Black Jail College

Chapter 104: Golden City and Pure Golden Temple

The halls on the seventh, eighth, and ninth floors are the place where the real masters gather. The black-robed dead are not arrogant at all in this place. There are too many people who are stronger than him. He is already on the seventh floor of the Vientiane Tower. It's the limit, otherwise it won't get mixed up with the goalkeeper and the sniper in the middle third floor.

Li Xingyun was different. The winning streak along the way allowed everyone to see his potential and strength. Many people were no longer willing to stubbornly smash with him after they understood his swift speed, and usually surrendered directly.

It didn't take long for Li Xingyun to win ten consecutive victories again, and entered the seventh-level secret realm. What Li Xingyun never expected was that he came to the island in the sky.

The condition for passing this time is to pass through the dense forest full of original flavor and reach the golden city.

An adventure began again, and everyone who challenged the secret realm rushed into the dense forest with their magical powers.

Moving giant trees, human-eating flowers, overwhelming bloodthirsty vines, all kinds of strange monsters, Li Xingyun and others in the dense forest are full of unknown dangers at every step.

After Li Xingyun and others entered, the entire forest seemed to be resurrected and was full of hostility towards their uninvited group.

With this extremely fast speed, Li Xingyun took the lead and smashed a **** road through the battle, and soon came to the golden city, and at this moment the challenge of the secret realm was over again.

After arriving at the eighth floor of the Vientiane Tower, all the contestants encountered were all powerhouses in the planetary four-star realm, and there were many powerful contestants in the planetary three-star realm on the seventh floor.

However, after reaching the eighth floor, the planetary three-star realm has become a rare animal. Li Xingyun has not seen a player whose cultivation base is lower than the planetary four-star realm for ten consecutive matches.

Even Li Xingyun met a planetary five-star player who was relatively weak.

I have to say that these people on the eighth floor of the Vientiane Tower are much better than those on the seventh floor of the Vientiane Tower. Not to mention the five-star people of individual planets, the same guys in the four-star realm of the planet have more varied and vicious methods. The battle also caused Li Xingyun to suffer a lot, even the eight times the speed of the flying dragon flash was not enough in front of these people.

These people on the eighth floor of the most important Vientiane Tower have extremely rich combat experience. After a short fight, Li Xingyun’s weak defensive power was analyzed between two or three moves, and all tactics were adjusted to his weaknesses, just like a map cannon. Li Xingyun's powerful attack made Li Xingyun almost no place on the ring.

Forced to helplessly, Li Xingyun could only hang on again, using the Burning Blood Jue.

The flying dragon flash under the blood-burning clash burst out with power beyond the limit, and at ten times the speed, Li Xingyun once again entered an invincible situation.

Don’t look at Li Xingyun’s lifespan cost for half a year to double the speed. You must know that the speed increased by eight times at the base speed of Li Xingyun has reached an exaggerated level. More than 90% of the planets are four stars. The soldiers couldn't keep up with Li Xingyun's movements, and could only force Li Xingyun to surrender by attacking like a map cannon.

Li Xingyun’s combat effectiveness has been increased by at least five times after the speed has been increased again, and his speed is only one line away from the speed of sound. With the addition of his brilliant swordsmanship, Li Xingyun can truly crush his combat effectiveness. Ninety-nine percent of the planetary four-star fighters.

Another ten consecutive victories allowed Li Xingyun to enter the challenge mystery.

This time Li Xingyun walked into the Golden City and looked at the dazzling golden light. Standing in front of many towering temples, Li Xingyun felt that he was so small, as small as an insignificant bug.

After losing its role as a substitute for money, gold has returned to the value of the metal itself, and it is not a particularly rare metal in the great universe.

However, using so much gold to build a city still made Li Xingyun feel an unprecedented shock.

"How much is so much gold worth?"

A ton of gold in the Black Prison College requires a little bit of learning to redeem, but how much gold was used to build this city and those towering temples, ten million tons, or 100 million tons? When so much wealth is shining in front of them, few people can remain calm.

Just when the shock of Li Xingyun and others had not passed, and their greed could not rise, the crisis appeared again.

One by one the golden temple guards rose from the golden ground. Looking at the densely packed temple guards like legions, Li Xingyun and the group of challengers who had just entered the secret realm took a breath.

"The breath of each temple guard is not lower than the planetary three-star realm. So many temple guards appear together, this is a fart."

When many challengers hesitated, Li Xingyun and some powerful fighters with extraordinary combat effectiveness had already shot out.

The goal this time is to enter the largest temple in the center of the Golden City.

Instead of spending time here, waiting for more temple guards to wake up, it's better to rely on speed to force in.

These people like Li Xingyun couldn't say how smart they were, but the effect was pretty good. Before many temple guards hadn't reacted, these people had disappeared among the buildings in the middle of the temple.

But the people behind them were hard pressed. The guards of the Temple of Victory Wrath spilled all their anger on those people, and dense energy attacks poured down on these people.

The sound of huge explosions and the rising flames caused Li Xingyun, who was one step ahead, to shed cold sweat, secretly thanking him for slipping fast.

The temple guards in front of the first temple were only the first level. When Li Xingyun and others passed by the second temple, not only a large number of temple guards rose, but also some planetary four-star realms appeared in the temple. The chief guard of the temple.

Under the entanglement of the chief guards of these temples, some people were left in place.

In this way, after Li Xingyun and others passed through five temples all the way, they finally came to the door of the central temple. At this time, there were only eight of the three hundred challengers left.

Looking at the extremely lively golden city, Li Xingyun and the other eight people walked into the central temple with lingering fears.

Clear the eighth level of secrets.

After entering the ninth floor of the Vientiane Tower, Li Xingyun did not rush to continue the match. From the sixth floor, he has been fighting and breaking through the secret realm. It took Li Xingyun three days of time. Now the ten days have passed. Half, the remaining time is really running out, and he has to ensure that he enters the tenth floor in the best state.

Only when he reached the tenth floor did Li Xingyun have a chance to fight for that ray of life.

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