Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 261: Caipu has been offended

  Chapter 261 Caipu has been offended

   Hearing this, Xie Feng smiled.

  Because he felt Ran Chen's kindness towards him, he also heard the concern beyond his interests from his words.

   From the company's point of view, they all hope that Xie Feng can sign Shi Na, but from Xie Feng's point of view, as a past person, they hope that he will consider it carefully.

   is full of human contradictions.

   Xie Feng felt clearly at this moment that Ran Chen in front of him was the big economy that could fight against capital oppression for his artists.

   "Niangniang Ran, it's nice to meet you." Xie Feng said sincerely.

   Ranchen also smiled: "Boy, play well, Lingyue people are good and will take good care of you."

  Ling Yue's mouth twitched: "I really thank you."

   was obviously a good word, but Ling Yue felt a little awkward and unpretentious no matter how he heard it.

   Before leaving, Ran Chen also gave Xie Feng two FIRE concert tickets.

  The location is in Beijing, just in time for their holiday.

   After coming out of the hotel, Xie Feng wandered the streets for a long time.

   "Come out to play games?"

   When Shen Lingxi received Xie Feng's call, it was just after eight o'clock.



   After saying that he would come, Xie Feng went to the Internet cafe to turn on the machine.

   Shen Lingxi came in with two cups of drinks, and saw Xie Feng staring at the network manager of the Internet cafe distracted.

After    put things down, she also looked at the man.

   The network manager looks young, at most sixteen or seventeen years old, with messy hair, and it looks like he just woke up not long ago.

   His face was a little pale, not naturally pure, it gave a morbid feeling, and the whole person had no spirit, hunched his back, and yawned from time to time.

   "He owes you money?" Shen Lingxi handed him one of the drinks.

  Xie Feng took it calmly: "No, I just watched him help a primary school student to play on behalf of a primary school student. He's very strong. I guess I have the same skills as you. It's really amazing."

   Shen Lingxi chuckled.

   "Don't believe me, I'll tell you the truth." Xie Feng said sincerely.

   Internet cafes were originally a place where crouching tigers hide dragons, so how could Shen Lingxi not know, after all, she was once regarded as an Internet cafe sweeper by those "customers".

  Although it was past the meal time, there was still a strong aroma of food in the Internet cafe. It was the takeaway ordered by the next-door cameraman who had opened the lid.

   "Have you eaten dinner, if not, I'll give you some?"

   Shen Lingxi refused. She has a bad appetite today, and she has no desire to eat. A drink is enough for her.

   After the two got on the number, they started a double-row game.

   After a few rounds, Xie Fengren was dumbfounded.

   "You fought very hard tonight."

  Shen Lingxi did not show any affection, he was completely like a killing machine, with a terrifyingly high head count.


  Xie Feng: "…"

  The dish is forced to express that he has been offended.

   "When are you going to leave?"

   When queuing up to match, Shen Lingxi suddenly asked, and Xie Fenggang paused when he picked up the drink.

   "There should be a suspension next semester."

  Shen Lingxi clicked the right mouse button with his fingertips: "When are you going to tell the family?"

   This is also the problem that Xie Feng has been worrying about since he promised to surpass them.

   "Celebrate the New Year."

  Xie Feng looked a little complicated. To be honest, he didn't know how to say this at all.

   All day long, he was thinking about how his cousin told his family that he was going to play e-sports, and he wanted to follow his way to explain the situation to the family.

   But the more I think about it, the more irritable I get.

   (end of this chapter)

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