Black Jail College

Chapter 112: Four planets and spiritual roots

After his first snobbery, Li Xingyun was not anxious to match, but watched the game silently.

"The players on the tenth floor of the Vientiane Tower are really different from the first nine floors. Even if the strength is inferior to the opponent, the life-saving ability is undisputed."

After watching the battle for a day, Li Xingyun had to sigh that the tenth floor of the Vientiane Tower was indeed the elite of the elite, and the various methods were endless, which made him dazzled.

However, compared with the various methods used by humans, the aliens suffer more. The monsters with a single method and not very high IQ rely on violence to feed themselves. Facing cunning humans like foxes, they will often collapse and even die.

After watching the battle for a day, Li Xingyun learned a lot of fighting skills, and then set foot on the arena again. His time was really running out and he had to hurry up.

This time Li Xingyun faced a player who emphasized strength and defensiveness, with a rock-like blue-gray muscle, which made Li Xingyun know at a glance that this person is not easy to provoke.

Without any hesitation, the ten-times speed aura burst out from the beginning, but this time Li Xingyun did not dare to choose close combat, using his speed advantage to kite his opponent while trying to find out the opponent's weakness.

The densely packed sword optical fiber is as thin as a silk thread, covering the strong man named Colonel Qingyan, who can cut off the sword light of the three-star defensive magic weapon at will. It seems to become weak and weak in front of Colonel Qingyan, even the blue-gray skin can't be cut at all. open.

"Hey, kid, with this mighty sword light, you want to defeat me, dream."

Colonel Qingyan defended the sword light's attack while chasing this Li Xingyun, and suddenly he narrowed the range of a hundred meters with his stride. It looked like the legendary **** shrank into an inch, and the speed was not fast.

However, although Colonel Qingyan was extremely fast, he was not enough to see him in front of Li Xingyun. As long as the sound barrier was infinitely approaching, he would be more than 300 meters away as long as the sword light flashed, making it difficult for Colonel Qingyan to chase after him.

"Really exaggerated defense power"

There was a stalemate for ten minutes, and Li Xingyun, who was really helpless, opened the Burning Blood Decision, the speed of sound sword that broke through the sound barrier, and immediately surprised Colonel Qingyan. The first second that Li Xingyun broke the defense, Colonel Qingyan chose to surrender.

He couldn't catch up, he couldn't fight, and the limited skills of Colonel Qingyan couldn't keep Li Xingyun, who was extremely fast. Colonel Qingyan also wisely chose not to stalemate and directly surrender.

Li Xingyun's sword breaking through the speed of sound caused many people to look at him and stun their tongues.

Li Xingyun returned to the stands expressionlessly and breathed a sigh of relief. Breaking through the speed of sound is still a bit heavy on the physical body. If it were not for the powerful resilience of the magic pattern of the light wand, he would not last long.

If those people were to see this flaw and use it to replace injuries, Li Xingyun would be overwhelmed. The physical injury was too severe and the magic pattern of the Holy Light Wand could not be recovered in time. Li Xingyun's defeat would be inevitable.

The next battle Li Xingyun did not go very smoothly. After a day of crazy matching, he got a five wins, three draws and one defeat.

"This is not the way to go"

Li Xingyun thought for a while and thought he was not continuing to match. At this speed, with good luck, the remaining three days would only be enough for him to get one hundred victory points, and there was no extra time to challenge the secret realm.

Moreover, this is still the case where the top-ranked strong did not end up sniping him. If he meets those people, Li Xingyun will lose a few more games and he will have to return to the original state.

After Li Xingyun calmed down and thought, he suddenly thought of Kevin's understatement in the moon reading space.

"Every three floors of the Vientiane Tower is a small ridge, and every ten floors is a big ridge. This is a crisis and an opportunity."

"Every three floors of the Vientiane Tower will correspond to a lobby, where you can trade the best items from thousands of worlds, and every ten floors of the Vientiane Tower, there are heaven, material and earth treasures that cannot be purchased on the other floors. If you can find the treasures you need, it is equivalent to fighting the outside world for decades."

"Such opportunities can be met but not sought"

After recalling that sentence, Li Xingyun's eyes lit up and he hurriedly opened the exchange list on the tenth floor of the Vientiane Tower.

After searching for an hour, Li Xingyun couldn't help but shine.

"I have been thinking about how to earn points, but I have fallen into a misunderstanding. Without investment, where will the greater gains come from?"

Li Xingyun's forty winning points seem to be very rare, but the value of the winning points on the tenth floor of the Vientiane Tower is completely different from the previous ones.

The forty points on the tenth floor of the Vientiane Tower can be used as the eight thousand points on the first nine floors.

It's like right now, Li Xingyun is buying a pill called Good Fortune Pill. If it is on the first nine floors, let alone eight thousand wins, it is estimated that there will be 10,000 people rushing to buy it.

"The good fortune pill can increase the user's cultivation and physical strength to a level within three days, at the cost of losing 80% of the cultivation base after three days."

The cost of the good fortune pill is not small, but for Li Xingyun now, this pill is no different from a life-saving pill, and the price of just forty points makes Li Xingyun feel that this is the arrangement of the **** of fate same.

After swallowing this pill without any hesitation, a force belonging to the four-star level of the planet rose from the body. The strands of the universe were originally refined by this force, and at the same time belonged to His own attributes also began to awaken.

"The power of the spiritual root at this time, the spiritual root of the thunder system"

Talent is an affinity for primitive elements, but after this talent reaches the planetary four-star realm, there is a certain chance that it will become a spiritual root with stronger affinity.

But this conversion probability depends on the ability. If the ability matches, the chance of transforming the spiritual root of the attribute will be greatly improved.

Li Xingyun’s talents are fire, thunder, and dark attributes, but his affinity is not high. In addition, his abilities do not belong to these three elements. Logically speaking, his chance of transforming spirit roots is very small. Who knew that Li Xingyun's **** luck broke out again after taking good luck pills, successfully condensing the spiritual root of thunder attribute.

Under the blessing of Linggen, Li Xingyun will bring the power of thunder in every move, and the power of using the thunder-cut secret technique is even more powerful. Now that Li Xingyun is fully exploded, thunder-che is enough to increase his speed by six times. Power, Li Xingyun’s destructive power instantly increased tenfold.

This was still under the seal of the thunder-sealing chain. If the thunder-sealing chain was removed, Lei Che could explode at the strongest ten times the speed. At that time, his combat effectiveness soared more than 20 times.

Of course, the price is that after Lei Che's, his whole body is charred and turned into a fire stick, and Lei Linggen's increased resistance can't stop Lei Che's violent backlash.

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