Black Jail College

Chapter 139: Preliminary

And the three of Li Xingyun also learned a lot of fighting knowledge and fighting methods that they had never expected before.

The biggest opponent of the human race in this world is the monster race. Faced with the monster race of the same level, the strength and defense power of the monsters exceed their own. The fighting skills honed by the strong in this world are extremely strong, especially for weak attacks and martial arts. The fusion between the two is even more refreshing.

The human races in this world can only truly defeat the monster races whose various physical data stabilizes the human race.

Li Xingyun is relying on the various knowledge learned from Pojun Academy to continuously improve and integrate his own secret techniques. The Lingxi Flash has added special defense skills, six-armed Shura, and the continuously improved Lingxi Flash has become With the six-star level secret method, when the skills above the Tianxiang Dragon Flash are developed, it may become a forbidden existence.

After Leiqi officially integrated into the basic swordsmanship, his power greatly increased. Although he did not reach the six-star level, he was considered the top stage in the five-star secret arts.

Comparing to this world, the spirits are only strong but not weak. Of course, the premise is that Li Xingyun can reach a proficiency above Dacheng, in order to be able to surpass Lei Che's power by ten percent.

What Li Xingyun wants to study most is to integrate Lei Che and Lingxi into an access control technique. It is just too difficult. There has not been much progress so far. In the only attempt, Li Xingyun almost lost half of his life. After that, he Don't dare to mess up again.

When Li Xingyun and the others began the second half of the second semester, the screening of the Pojun Academy officially began. First, through the hidden points of the teachers of various subjects, the students with excellent grades were selected for the first time, and then each class teacher Nomination.

Students nominated by the class teacher will be able to skip the initial competition and directly enter the competition.

Li Xingyun and their second grade third class nominated only three places, but there are six outstanding students who can be nominated. The beautiful head teacher Qiao Mu Xilin also democratically chose the way of voting to compete for these three places. After the classmates voted, the final three were finally selected.

The three who finally passed the vote were Ji Xiaoxi, Duanmuming and Ziyang Yanjing.

Needless to say, Ji Xiaoxi had beaten all the masters of this grade after the planetary four-star realm, and even many seniors in the third grade were defeated by little Lolita.

And Duanmuming and Ziyang Yanjing have also made significant progress after hard training. Not only did their cultivation bases further reach the planetary four-star realm, their proficiency in various secret arts also reached the stage of minor success, and their combat effectiveness more than tripled. Pojun Academy is already considered the best group of people in the second grade.

As for Li Xingyun, although his sword skills are superior, his cultivation base is too low. Only the planetary two-star cultivation base has made many students question Li Xingyun's true combat effectiveness. After all, cultivation base is the foundation and there is no corresponding one. As for the cultivation base, the powerful secret technique used in the past will be just like that. Maybe one of them will lose his life if he can't handle it.

In this way, after Ji Xiaoxi escaped the primaries fortunately, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming sorrowfully signed up for the primaries of Pojun Academy.

And what they will face is the real high-achieving students in the Pojun Academy. Perhaps their actual combat ability is not as good as the desperadoes of the mercenary world and the demon-killing special service team, but they have better mastery of various secrets and martial arts. Be more adaptable to this way of competition.

This is a disadvantage for Chen Xiaoming. In the case that the Break of Dawn cannot be released, the existing methods and metal time and space can only guarantee that he is not weaker than most planetary four-star players. It is a bit difficult to get ahead. , Especially the adult group he wants to participate in, regardless of age group, those guys are much more difficult than the teenagers Li Xingyun faced.

Li Xingyun's side is pretty good, and only basic swordsmanship is enough in the early stage. By the middle of the game, Xiaocheng's proficiency in Lei Che's secret method is even more surprising to many people.

With the addition of Li Xingyun's extremely rich combat experience, it can be said that he has passed five levels and cut six generals along the way, and entered the finals smoothly.

"In one month, we will be able to compete for the top 100 in the pre-examination competition. At that time, more than 300 elite students who have obtained the nomination qualification will compete for the 20 junior group entries in the Breakthrough Academy" in Li Xingyun While secretly calculating the time, the aircraft he was riding also came to a wilderness under autopilot.

The contract signed by the Demon Special Services Group is one year, and the three of Li Xingyun cannot withdraw before time. So even in the intense competition, they have to spare time to perform duties. Fortunately, there are many in the Demon Special Services group. Students like them.

Therefore, the policy is relatively loose. They have not fixed their duty time, but let them arrange their own duties. However, four times a month is the bottom line. In order to obtain the title of squadron leader, Li Xingyun and the three naturally have to work harder. , Basically, Li Xingyun and the others at school will come to the demon secret service team as soon as they are on duty.

And this time, the team in charge of Li Xingyun was out on duty. Recently, the space cracks have become more and more. They don't worry that there is no task to accept.

"Report that the captain found traces of monsters"

In the passenger seat, a black man with an electronic eye transplanted to Li Xingyun, who was still thinking.

Li Xingyun came back to his senses and said: "Let's start then"

The formation of Li Xingyun’s team was really not easy. The main reason was that his cultivation base was too low. Many players refused to accept him. It was better for him to beat him one by one. After the mission, Li Xingyun relied on his own speed. After rescuing the team members many times, they let them call him the captain submissively.

However, this time the space crack opened into the wild, it was much easier to handle, and they were more likely to force the trace of the monster beast without a lot of worry.

After receiving Li Xingyun's order, the electronic eye black big Han suddenly operated on the aircraft, and then hundreds of fist-sized missiles were shot out, and they bombed the space within ten miles of the crack indiscriminately.

The flames rising from the sky distorted the surrounding air, making everything appear illusory. A tree-lined hill was directly razed to the ground under the bombardment, showing a scene of blazing flames everywhere.

This kind of scene looks terrifying, but in fact it doesn't have much lethality for the monsters. The most is to let them support the demon power shield and expose their position.

The same is true for Li Xingyun and others.

"Eighteen monster beasts, three of them are planetary four-star level, it seems that some are busy this time"

Li Xingyun and the others jumped out of the aircraft. Flew directly to the target of his choice.

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