Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 232: Three Brothers takeaway delivery staff

   Chapter 232 Three Brothers Takeaway Delivery Staff

  Wen Jinxing was holding a book in his hand and reading the story he had prepared.

  Shen Lingxi sat cross-legged on the sofa, listening to his voice, his expression relaxed.

   As a strict voice control, her preference is somewhat difficult to find.

  Between Qing Shuyin and Juvenile tone, that little subtle change is enough to affect her senses.

   Wen Jinxing's voice is the one she likes, it's nice and charming.

   Wen Jinxing recited "The Little Prince", speaking at a slow pace, and he could even construct the picture he described in his mind.

   The phone vibrated twice in time.

  Xie An: What are you doing?

  Shen Lingxi replied in seconds: watching variety shows.

  Xie An was a little surprised, and called over: "It looks good? What's the content?"

   "Listen to other people's stories." Shen Lingxi put down the glass in his hand, so as not to accidentally spill it, "Is the evening done?"

  Xie An heard the sound of opening the door: "Just finished, ready to come back."

   "Third Brother."

  Xie An just got into the car and fastened his seat belt: "Do you want me to bring you something to eat?"

   Shen Lingxi chuckled lightly, she really knew enough about her.

   "I want duck necks and lemon claws." Shen Lingxi replied.

  Xie An smiled: "Want a drink?"

"don't want."

  Xie An: "Okay, wait at home, arrive in forty minutes."

   After placing the "takeaway" order, Shen Lingxi watched the variety show while waiting for Xie An to come over.

  The part of Wen Jinxing has ended, and it is the turn of other Jiji guests of the same period to take the stage.

  Shen Yuxin loves to show off, and her friend Guan Muqing is also a show-off. Before the show started, she promoted it in the alumni group.

   [Going to the stage, this is Shen Yuxin from the second and first class of senior high school, she is dressed up beautifully, no wonder she is the school flower. 】

  【Call the alumni! 】

  The barrage is touted, and naturally there is cynicism.

  Especially just experienced the fans tearing up Shen Yuxin and sticking to Wen Jinxing. When Shen Yuxin appeared, the barrage could be said to be mixed.

  【Yo, isn't this the girl who was posted upside down to our brother, that's what she looks like, and she's still a school girl. 】

  【yue, stick the dog upside down and get away. 】

  Shen Yuxin was wearing a fairy dress with delicate makeup on her fair face, which made her look like a little princess.

   She was reading the article she was preparing with in her hand, her voice was sweet, but it made people feel like she was pretending to be delicate.

   Shen Lingxi couldn't help frowning.

   Female voice, she likes two extremes.

  Charming Yujie voice and sweet Lolita voice.

  Shen Yuxin's voice is not delicate enough, but she has to create a sweet feeling. The force is a bit too hard, not what she likes.

   On the screen, she looked up at the audience from time to time, interacting with the audience with her eyes.

When   ke looked up, he always looked in the direction of Wen Jinxing.

  Wang Ningxiu, as a fan of Wen Jinxing, was disgusted enough by her behavior.

   "Ahhh, what are you looking at, can you look at the occasion, reading an article with such a restrained expression, and laughing at what my family Jinjin is doing, it's disgusting!"

  Wang Ning delicately clenched the small ears of the pillow, if the little hamster felt pain in the pillow, it would probably have two noodles and tears on his face.

   At this time, the barrage is also frying.

   [My God, Miss Sister is so beautiful, she matches Jin Jin well, and she feels full of CP. 】

   [Is the one who said CP feeling blind in the front, what a fire! 】

  【I'm going to be nauseated, do you want to post it like this]

   The content of madly brushing CP feeling on the barrage is not rare, which can make Wen Jinxing's Weifan angry enough.

   But because of his popularity, there is no way to scold him directly, so he has to keep explaining.

   (end of this chapter)

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