Black Jail College

Chapter 126: Blind Fight and Kendo Genius

In the guidance of Hu Xiaotang, Li Xingyun quickly remembered many unbearable past events.

As a master of tactics, how could Kevin not train Li Xingyun to fight blindly. If he only relies on his eyes, Li Xingyun can’t keep up with Kevin’s swift and electric body skills. Only by raising his five senses to the extreme can he reach ten Gallop the battlefield with ease in the battle at six times the speed.

Li Xingyun is not a newbie in blind warfare. His combat experience may be more abundant than that of Hu Xiaotang.

Moreover, at the moment when he touched the wooden sword, Li Xingyun thought that the idea of ​​releasing water had been thrown into outer space, and defeating the opponent became the only idea in Li Xingyun's heart. Because he could not win in the moon reading space, it meant that he was again Must be killed once.

Therefore, Li Xingyun took the lead in launching an offensive before the words of instruction in Hu Xiaotang were heard.

Although he didn't use the secret techniques such as Lei Qi or Lingxi Flash, Li Xingyun's basic swordsmanship was enough to surprise Hu Xiaotang.

Thirteen basic sword strokes such as piercing, splitting, hanging, point, collapse, cloud, wipe, pierce, and pressure pour out like clouds and flowing water, and the sword light that is completely condensed on the wooden sword body is also driven to give out a brilliant light. tail.

As soon as Hu Xiaotang and Li Xingyun fought, he felt an unprecedented pressure. Li Xingyun’s swordsmanship was so exquisite, so exquisite that it was not like a young man. In just a few seconds, Hu Xiaotang was defeated. Li Xingyun pushed back again and again, he could only defend but couldn't attack.

At this moment, Hu Xiaotang feels like he is facing a sword master in the realm of swordsmanship. It seems simple in one move and one style, but it contains endless changes, if it is not given by the planetary five-star realm. With his extremely keen perception, the horror now he has fallen into a dead end.

"Damn, this is a little guy in the planetary and one-star realm, just kidding, this swordsmanship is almost as good as that bull nose"

Hu Xiaotang hurriedly resisted Li Xingyun's sword moves, and smiled bitterly. Who knew that a usual instructional statement would make him fall into an embarrassing situation where he cannot advance or retreat.

It was also that he was too full of words before, and used swordsmanship he was not good at to fight Li Xingyun, otherwise he would not be so miserably suppressed by Li Xingyun in the same realm. After all, where is the foundation of the planetary five-star realm? , The micro-level power control, long ago allowed his best boxing technique to reach the realm of the master.

If you were bare-handed, Li Xingyun would now be abused.

After Hu Xiaotang pretended to be forced, it was difficult to ride a tiger.

Li Xingyun became more brave as he fought, and while his swordsmanship became faster and faster, the sharp sword intent slowly blended into Li Xingyun's every move.

Those classmates in Class Three a year, including Ji Xiaoxi, watched the sword in Li Xingyun's hand as if alive, sometimes flying like a butterfly, sometimes like a snake entering the water, and falling into a meteor again in the blink of an eye.

Spiritual, clever, fast, or slow sword moves are pouring out like a celestial horse and flowing water, and the tiger roaring hall, which is usually full of bad water, retreats steadily.

The dazzling swordsmanship is like a gluttonous feast of basic swordsmanship. Everyone here is obsessed with it. For the first time, many people know that basic swordsmanship can produce so many changes, and it seems that these basic swordsmanship have exploded. The power is no less than those complicated advanced swordsmanship.

"Damn, you kid pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, I can't hold it anymore"

Hu Xiaotang roared, and crushed the wooden sword in his hand, and squeezed his fist into Li Xingyun.

After discarding the uncomfortable wooden sword, Hu Xiaotang's combat power suddenly skyrocketed, and Huhusheng's majestic boxing method not only resisted Li Xingyun's impenetrable sword, but also fought Li Xingyun.

Although both of them are blindfolded now, to outsiders, they seem to be very natural and smooth in their every move. The blindfolded eyes did not affect the battle between the two at all, and the two guys went down and down. They all seem to be full of eyes, and they can even predict the opponent's moves by an unknown prophet.

A big battle lasted for ten minutes. Li Xingyun and Hu Xiaotang fought hard for ten minutes with the most intense fighting method, until after Li Xingyun made a small mistake, Hu Xiaotang punched the wooden sword in his hand. This is how the battle ended.

After Li Xingyun took off the cloth strips, the turbulent aura was slightly calmed. Huxiaotang is indeed very strong. Even in Li Xingyun's strongest state, it is difficult to win without using Tianxiang Dragon Flash. It can be said that Huxiaotang is a five-star planet. The realm belongs to the top batch of masters.

Compared with Li Xingyun’s calmness, Hu Xiaotang is not so indifferent. Li Xingyun’s swordsmanship is almost approaching the realm of otherworldly. Hu Xiaotang looked at Li Xingyun as if he saw a future swordsman rising up. .

"Student Li Xingyun's swordsmanship is very strong, the same cultivation level, no, even if I am one or two stars high, my swordsmanship is not his opponent. It can be said that in the entire middle school department, except for the guidance of the kendo department. Apart from the teacher Shao Qingyang, few people can compare with it."

After Hu Xiaotang admitted that his swordsmanship was not as good as Li Xingyun's, the three shifts a year caused an uproar.

A newly enrolled first-year student was able to surpass the instructor of the actual combat class in swordsmanship. This kind of thing hasn't happened for a long time, and there are not a few hundred years of Pojun Academy.

All of a sudden, both boys and girls looked at Li Xingyun's eyes. This guy who transferred with Ji Xiaoxi thought it was ordinary, but in the silent first practical lesson, he beat the instructor of the planetary five-star realm. Although it was only in swordsmanship, it was enough to cause a sensation in the entire middle school, and even the entire Pojun Academy.

"Li Xingyun is a rare genius of swordsmanship in a hundred years, no, even a genius of swordsmanship in a thousand years."

After the innocent boys and girls realized this, they immediately surrounded him, and chirping to Li Xingyun asking all kinds of messy questions.

Hu Xiaotang, who was left out in the cold, smiled bitterly at the carefree Sao Nian, his eyes faintly revealed a hint of worry. Li Xingyun’s kendo talent is so high that he has never seen it before, but it really makes him feel The incredible rich practical experience of Li Xingyun is really not like an ordinary young person should have.

Moreover, Li Xingyun’s sword moves always reveal a fierce meaning that there is no return. With the hidden extremely deep and fierce sword intent, if Hu Xiaotang can’t detect that Li Xingyun has been through all the years. Bloody battle, then his instructor of the actual combat class will be for nothing.

"What's the origin of this young man? It's just that the swordsmanship is so fierce at a young age, and that **** atmosphere is revealed in that femur. This is not like a genius who grew up in a greenhouse."

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