Black Jail College

Chapter 109: Enter with the clock tower weirdo

After Li Xingyun stood still in the hall, the four reliefs of guardians of the gods on the giant stone door were resurrected one by one, breaking free from the shackles of the door and strode out.

"God's guard?" Li Xingyun looked at the four tall figures in front of him, his complexion changed slightly.

The strength of these god's guards has reached the planetary five-star realm, even if the water is a little bit, but the number has made up for the lack of strength.

Moreover, the four guards of the gods completely blocked the stone gate behind them. If you want to open the stone gate and enter, you must defeat them.

"Flying Dragon Flash", with the addition of the Dragon Yin Sword and the two four-star magical artifacts of the Dark Night Star Jikai, Li Xingyun’s Flying Dragon Flash exploded nine times faster, and appeared in the four gods within a flash Above the guard's head, the dense sword light of the thickness of steel wire shrouded like a large net.

Amid the harsh cutting sound, the four guards of the gods roared, and then a dazzling golden light burst out of his body.

Ten thousand golden lights turned into countless spears and shot out, and in the blink of an eye, they broke through the dense giant net of sword light and shot towards Li Xingyun.

"Good to come"

Li Xingyun used the Liuhe Shield to form a shuttle shape. Under the shroud of the flying dragon's dazzling sword intent, Li Xingyun shuttled through the sky with spears at extremely fast speed as if driving a flying shuttle into the sky.

From time to time during the shuttle, a spear pierced the shuttle-shaped shield, and then dozens of hexagonal shields resurfaced, filling the long and narrow gap.

The streamlined shape of the flying shuttle is obviously more suitable for fast flight than the human shape. Li Xingyun used this little technique to increase the extremely fast speed by one more level, and it began to approach ten times the speed of the **** explosion.

At this extremely fast speed, even with the full-screen spears that attacked in the sky, Li Xingyun could face it leisurely, flying like a fish in the rain-like spear forest.

After countless powerful spears submerged into the walls and the ground, they silently merged into them, and did not cause any damage to the hall. After the four guards of the gods jointly broke out a wave of map cannons, they also wilted.

Li Xingyun took advantage of the withering of the guards of the gods, and Feisuo appeared behind them in a flash.

Then the Burning Blood Demonstration opened, and the energy like a volcanic eruption surged out. Under the flying dragon flash, the energy instantly condensed and compressed into a giant sword light several meters long.

It was like a real sword light, which brought an incredible sense of crisis to the guardians of the gods, but the energy they had been arbitrarily consumed before slowed their reaction. The gap between them was life and death.

The sword light flickered, and Li Xingyun, in addition to the full strength of the Tianxiang Dragon Flash, exerted its ultimate combat effectiveness. The sword light of the Flying Dragon Flash reached eleven times the speed, breaking the sound barrier and showing the powerful power of the Lingxi Flash. .

Time seemed to solidify in this second. After the sword light broke through the sound barrier, the piercing and screaming roared around the beam endlessly, but the guards of the four gods turned into real statues and stood still.

In the next second, the guards of the four gods who had been chopped off with no idea how many swords turned into golden sands.

After the Burning Blood Judgment was lifted, Li Xingyun walked to the huge stone gate with a tired expression, and suddenly a golden light shone on the eyes of the fuzzy relief of the gods, and Li Xingyun, standing in the golden light, disappeared in front of the stone gate.

Behind that god, several vague **** guard phantoms slowly condensed again, and soon they turned into reliefs and appeared behind the gods relief.

The hall was quiet again.

After entering Shimen, Li Xingyun found himself in a strange place.

Suddenly, it looked like the arena of the Roman Empire on Earth.

However, the difference is that the arena enclosed in the middle is many times bigger. Mountains, rivers, forests, swamps, and all kinds of landforms within a range of tens of kilometers can be said to be a reduced version of the continent.

And the stands are not connected in a circle like a traditional arena, but are divided into independent small stands suspended around the arena.

Li Xingyun was sitting on one of the small stands at this time, and there were seven people of different shapes around him. After Li Xingyun suddenly appeared, they did not attract the attention of those people. At this time, everyone was caught in the arena. The wonderful battle attracted the past.

Li Xingyun followed their gazes and found that the battle had reached a stage of intense heat, but when Li Xingyun looked towards the battle, Ta Ling suddenly reminded him that the three private messages he had saved had been automatically sent out, Li Xingyun Do not care to continue to pay attention to the battle in the arena.

I saw an upper body completely alienated into the appearance of a praying mantis, and the lower body of the spider insect king, quickly waving his arms like two sickles, and countless cyan light blades attacked the opposite person like a storm.

Wherever the cyan light blade passed, it could be described as flying sand and rocks, leaving no grass, and the terrifying power made Li Xingyun feel a little scalp tingling when he looked at it.

The head opposite the worm king is as big as a fight, but the limbs and body are weird and weird, but he smiles calmly and activates an invisible and intangible strange ability.

After the countless light blades entered within 100 meters of the big head monster, the speed immediately slowed down, and there were also many gaps between the original dense attacks.

The big-headed monster uses a power-like ability to control this floating body, and calmly follows the gap between the light blades, evading the intensive light blade raids of the spider insect king, and quickly approaches To the side of the insect king.

Seeing the situation is not good, the spider insect king suddenly ejected four translucent mantis wings from behind and flew up.

However, it was obviously a little late at this time, and the big-headed man grinned strangely while using his skinny hands to grab the worm king.

The spider insect king seemed to be trapped by countless invisible ropes, and the body of the flying back came to a halt. Just as the spider insect king was about to surrender in horror, the big-headed monster's eyes flashed with killing intent, and his hands shook fiercely. tight.

An invisible and intangible, but a huge force that does exist pressed from all directions to the spider insect king. The spider insect king was stronger than a superalloy body under this force, as if facing a heavy hammer. Like a walnut, it splits in an instant, and bright green insect blood is scattered all over the ground.

The big-headed monster didn't stop there, but controlled this ability, and after grinding the corpse of the worm king to powder again, he stopped his hand.

Then the big-headed monster opened his mouth, and the powder of the corpse of the spider insect king suddenly poured into the huge mouth that the big-headed monster grew up with, driven by a hurricane.

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