Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 212: The most beautiful art student

   Chapter 212 The Most Beautiful Art Candidates

   Even though she was not in front of her eyes, Shen Lingxi could imagine that when she mentioned her idol, her eyes showed a gleam of light.

  Shen Lingxi replied with one, you need a calm and calm expression pack.

   Seeing her reply in seconds, Wang Ningxiu's voice call came over immediately.

   "Ah, ah, Xixi, don't you think he is very handsome, my fairy brother, he is so handsome that my face is bloody." Wang Ningxiu's tablet computer is still playing an interview video of Wen Jinxing.

   Looking at her, she covered her face with her hands. If love could materialize, she would probably have a head full of love.

   But in fact, although Shen Lingxi had not heard of the name Wen Jinxing once, but every time he saw him, it was all his emojis, and he didn't take a good look at what he looked like.

  The content on Shen Lingxi's tablet is playing to the part where Wen Jinxing uses the lines in the play and the fans' confession.

   is also a benefit for fans on the spot.

   The person in the video has gentle eyes and a nice voice, as if he was whispering in his ear.

   Immediately, people have a kind of appearance, seeing the small fish in the pond, after lightly touching the lotus leaves, there are layers of ripples on the water surface.

  Sultry is sultry, no wonder you can give the little girl to the lost city like this.

   However, Shen Lingxi sneered suddenly.

   Isn't that guy the idiot he met on the bus?

   When asked about his ideal type, Wen Jinxing lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then said calmly, "Sweater, long hair, cool and beautiful."

   The host was stunned, I didn't expect him to say so... specific.

  Wen Jinxing seemed to feel that it was not enough, and added: "Running fast with long legs."

   Shen Lingxi: "…"

   Nine times out of ten this person has a mental illness.

   Although Wang Ningxiu has watched the video more than once, every time Wen Jinxing mentioned her ideal type, she was in pain, and it was difficult to accept the fact that she had a crush on her wall.

   "Xixi, you said that my male **** likes the girl who was photographed with him a few days ago." Wang Ningxiu wailed, "No, I can't accept it, my male **** is still young, how can I fall in love."

   Shen Lingxi held his forehead: "You may be thinking too much."

   "Yes, I must have thought too much." Wang Ningxiu was like a chicken blood, "I have to go to Chaohua to see."

   Shen Lingxi was bored, and also logged on Weibo.

   It was found that Wen Jinxing's name entry was very high on the hot search list.

   At the same time, the revelations that were photographed some time ago have also been fried again.

  Because the post was deleted very quickly at that time, many passers-by fans did not know what happened, and expressed doubts about the revelations at that time.

  Many black fans even started to post, Wen Jinxing broke the news by himself, and smeared the heat.


   Monday morning.

   As soon as Guan Muqing entered the classroom, he saw the invitation letter on Shen Yuxin's desk: "My God, Yuxin, you have been invited to participate in the Reader's Program!"

   I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the whole class heard Guan Muqing's cry.

   Shen Yuxin felt the gazes of the people around her, not to mention how proud she was.

   "Shh, be quiet, the other students have to study early." Shen Yuxin whispered deliberately.

   Back from the cafe yesterday, Fernan's ambiguous attitude made her extremely nervous.

   But she didn't expect to have good news waiting for her.

  Because the photos taken together with the works in the Chinese painting competition were posted on the Internet, there was news that she was the most beautiful art candidate in this session.

After the photo of    came out, Shen Yuxin's online social account was quickly found by netizens, and the number of fans increased sharply for a while, and she was a proper little internet celebrity.

   (end of this chapter)

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