Black Iron Crown

Chapter 150: Hand in hand

Count Jeppe couldn't help but twitched his face when he saw this scene. The **** Baron Reiner only aimed at himself. All his arrows were shot in his army. After several rounds of shooting, he has lost more than a hundred soldiers. , His total strength is only more than four hundred men, which means that a quarter of his strength has been killed by the enemy's shooting.

   His heart is dripping blood: "Hurry up! Speed ​​up! Don't give the enemy a chance to continue shooting!"

  'S voice was a little hoarse, he tried his best to shout out these words, he really didn't want to suffer such a loss.

Reiner looked at the enemy approaching in front of him and lifted his visor and shouted: "Sergeants are ready! Keep the formation in order! Royal infantry is here to assist! The militiamen are ready to support at any time! Armed soldiers hold shields. Protect the sergeant in front of me and prevent the enemy from breaking through the gun array!!"

   "Crossbowman! Archer! Ready to shoot upside down!"

   Immediately afterwards, the long sword in his hand suddenly swung down: "Shoot!!"

Under close shooting, the power of the crossbow and arrows was brought to the extreme, but this time it was not only the army of Count Jebo who died and wounded. Reiner was worried that the shooters would accidentally injure the infantry in front of the line if they fired horizontally, so he chose Let them shoot upside down.

  The guards beside Count Zhebo helped him erect his shield. Although there were no arrows flying to him, he still did enough protection for the sake of safety.

   This wave of shooting directly caused the loss of 70 or 80 people to the enemy. The angry lords and soldiers rushed up like a hungry wolf who was hungry for a long time.

   However, when they arrived in front of the enemy, they seemed a little afraid.

   The four-meter-long spears formed a steel spear forest and stood in front of them brightly, and the armed soldiers also stood in front of them with swords and shields to protect them.

   The enemy was a little hesitating, and they knew that this was definitely not an easy enemy to deal with.

   Sergeants Morland pointed their spears forward side by side, and the three rows of spears stood in front of the enemy, waiting for their impact.

   "The Lord has an order! The one who flinches is dead!"

   A team officer wearing a sophisticated armor suddenly hacked a feared soldier to death. Blood splashed on him and rendered him extremely terrifying. He stared at the soldiers and said in a cold voice.

   The soldiers trembled a little. It is a death to attack the enemy in front. It is also a death to be afraid here. It is better to die in the hands of the enemy than to die in the hands of the enemy. At least...others will not call themselves a cowardly person.

   gritted their teeth, the soldiers ran towards the enemy again shouting and waving their weapons, but there was some tremor among these shouts.

   The spears in the hands of the sergeants were straightened out, and they held the barrels of the guns tightly in their hands, preparing to make a fatal blow.

   The atmosphere on the battlefield was very tense. Looking at the enemy army rushing in front of him, the first sergeant stabbed the spear in his hand without hesitation.


   There was a sound of steel entering the flesh, and the soldier who rushed to the front was stunned, and slowly lowered his head and chopped it towards his chest, only to see a half-meter-long spear head stuck in his body.

   Just what he wanted to do, two spears were suddenly inserted into his chest...

The internal organs were all shattered, and a stream of blood slowly flowed out of his mouth. It seemed to carry some internal organ fragments. He stretched out his hand weakly and threw the long sword in his hand towards the enemy in front of him, but at this time he had nothing. With strength, the long sword was just thrown at the opponent's feet without causing any casualties.

   The sergeants drew their spears, and the soldier who had lost support fell to the ground, staring blankly at the sky in front of him, his pupils gradually dilated, and finally became completely devoid of life.

  At the last second of his life, he seemed to see a beautiful angel stretching out his hands towards him, with a soft smile on his beautiful face, leading him to a paradise without pain...

   The death of this soldier announced the official start of the decisive battle. The soldiers under Count Zhebo screamed and rushed up, waving their weapons to kill the enemy in front of them.

Some people even threw the short spear as a javelin, but unfortunately, the armed soldiers in the front have iron armor and shields on their bodies. Unprofessional javelins obviously cannot penetrate shields and armor.

  The battle became very cruel at this moment, blood was constantly splashing out, and the soldiers under Count Zhebo pounced towards the steel jungle in front of them like moths to the fire.

   However, they were often greeted by three or four sharp spears. It was so painful to be inserted into the body by the spear, but they rushed forward like a chicken blood.

  Rainer frowned and looked at the battle ahead. The fighting will of the soldiers under Count Zhebo was beyond his expectation. Under such a high-intensity battle, I don't know how long the sergeants can hold on.

Even though the physiques of the sergeants are beyond ordinary people, they are still within the scope of human beings. They are incomparable with the abnormal monsters of the Scarlet Griffin Riders. They not only wear heavy armor, but also exert force again and again. Stabbing a spear and piercing the enemy's armor, muscles and bones with the spear head, it consumes a lot of energy.

   He could clearly observe that the sergeants in the front expended the fastest physical strength.

The battle has started for five However, within these five minutes, it was the sergeant's unilateral slaughter of the enemy. They simply did not have the ability to break through the steel line of defense composed of long spears. There were countless enemies in the sergeant. They were mercilessly slaughtered under their spears, and blood flowed all over the ground, but there was no broken arm or leg. Most of them suffered from penetrating injuries.

   The land is cheering. The hot summer weather has evaporated every trace of water vapor in the soil, but at this time, the blood flowing out of the body has become the best fertilizer for nourishing the soil.

The soil here was stained dark red with blood. The heart-piercing screams almost pierced the vocal cords. The tremendous pain caused these fallen enemies to roll all over the floor, but it was very painful. It will gradually lose interest soon.

Up to now, the number of soldiers lost to Earl Zeppel’s side has reached more than one hundred, but on Reiner’s side, only one armed soldier has died. This is because the sergeants made a mistake and several enemies rushed over. The armed soldiers suffered casualties.

The battle ahead is very good, but Rainer’s heart is more worried. Although his own army has the upper hand, he believes that as the battle continues, this advantage will be equalized by the enemy. The sergeants are not machines but flesh and blood. People who are tired, they will also feel tired, once they are tired, that is the beginning of the enemy's counterattack.

   One of the most important points of this war is the decisive battle between Leiner and Count Jebo. Once Leiner wins, the lords gathered by Earl Jebo will be scattered, and naturally they will be victorious.

   And once Earl Zhebo wins, let alone the life and death of Rainer, the remaining lords must be completely devoid of fighting spirit, and can only be mercilessly killed by the enemy, carve up the territory, and destroy the family!


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