Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 503: Surgery without a second option

   Chapter 503 Surgery without a second candidate

   When Shen Lingxi rushed to the hospital, there were several doctors in Luo Shiye's office, all of them bowed their heads, just like eggplants beaten by frost.

   They were all entangled by the patient's family members. On the one hand, they urged them to formulate an operation plan as soon as possible, and on the other hand, they refused to let the male doctor into the operating room.

The attitude of    doing both hard and soft really made them feel angry.

   But at the moment of human life, they had to endure it.

   Now several doctors in the hospital are gathered in his office, as if he doesn't know what to do, just waiting for Luo Shi to make up his mind.

   Shen Lingxi knocked on the office door.

   After seeing her coming, Luo Shiye's frowning brows relaxed a little.

"Are you ok?"

  Luo Shi also had a wry smile on his face: "Not very good, I encountered workplace discrimination."

   "Think you are too handsome to be a serious doctor?"

   Hearing this, Luo Shiye's nerves that had been tense suddenly relaxed, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

   "I guess so."

The more Luo Shi thought about it, the more he felt that what Shen Lingxi said was very reasonable.

  After dispersing all the doctors in the office, Luo Shi also talked to her about the patient's condition. The more she listened to Shen Lingxi's frown, the closer she got, the more complicated the patient's condition was.

  "You want me to do that surgery for her?" Shen Lingxi asked.

  Luo Shi was also stunned, and nodded affirmatively.

   "Besides you, I can't think of a second person to choose." Luo Shi also said in a deep voice.

   Ke Luo Shiye's absolute trust did not let Shen Lingxi relax.

   "I know the surgery is risky, but she's not completely hopeless now, I..."

   Halfway through his words, he couldn't go on.

   He really wanted to save people, but he didn't want to instill so much pressure on Shen Lingxi.

   To do or not to do this operation should be decided by Shen Lingxi, the chief surgeon.

   "I want to see the patient's condition first."

   Shen Lingxi did not immediately refuse, nor did he agree on his face.

   But Luo Shi also suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, I'll take you there."

   Shen Lingxi thought that the patient's condition would be very bad, but did not expect it to be so bad.

   The whole person has a blue nose and a swollen face, and there is no good place on the body. There are pinch marks on both arms, which is shocking.

   "Why is she like this?"

   Shen Lingxi was stunned. What kind of mistake did a woman with a child make to suffer such a brutal and inhumane beating.

  Luo Shi was also helpless: "Let's go, go out and talk."

   Now the patient is still in a coma and in public, he really has no way to tell her the most tragic thing in front of her hospital bed.

   After all, she may still be conscious when she is in a coma.

   If I hear it, I'm afraid I will feel sad in a coma.

   The patient's name is Yan Ningning, and his father is a soprano singer who is well-known in the circle and has held several concerts.

   His life can be said to be smooth sailing, with a good family background, he graduated from a prestigious school, and at the age of 30, he was awarded the title of honorary professor at the Conservatory of Music.

   Yan Ningning's mother was much more ordinary.

   She was the dance teacher at the school, and he was almost forty years old when he met Yan Shuhua.

  There is a fifteen-year age difference between the two, and the family conditions are still so disparate, Yan Ningning's mother resolutely chose to be with Yan Shuhua.

   What she didn't expect was that, regardless of the man she wanted to be with, she always had a wife at home.

   And she was just a pastime for Yan Shuhua who cheated on her when her wife was pregnant.

   (end of this chapter)

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