Chapter 259 Ran Niangniang is here

Qin Xin replied: "I can't find it, this LID has only started to operate frequently in recent months, and there are not many orders received in AM, but the amount of each order received is very large, and the single owner information is also hidden. Very good, I can't find any clues."

   "Check it out."

   Qin Xin: "Yes."


   Shen Lingxi received news from Xie Feng just after sending the revised design draft to Chao Lan.

  Xie Feng: I'm going to Kerry. [shivering].jpg

  Xie Feng: Shi Na's agent came and said that he wanted to meet, I was a little panic, what's the matter?

  Shen Lingxi raised her eyebrows slightly: Afraid that you won't be able to win a fight?

  Xie Feng:…

   Being so upset by Shen Lingxi, Xie Feng's original nervousness disappeared.

  Shen Lingxi: Take a look at the situation first, don't rush to make a decision.

  Xie Feng: Good.

  Shen Lingxi: If you are abducted and sold, remember to send a message and I will help you to call the police.

  Xie Feng:…

  I really appreciate you.

   says so, but it's just a joke.

  Shina, as a leading company in the entertainment industry, does not need to deceive people with indiscriminate means, and it is troublesome to ruin his reputation.

   They can come to Xie Feng so many times, it shows that they are really interested in him.

   At the door of the hotel, Xie Feng knocked on the door.

   It was Ling Yue, the agent who had been in contact with him, who came to open the door for him: "Xiaofeng is here, come in quickly."

   Ling Yue greeted him warmly, and after entering the door, Xie Feng discovered that there were still people in the hotel room.

   The man looked very young, about twenty-five or sixteen. His hair was highlighted, and a few strands of blue hair were very bright on the black hair.

   The facial features are exquisite and beautiful, and the glasses with gold frames are a bit more refined.

   Dressing is also very elegant, Xie Feng recognized it at a glance as a niche brand in Italy.

  Although it is small, the price is not low-key at all.

   Walking in a little, the smell of azure perfume immediately drifted over.

  The man was sitting in his seat, staring at the phone, as if he was replying to someone's message.

   After hearing the movement by the door, he raised his head.

  The two looked at each other, and the man sat up instantly, with a faint light in his eyes.

  Xie Feng: "..."? ? ?

  How can someone who has been hungry for three days suddenly feel like they see biscuits.

  Ling Yue was speechless by his shameful behavior, and coughed lightly: "Xiao Feng, sit first."

   "You, restrain yourself." Ling Yue said to the man who highlighted the fact that he hated iron.

   The man pursed his lips, it was a bit difficult to keep calm.

   "Xiaofeng, let me introduce to you, this is Ranchen, the big businessman of Shina." Ling Yue resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "He is also FIRE's manager."

  Xie Feng is a fan of FIRE. After hearing the name of the group, he looked up and down at Ran Chen with a suspicious look on his face.

   "Ran Niangniang?"

   Ran Chen sat up straight: "It's me, it's me."

   Hearing Ling Yue say that he dug up a treasure and found it, Ran Chen didn't care.

   After all, the four little brats he brought are more beautiful than the other, especially Rong Yi, who is a ruthless character who can slap a lot of male and female stars without makeup.

   So he generally doesn't care about the high-value idols that others trumpet. After all, his own cubs are really excellent.

  But Xie Feng made his eyes bright, as if he had seen Rong Yi when he was sixteen or seventeen years old.

   The first time he saw him, he knew that Xie Feng was able to fire.

   And it must be able to fire.

   If it wasn't for Xie Feng's hard bone, Ling Yue would not have thought of calling Ran Chenlai.

   (end of this chapter)

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