Chapter 292 Uninvited Guest

   Halfway through the meal, there was a knock on the door of the box.

   "Ning Shao, third master, there are two guests who said they know you and want to come over to say hello."

   Xie An's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't say anything, but Ning Mian frowned first.

   Today, he and Xie An went out for dinner. It was obviously a private trip. When we came in, no one saw it except the clerk. It was such a coincidence that I came to say hello at this time.

  Ning Mian glanced at Xie An out of the corner of the eye, and didn't say anything when he saw that he was in a good mood. He planned to let the clerk send the people outside first.

   Before he could speak, the people outside the door shouted first.

   "Third Master, Ning Shao, what a coincidence to meet here."

   Ning Mian's brows immediately wrinkled when he heard the voice, he already knew who that person was, and he couldn't get rid of it like a dog-skin plaster.

   After the man forcibly pushed the door and entered, he glanced at Ning Mian, and then turned his gaze to Xie An.

   He had a smile on his face, but his heart was very nervous, and his slightly cold hands rubbed subconsciously.

  The man's name is Cheng Xikun. The family is engaged in real estate development. Xie An first bought a piece of land that he liked. After learning the news, he began to bribe his itinerary information and pretend to meet by chance.

  Thinking about trying out what Xie An is going to use this land for first, if the project is good, he wants to buy a share, and if it doesn't have much use, he will find a way to buy the land from him.

   "Don't you like to eat fish? You didn't even move your chopsticks."

  Shen Lingxi shook her head, she really didn't have much of a cold for fish, even if there were too many thorns, it still smelled of earth.

   It’s not that you can’t eat it at all, it’s just that I don’t like it.

   Xie Wen did not force it, moved the small plate containing the fish, and silently wrote down that he did not like to eat fish.

   "I don't like to eat fish, so I need to change the position. My sister eats prawns. This prawn is good." Ning Mian wiped his hands and changed the position of the dishes on the table.

  Cheng Xikun stood there a little embarrassed, and the smile on his face froze for a while.

   "This is Ning Shao's younger sister. She is really beautiful and looks exactly like Ning Shao." Cheng Xikun saw that the other two Buddhas were obviously unable to hold their feet, so he turned his attention to the soft persimmon Shen Lingxi.

  Ning Mian and Xie An had a very good relationship, and it was nothing unusual for the two to have a private dinner date, but they also brought a girl, and he couldn't help but guess that the Ning family had intentionally arranged a marriage.

   In addition, Xie An's aura is too strong, and he is notoriously difficult to approach. It can be seen that he is interested in giving the little girl a dish. Since he can't pry it there, he might as well change the angle.

   Shen Lingxi's eyes swept over him: "Like it?"

  Cheng Xikun opened his eyes and said nonsense: "Like, especially those eyes are very similar, it is the charm of the Ning family."

   Hearing this, Ning Mian almost choked to death on a sip of green tea.

   Shen Lingxi smiled.

   Cheng Xikun, who had no reason for it, suddenly became nervous. Did he say something wrong?

  Ning Mianchong's face turned red, and he finally recovered: "Then I have to go home and ask my father when he gave birth to a half-sister for me."

  Cheng Xikun was dumbfounded, but he didn't expect to hit the horse's hoof with his flattery.

  Who told you to call someone's sister, it's not your sister's blind chicken.

  Cheng Xikun gritted his teeth and was so angry that he didn't dare to show it on his face.

  Xie An glanced at him and quickly moved away.

   (end of this chapter)

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