance in their hands, they threw down only half of the lance and drew out the long sword from his waist. Or it was placed on the side of the saddle and the mace began to hack and kill frantically.

They have penetrated into the enemy group, and the enemy forces around them are like waves rushing towards them, but they are wailing under their attack. The bones and muscles that they beat are broken and the whole body is left. Not lower, and riding fast on the standing horse, they are like huge boats in the river surpassing the waves.

The enemy's uphill movement caused the knights to mount, which means that they have no means to deal with Baron Belemmu's charge. Even the heavily armed knights among the enemy forces have avoided and dared not face the charge. The edge of the knights among them.

"My Lord Baron!" A soldier covered in blood rushed to the front of his lord and reported: "The enemy's knights have been dispatched! The casualties ahead are too great! We can't break through the enemy anyway. The defense! And their knights have brought us huge casualties!"

Looking at the blood-stained soldier in front of him, the baron's eyes were slightly red, and his nose was blushing. Such a loss made his heart drip with blood. It is not worth paying such a price for an earl of Zhebo. , But he can no longer retreat now.


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