Black Jail College

Chapter 185: Chi Yan's Decision

The explosions from all directions successfully distracted the Roshan Goblin's attention. Li Xingyun and the three hurriedly pulled Han Xing disguised as slaves, and rushed to the gate of the city among the messy monsters.

I had already been guarding where Luo Long also secretly used some means to make the scene at the gate of the city even more chaotic, and a large group of monsters with a large number of unknown goblins rushed out of the gate of the city.

The four super-giant goblins guarding the city gate looked confused and didn't know what to do.

The flesh goblins also clearly saw the scene at the gate of the city, and the fat waves on the body of the mentally retarded ‘goalkeeper’ were undulating.

"Idiot, don't hurry up and close the city gate, raise the barrier, chase the escaped monster"

In the roar of the Roshan Goblin, the goalkeepers finally realized what they were going to do, and hurriedly killed all the creatures at the gate of the city with a few sticks.

Then the city gate made by pushing the huge stone was closed. At the moment the city gate was closed, a powerful barrier also rose up and enveloped the entire city.

After watching the city being enveloped by a barrier, those super-giant goblins led the dung and urinating men who were frightened by the flesh goblins to chase down the monsters who had escaped outside the city.

At this time, Li Xingyun and others who were among the monsters had already escaped.

After sending out the signal to gather all the members of the investigation team, Li Xingyun and others returned to the original cave.

After converging with the large force, Han Xing revealed the information he had found before.

"The Goblin clan has been included by the Demon King. The Goblin King that appeared before has been taken over by the Demon King's clone. It can be said that the Goblin King is the Demon King clone."

Han Xing's words set off a huge wave, and the devil's coveting of the human world is no longer news.

In many cases, the devil's conspiracy and tricks seem to be commonplace to these mercenaries who have experienced the storm.

As long as it is a legendary hero and has not solved the conspiracy of several demon kings, it is embarrassing to call it a hero.

Conspiracy belongs to conspiracy, and most of the so-called conspiracy and scheming are nothing more than the devil clone coming to the human world to cause trouble.

The real Demon King clone appeared not many times, and each time could be said to be a major event that alarmed the Thirteen Kingdoms.

"Halo took the fifth team to **** this news back to the White Rose Kingdom. No matter what method is used, it must be conveyed to the ears of the royal family."

"The remaining people, enter the underground world, seek and destroy other passages to the ground"

Chi Yan was obviously also extremely decisive, and when everyone was still digesting Han Xing's bad news, he immediately responded.

A five-star mercenary of the elves, code-named Halo, took a deep look at the crowd, and ran away from the cave with his men.

After seeing the halo disappearing from his gaze, Chi Yan said to everyone who was left: "I don't have to say anything extra. The Chiyang Mercenary Group would rather die than run away from the human race, brothers. , Let those nasty devil cubs and disgusting goblins see what a pure man is"

"Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng"

In Chi Yan's roar, all members of the Red Sun Mercenary Group roared and raised their weapons.

After everyone jumped out of the cave again, a violent explosion knocked down the entire cave.

Their retreat, the cave was also buried by hundreds of millions of tons of boulders.

It's hard not to attract the attention of the goblin army to such a huge noise.

Before the goblin army had time to dispatch troops, Chi Yan asked the scouts to take them away.

When the goblin army felt the scene, they only saw corpses all over the ground and caves that had been blocked by rocks.

When the physical goblin, that is, the Demon King clone, learned the news, the furious Demon King clone directly shot the report to his five-star-level goblin general.

Then all the goblins in the underground world and the underground monsters came out under the command of the Demon King clone, looking for the traces of Li Xingyun and others.

Thousands of monsters ran wildly in the underground world with these screaming goblins, just to find the invaders as soon as possible and to calm the king's anger.

"In the entire underground world, in addition to the goblin army stationed in the royal city, there are a total of three goblin army, and there is also a monster army that is a mixture of gregarious monsters."

"These four armies plus the power in the royal city constitute 80% of the military power in the underground world."

"Their location has been marked on this abbreviated map"

"According to their deployment positions, we analyzed these three places that are most likely to have exits to the ground."

Carl, the captain of one of the investigation squad of the Chiyang Mercenary Corps, took out a simple but not simple map and pointed it out to everyone.

The military deployment of the underground world immediately appeared in front of everyone. At the same time, the extremely professional technical analysis also made Luo Long, the picky Earl's House butler, nodded.

"Along this road, go to the nearest exit first."

Chi Yan waved a big hand, leading everyone on the road of a thousand li raids.

Along the way, all kinds of messy monster caves and small goblin tribes have already been empty, and the wilderness is almost full of countless monsters and various goblins.

In the beginning, in order to keep their whereabouts confidential, Chi Yan and the others killed all the monsters and goblins that could be seen.

However, after the remaining monsters and the goblins were found to be strange, more monsters and goblins came from all directions.

After no longer caring about confidentiality, the entire Red Sun Mercenary Corps turned into a real red sun to illuminate the dim underground world.

The light of various sword auras and magic illuminates the way for everyone and opens up a broad road for everyone.

After fighting for a full day, they rushed to the first suspected exit.

Looking at the passage opening that looked like the throat of a giant beast, Chi Yan did not hesitate to order a team of people to clean up the monsters and goblin army in the passage, while destroying the passage, without looking back. The next person rushed to the next exit of the passage.

This time their rapid march was not so easy. The wise goblin sacrifices reacted to their attempts, and the already arranged army blocked their way forward.

This time Li Xingyun, these masters, replaced the members of the Red Sun Mercenary Group who had begun to feel exhausted, and began to bombard the goblin army wildly.

Under the leadership of three six-star powerhouses, they smashed through all the goblins that could be seen, and countless goblins that were still alive and kicking in the past, turned into broken corpses in the next second. Full of the underground world.

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