Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 257: The reason why Wan Lingling hates her

   Chapter 257 The reason why Wan Lingling hates her

  Shen Lingxi watched her acting coldly: "Team Pei, I want to sue her for defamation and infringe on my personal reputation."

  Chen Miaomiao was stunned.

  Zhuang Boyuan has a complicated mood: "She has no children, you still have to sue her, your heart is too cruel."

"Didn't her child get rid of herself? When she falsely accused me of deliberately hurting others, did I force her?" Shen Lingxi asked back, "Why, it's already been hit in the face, and she wants me Pretend to be a Virgin and reply to my Buddha's mercy?"

  Xie Feng couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

   Where is this going?

   Pei Xingrang also wanted to laugh, but the situation did not allow it.

  It was really uncomfortable for him to hold back.

  Zhuang Boyuan's face turned blue and red.

  Shen Lingxi looked at Chen Miaomiao: "They are all adults, they have to be responsible for their actions, right?"

  Chen Miaomiao shuddered subconsciously, and his body kept shaking, and he didn't know if it was too cold or he was angry.

   "Shen Lingxi, what do you have to be proud of." When she was about to go out, Chen Miaomiao suddenly cursed, "If it wasn't for you, I would have become what I am now, why do you accuse me arrogantly."

  Xie An's face was cold and scary.

   "Are you sick, you opened your mouth just to talk nonsense?"

   You don't need to think about it, Chen Miaomiao will definitely not be able to say anything good, Xie Feng subconsciously wants to urge Shen Lingxi to leave quickly, so as to save the bad luck.

   "Am I wrong?" Chen Miaomiao snorted coldly, "You are a disaster star, whoever encounters you will be unlucky."

  Shen Lingxi stood by the door and looked at her indifferently: "If you do something wrong yourself, you have to push it on someone else's head. You are really thick-skinned and it opened my eyes."

  Chen Miaomiao: "You are always like this, disgusting and annoying."

   "When you came to Wanjia, Lingling treated you well and treated you as her own sister, but how did you treat her?"

"Wan family can't support you and sold you. Could it be because of you that the whole family starved to death? You'd better run away overnight. Did you know that after you escaped, the family was not as popular as their own loss? Come on. He went to the house and kidnapped Lingling."

   "If it wasn't for you, she wouldn't have become so violent. You owe her all this. Now you not only didn't repay your kindness, but also sent her parents to prison. Shouldn't she hate you?"

   Pei Xingrang was so shocked that he wanted to scold his mother. After so many years of cases, he thought he had seen many big scenes, but today he was shocked by Chen Miaomiao.

   He had never seen such a thick skin.

  Xie Feng even rolled his eyes in anger, wishing to go up and give her two feet to let her know what social evil is.

   Shen Lingxi replied coldly: "Did you know? So take care of yourself, or you will be sent in next."

  Chen Miaomiao froze.

   She thought that Shen Lingxi would come to scold her, or even do it.

   But she didn't expect her to admit her accusation directly, and she didn't know how to feel for a while.

   "Let's go." Shen Lingxi grabbed Xie Feng's collar and dragged him out the door.

   Xie An took a look at Pei Xingrang and then left.

   "Why are you pulling me, I have to shave that lady bear." Xie Fengqi's teeth were itchy.

  Shen Lingxi: "Okay, don't grind your little die, it's not very neat and it's even uglier when you grind it."

  Xie Feng: "…"

  You are talking nonsense!

  My teeth look great!

   "Third brother, what did you buy?" Shen Lingxi changed the subject.

   Xie An's eyes moved slightly: "I didn't know you were coming, I just bought porridge, I'll give you what you want to eat."

   Shen Lingxi smiled: "Have some porridge."

   (end of this chapter)

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