Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 214: I'm so important

   Chapter 214 I am so important

   "What's so great, show off what!" Wang Ning was very delicate, "That big mouth, the whole school knows about it."

  Wang Ning returned to her seat delicately, Shen Lingxi glanced at her and really wanted to pinch.

   is like a little puffer fish that is full of breath, which is too cute.

  Xie Feng slept in a daze. After being woken up by the sound of the door closing, he listened for a long time before he understood what they were talking about.

  "Do you like Wen Jinxing?" Xie Feng was lying on the ground as if he had no bones.

  Wang Ningxiu nodded, her eyes were a little red.

  Xie Feng dug under the table twice, but didn't take it out.

   "Brother Feng, what are you looking for?" Seeing that his head was stuffed into the drawer under the table, Wang Ningxiu was extremely worried that he would be stuck and couldn't get out.

   If he accidentally gets stuck, then he will have to trouble 119's younger brothers to come and save him. It's a bit embarrassing to think about that scene.

  Fortunately, after a while, Xie Feng can be considered to have caught something.

   Wang Ningxiu was dumbfounded when the thing fell.

  Wang Ningxiu: "!!"

  Xie Feng: "Shut your mouth, you will have to call 120 if you lose your temper for a while."

   Shen Lingxi kindly helped Wang Ningxiu hold her chin: "Be good, close it."

   After Wang Ningxiu recovered, she tightly covered her mouth and couldn't believe what she saw.

   "Brother Feng, where did you... come from?" Wang Ningxiu said excitedly.

  Xie Feng said casually: "I ran into him on the way when I went to buy milk tea a few days ago, and he signed it for the spot."

  Wang Ningxiu: "Which milk tea shop, I go to every day!"

  I also want to have a chance encounter with the male god!

   Xie Feng reported the name of the milk tea shop, and Wang Ningxiu immediately said to invite everyone to drink milk tea after school.

   "Cheese and Grape 5% sugar, thank you." Xie Feng was not polite at all.

  Wang Ningxiu holds the signature Le Huahua: "No problem, what do you want to drink and report it in the group, and we will order together later."

   After school at noon, the milk tea takeaway arrived.

   Shen Lingxi proposed that he wanted to go out for a walk and bring back the milk tea by the way.

   "Together?" Shen Lingxi glanced at Xie Feng.

  Xie Feng stood up sluggishly: "Really, I'm so important that I can't be separated from me at all times."

  The two went downstairs.

   "What's the matter with you, it's time to make it clear?" Shen Lingxi had already discovered that something was wrong with Xie Feng, and asked him for the first time.

   He said at the time that he hadn't figured it out yet, and he would tell her in a few days.

   Shen Lingxi didn't ask, who would have thought that Xie Feng's state was getting more and more wrong.

  Xie Feng suddenly stopped: "After the welcome party, an economic company came to me and wanted to sign me as a trainee."

   Shen Lingxi glanced at him: "You want to go, don't you?"

Although    is an interrogative sentence, it doesn’t have the slightest hint of questioning.

   Although he didn't say it, Shen Lingxi could think of his answer.

   "Well, I want to go." Xie Feng didn't hide it from her.

   Shen Lingxi lowered her eyes: "So you've been thinking about your family's affairs these past few days, and have no idea how to explain it?"

  Xie Feng nodded.

"Sister Xi, you are really a roundworm in my stomach. You know everything. You know me so well that I am moved to death." This matter had been in Xie Feng's heart for too long, and suddenly it was said that someone had discussed it, as if The added burden was suddenly lifted.

   Shen Lingxi rolled his eyes at him, what kind of adjective, no wonder the Chinese test got 40 points.

   "What kind of economic company, have you been to know about it?" Shen Lingxi tried to ignore his trash talk.

  Xie Feng returned: "Shina Media, the economic company where Wen Jinxing works."

   (end of this chapter)

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