Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 287: Precisely stepping on thunder

   Chapter 287 Stepping on the Thunder with Precision

   "I just finished the exam. It looks like I did very well in the exam. Otherwise, why would I be in the mood to come out to eat, right? My sister wishes you good grades in the final exam."

   As soon as the voice fell, the paper menu that Xie Feng and Wang Zhuo were holding slipped from their hands.

  Xie Feng: "..." You don't deserve to eat because of poor grades?

  Wang Zhuo: "..." Thank you, I can't afford to eat anymore.

   Seeing that their menu had slipped, she helped to pick it up with great enthusiasm: "Why don't you try the signature dishes in our store, it will be outstanding."

  Xie Feng looked at the dish, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Come here."

The little sister smiled even more happily: "Is my brother good at maths? When I was in school, my maths grades were very bad. My mother said that I have to make up my brain to be smart. Look at this one, it's abalone chicken soup. Soup base, boiled on slow fire for eight hours, very authentic, do you want to make it up?"

  Xie Feng: " person per person."

"This little brother is also smiling very happily." The little sister's eyes were aimed at Wang Zhuo, "Those who love to laugh are not bad luck, those who are bad are not able to laugh, this little brother must be very lucky. , come and try our fruitful?"

  Wang Zhuo: "..." I've been able to slap my buttocks against each other.

After Miss    left, the other four laughed out loud.

  The conscience of heaven and earth, they really worked so hard, and stepped on the thunder with precision time and time again, but no one else.

   "Brother Feng, where did you find the store? It's really interesting." Duan Wen burst into tears when he smiled.

  Xie Feng rubbed his eyebrows: "I read it on the review software and said that the service attitude of the new store is very good. Who knows what his uncle is like."

   "That's right, my kidneys hurt when I attack him personally. Who am I going to provoke?" Wang Zhuo clutched his chest, as if Xizi was holding his heart.

   It's a pity that those broad shoulders have no tenderness at all, only hahaha.

   Facts have proved that newly opened stores need to be cautious.

   Especially if it’s the kind of bells and whistles in the name of the dish, you have to be more cautious.

   It's not that his food is not delicious, it may be that the expectations are too high, or the crit before serving makes them less satisfied with the dishes.

   After eating and drinking, the six of them went back to their respective homes.

  Xie Feng sent Shen Lingxi to the gate of the community as usual before leaving. When he went downstairs, Shen Lingxi looked up and saw that the lights in the house were on.

  Shen Lingxi glanced at the time. Usually, Shen Yunci should have a meeting at the company at this time. Why did she come here earlier? She didn't tell her to come back early.

  After opening the door, Shen Lingxi didn't see anyone, but saw the mess on the ground.

  A lot of cardboard boxes were piled up in the living room. In addition, there were a lot of books on the coffee table. Shen Lingxi walked over and flipped through two books, all of which were written in foreign languages.

   "Xixi, you're back."

  Shen Yun resigned and put on his household clothes and went upstairs, looking like he was busy with something: "Brother, what are you doing?"

  Shen Yunci leaned on the sofa to rest: "Moving, I plan to move over to accompany you after the year."

   "Why do you want to move here so well?" Shen Lingxi was stunned for a moment.

After Shen Yunci took over the company, he moved out of the Shen family's villa. He has always lived in Hengyu Garden near the company. Compared with the ten-minute commute time there, Dilan Community is far away. Not a lot.

   "I've always wanted to move here, but I'm afraid you're not used to it for a while, so I haven't moved." Shen Yunci said.

   While speaking, his eyes kept paying attention to this Shen Lingxi's expression, but if she showed a hint of unwillingness, he would not move again.

   Hearing that he was going to move, Shen Lingxi's eyes flashed with surprise.

   He saw it.

   (end of this chapter)

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