Chapter 296 Follow me home

   "Sister, we all know what's going on with your grades. If you really got good grades, why did you only get so many points in the entrance exam? don't need to do this kind of dishonest thing for your face."

   After all, Shen Yuxin called her out because of two things.

   does not admit to slandering herself for cheating in the exam, because in her eyes, she is a scumbag, and she deserves such a good score in the test. A perfect score is cheating.

  The other is to explain that she did not deliberately target herself, but someone spread rumors to black her, and she was innocent from beginning to end.

   Shen Lingxi took a deep breath: "It smells like a lot of white lotus, it really doesn't match my character."

   Shen Yuxin was choked, her face flushed instantly.

   It's boarding time soon.

   Shao Heng put away the newspaper and got up: "Let's go, it's almost time."

  Xie Feng's ticket was bought by Yang Weihua with the help of his assistant. At first, he bought first class. He considered that it was not suitable for Shen Lingxi and the others to upgrade with him, so he also changed the ticket to the economy class seat.

  Shen Lingxi was by the window, Wang Ningxiu sat next to her, and Shao Heng and Xie Feng sat in the back row.

   Before turning off the phone, Shen Lingxi checked the WeChat message.

   Xie An and Shen Yunci both sent messages.

  Shen Yun's remarks: Have a safe journey, call me when you arrive.

  Xie An: Safe journey.

   The two of them seemed to agree, only a few seconds difference in the time of sending.

  After the phone was turned off, she took out an eye mask from the small bag she was carrying, and put it on, closed her eyes and rested.


   "Ladies and gentlemen, this flight is about to arrive at Beijing International Airport. The temperature outside is 3 degrees Celsius. The plane is taxiing. For your safety and others, please don't stand up or open the luggage rack..."

   The voice of the flight attendant came, and Shen Lingxi took off her blindfold.

   It wasn't long before Jincheng arrived in Beijing, and Shen Lingxi didn't expect to fall asleep.

   After getting off the plane, Xie Feng consciously went to help with the luggage.

   Shao Heng was about to call Yang Jingwu to say that they had arrived in Beijing when he heard Xie Feng holding Shen Lingxi's luggage and saying, "Come home with me?"

  Shao Heng: "…"

  Wang Ningxiu: "…"

  Shen Yuxin: "…"

  The rest of the students: "…"

  This, this... It's too direct.

Compared with their shock, Shen Lingxi didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said. After all, before coming to Beijing, Mr. Xie already knew what she was going to come here today, and he made several calls to invite her to go home. live.

   When Mr. Xie was on the phone, Shen Yunci was also beside him, and he also knew about it.

   "No, I'll stay at the hotel for a few days, and then go to your house after the training."

  Shen Lingxi finished replying to the WeChat message, put the phone back in his pocket, and reached out to pick up his suitcase: "You can go home directly, I'll just go to the hotel by myself."

   "It's not that there are no free rooms at home. What hotel are you staying in? If my grandfather finds out, he can beat me up."

  Shen Lingxi: "No, I just told him and he agreed."

  Xie Feng: "…"

   The two of them were completely unaware of how fascinating the conversation they met was.

   "Then I'll take you to the hotel and help you check in before leaving."

  Xie Feng is very firm on this point. After all, she is a girl going out, so it is better to be careful.

   Shen Lingxi also knew that he was well-intentioned, so he did not refuse.

   "Brother Heng, Xiuxiu, how are you going? Do you have a car? If there is no car, my driver will be outside to take you there."

   After a few people left the airport, they saw a red flag parked at the door.

   I don't know who in the crowd took a breath to calm down first, and the people around them instantly quieted down.

   (end of this chapter)

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