Black Iron Crown

Chapter 316: The opposition of the vassals

The messenger sent by Samuza flew wildly to the west day and night without stopping.

Although he is just an ignorant prairie man, but the market follows Samuzha, he also has some awareness of the overall situation.

He knows that the heavy responsibilities on his body are heavy.

It is related to the survival of the remaining 40,000 people of the tribe. If you can find Earl Rainer one day earlier, then your tribe may be able to die less.

With this thought, he would rest for a few hours only when he was extremely tired, and then when he woke up, he stepped on his horse and ran towards the west again.

Two of the five horses he was carrying have fallen dead, all because he didn't change the horses in time.

The morning sun shone on him, bringing him a refreshing coolness. He has been riding a horse for four days, and his legs have been worn torn between his legs.

Finally, when he thought he was going to live up to the trust that Lord Baron had placed in him, he saw a dome appearing on the edge of the horizon.

As a soldier who had followed Samuza to plunder the northern territory, he knew that this was the characteristic of the northern castle.

Overjoyed, he immediately speeded up and headed towards the castle.

"Stop!" The guards guarding the wall shouted at him loudly, and at the same time, several archers also pulled away their arrows and aimed at him.

"This is Fort Samn! Explain your identity and purpose, stranger, if you can't express enough kindness, then you may become a sieve!"

The guards on the city wall shouted at him viciously, because they had discovered that the other party seemed to be the **** prairie people who had invaded before.

The messenger looked at the soldier pulling the bow on the city wall and couldn't help being shocked. He shouted frantically in prairie language, but it was a pity that both sides could not understand each other's language.

The guard on the city wall didn't dare to act rashly at will, and said to a guard beside him: "Look at him! Don't let him do anything rashly, I'll report to Lord Baron!"

In the main fort of Fort Samne, the guard knocked on the door and entered the baron's room.

At this time, the baron was wearing his nightgown looking at the guard with a dissatisfaction.

The baroness also hugged the quilt tightly and shrank in the quilt.

The Redka nobles have never had the habit of getting up early, so it seems that they haven't gotten up because it was too early.

The baron was a little upset, but it didn't happen. He knew that if there was nothing important, the guard would not be so indifferent to disturb his dreams.

"It's such a baron. Just now, a prairie cavalry appeared at the gate of the castle. He shouted loudly in front of our city wall, and we couldn't understand what he said."

"But it looks like he is very anxious, I can't make up my mind, so I'm here to ask you how to deal with it!"

Baron Samun said in disbelief: "You! Captain of my guard, do you want to disturb my rest because of this little thing?"

"My captain, you can definitely decide on such a thing yourself! Such an unintentional prairie cavalry appeared in front of our city wall. Don't you need to shoot and kill on the spot?"

"Uh...but he...well, as you wish, I will do what you say, Lord Baron!"

The captain of the guard was hesitant to speak, but after all he didn't say it, and he left the room after he said that.

At this time, however, Baron Samun seemed to think of something.


"What? My lord?"

Baron Samen frowned and said: "Go and call the interpreter who stayed with us, Lord Earl! Let him hear what the steppe man says!"

Baron Samun suddenly thought that before leaving, Lord Earl specifically urged that if the Pakuten Department came to ask for help, it must be conveyed as soon as possible.

More than three months have passed since the whole winter, and Baron Samun didn't take this matter seriously.

That's why there was a reaction like just now.

Now he has reacted, and hurriedly started looking for clothes for himself in order not to miss things.

The captain of the guards came to the city with an interpreter. After a period of handover from both sides, he finally confirmed his identity.

"My Lord Baron! The prairie cavalry said he was a messenger, and he was ordered by Baron Samuza to ask Count Rainer for help. The brother of Baron Samuzha assembled six thousand cavalry soldiers to destroy Baron Samuza. He hoped to be able to destroy Baron Samuza soon Get the support of Earl Rainer!"

After hearing the interpreter's transmission, the guard hurried to report to Baron Samun.

"What? Six thousand cavalry?" Baron Samun said with his eyes widened like brass bells.

"No! This is invincible at all!" Baron Samuza muttered to himself.

"No, absolutely not, he can't dye his hair. He finds Lord Earl, so let this Samuzha fend for himself! Anyway, they won't be interested in the northern land that can only be used for farming but not grazing..."

"Quick! Let someone shoot that prairie cavalry!" Baron Samun said to the captain of the guard, waking up from a dream.

However, when the guard returned to the city wall and was about to shoot the opponent, he found that the prairie cavalry had already disappeared.

"Mr. Translator, where is the prairie cavalry?" the captain of the guard asked.

"I pointed out the location of Lord Earl to him, and gave him the map so that he can find Lord Earl as soon as possible!" The translator shrugged and said to the guard with a smile.

"Oh...should..." The guard didn't say the next words, because the translator had already started to walk into the main fort.

"Uh... Mr. Translator, don't you need to go back with that prairie cavalry? I don't think Lord Earl can understand him!"

"No need! Lord Earl has his own way!" The interpreter waved his hand and said without looking back.

After learning that the prairie cavalry had left, Baron Samun frowned instantly.

That was an invincible force at all. He couldn't imagine six thousand cavalry, even if it was just six thousand enemies like the Cavalry of the Pakuten Department before, it would be terrifying.

"No... even other people won't agree..."

Baron Samun rolled his and recruited an entourage.

In this way, in just half a month, the news that Baron Samuzha was about to face 6,000 enemies turned into facing 8,000 heavily armed cavalry.

The vassals tried to test each other, and in the end, most of the lords reached a consensus, that is, they absolutely must persuade Lord Earl to ignore Samuzha's business.

At this time, Rainer had received the news for five days. During these five days, he had made all the preparations, including the marching horse-drawn carriage and tent rations.

May 16th of the twenty-fourth year of the Empire.

early morning.

Rainer once again assembled a huge army and left Micalon City mightily.

Along the way, the residents of Mekalong City welcomed them, and even some residents living in the village walked a long way to both sides of the road to send off their Lord Earl, hoping that Lord Earl could return triumphantly again.

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