Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 210: The third master is really not a man

   Chapter 210 The third master is really not a man

   Obviously, both of them came for Shen Lingxi.

  The store is not a suitable place to talk, so the two of them made an appointment to find a place where they can talk to "have a good chat".

  After eating, Shen Yun resigned and saw that the living room was a little messy, so he started to pack up.

   When I was cleaning up the books on the coffee table, I saw so many practice questions, I couldn't help but flip through it twice.

   "Xixi, why did you buy so many practice questions?" Shen Yun resigned and counted, the three books in this subject did not include the test papers, which was quite a lot.

   However, except for one subject of mathematics, other subjects are blank, which shows that the owner of the homework has a special preference for mathematics subjects.

   Not only did the basic questions, but also did a lot of elevation and expansion plus some competition papers.

   "If you want to improve your grades, quantity alone won't have much effect, you still have to find the right one for you." Shen Yunci was worried that she would be tiring from doing too much and didn't have too much pertinence, so she reminded her.

   Shen Lingxi's full marks on the math papers and the fact that he wants to participate in the math competition class is known to him. Judging from the current situation, even if Shen Lingxi does more basic questions, it will not be effective.

   Judging from the quality of the competition papers she made, her foundation is actually very solid, and there is absolutely no need to do those.

   "Oh, those were bought by the third brother." Shen Lingxi hooked her lips and smiled, "I bought it before I got full marks in the test, and I did it all when I was bored."

  Shen Yun said: "…"

   Now there are some snacks.

   "He bought these for you?" Shen Yunci frowned, wondering what he was thinking.

  Shen Lingxi was sitting on the sofa on the other side and eating fruit slices: "Well, there are also those in the room."

  Shen Yun said: "..." Third Master robbing him?

   "Xixi, take a break after eating." Shen Yunci packed up her homework and put it on the corner of the table.

   Shen Lingxi nodded, she also had the same intention.

  It is also suitable for supplementary sleep on a rainy day.

   Half an hour later, Shen Lingxi went into the room to make up for her sleep, and Shen Yun resigned and sent a message to Xie An.

  Shen Yunci: Do you have time at night?

  Xie An's reply was almost a second.

  Xie An: Yes.

  Shen Yunci: LABS bar will be waiting for you at night.

  Xie An's hand in turning over the document was a little surprised.

  Ning Mian came to him just because of some work matters, and out of the corner of the eye caught a glimpse of the information on his mobile phone.

   "Okay, your uncle asked you to go to the bar to be cool?" Ning Mian was also surprised.

   But don't blame him, Xie An has been in Jincheng for so long, and this is the first time Shen Yunci took the initiative to ask him out.

   Although the two are familiar with each other, they are not as good as they are. Now that they suddenly ask to go out together, the only reason Xie An can think of is Shen Lingxi.

  Xie An glanced at him, this man's IQ always dropped when he didn't expect it.

  Ning Mian hugged his arm and leaned back: "Third Master, I like women."

  Xie An: "I'm not interested in people with low IQ."

  Ning Mian: "…"

Personal attacks!

  Xie An confirmed the document information: "It just so happens that you have nothing to do at night, so let's go together."

   "No! I have!"

  Ning Mian refused to be so decisive because he guessed that Shen Yunci might be looking for him for a drink, so he pulled his back to stop the wine.

   "Don't go? Don't ask me to play games with you in the future." Xie An said casually.

  Ning Mian: "..." Third Master, you are a little shameless.

   That night, both Shen Yunci and Xie An arrived on time.

  Ning Mian followed, but Xie An didn't let him into the same box, but threw him to the next door first.

When    was blasted away, Ning Mian was heartbroken.

  The third master is really not a man.

   (end of this chapter)

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