Chapter 266 Sprain

  Xie Feng was so excited last night because he was talking with Wang Zhuo about the sponsor, which led to insomnia.

   Coming to class on time every day is the last stubbornness of this dear friend.

   Shen Lingxi thought that as soon as he came, he would ask about the chat with Xie An.

   Unexpectedly, that guy has a big heart and doesn't look nervous at all.

  Early self-study is when Yang Jingwu came to walk around the class. Logically speaking, his math teacher didn’t need to come at all. He couldn’t ask the classmates to take out the math formulas and start memorizing them.

  However, he is the head teacher, so he can only follow him to get up early every day and come to the class to listen to all kinds of content recited by the little bunnies.

   As soon as Lao Yang stood on the podium, he saw Duan Wen limping in from the door.

   "What's wrong with your foot?"

  Yang Jingwu hurried over to help him. Duan Wen was startled by his speed and almost fell backwards like a wooden stick.

   Duan Wen scratched his head: "I stepped on my mother's rolling pin when I got up early, and I accidentally sprained my foot."

  Yang Jingwu: "…"

   "Teacher, don't worry, it's not serious, it's just a sprain." Duan Wen frowned when he saw him, and his heart tightened.

   If he hadn't just returned from the hospital, he would have made this expression on Lao Yang, and he would have thought that his foot was so serious that he would have to be amputated.

  Wang Ningxiu: Old Duan, is this a new trick to escape running?

  Wang Zhuo: Very likely, Lao Duan always surprises us like this.

  Wang Ningxiu: But this foot is twisted, but it is done once and for all, and it can be used for a long time.

   Duan Wenyi's least favorite sport is running. In the past, he used to take homework to the teacher's office to ask questions because he wanted to avoid running.

   Later, Director Jiang said that if he loves studying, he must also pay attention to exercise, so this reason died prematurely.

   Since then, he has tried to find reasons to avoid running exercises.

   Anyway, it is the disease that should be born, and the disease that should not be born is already sick in his mouth.

During the most serious period of   , Director Jiang once thought he was a sick child, and every time he saw him, his expression was extremely solemn.

   "Brother Feng, did you steal chicken last night?" After Duan Wen sat down, he looked back at Xie Feng.

  Wang Zhuo looked at him with incomparable sincerity: "Brother Feng, how many days have you read early and can't sleep?"

   Duan Wen seems to be the same when he thinks about it.

  Yang Jingwu is a casual person. Even if he sees a student sleeping, if the other person is still sleeping after reminding him twice, he will ignore it.

   After all, when you are still growing your body, you should eat, sleep, and grow taller.

   As the morning self-study is approaching, the reading volume in the class is much quieter.

   After the last ten minutes, it was even more quiet.

   There was no more noisy reading, Xie Feng turned his head and turned his face to Shao Heng.

   Shao Heng was writing the question when suddenly someone touched his arm and drew a long line on the test paper.

   turned his head and found that it was the guy next to him who thought the sunlight shining in from the window was dazzling, so he raised his hand to block it.

  However, the hand is not big enough, the light is still dazzling and a little uncomfortable.

   Shao Heng took out a coat from under the table and put it directly on his face, blocking the light.

  Shen Lingxi raised her head, just saw this scene, her eyebrows raised slightly.

   Xie Feng slept peacefully and was not affected in the slightest.

   He was woken up by the class bell when it was approaching class.

   The moment he opened his eyes, Xie Feng saw Shao Heng's coat. No wonder he always smelled a familiar floral fragrance when he was sleeping. It turned out to be the smell of laundry detergent on his clothes.

   "Brother Heng, what laundry detergent do you use, it smells so good."

   (end of this chapter)

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