Black Lotus

Chapter 19 - Sudden Stomach Pain

Looking at the silent young man standing in front of him, Gu Yansheng was even more convinced that he was afraid, and couldn’t help but find this funny.

“Come here a little bit. Do you think I will eat you? Sit down.”

Gu Yansheng pointed to the sofa in front of him and asked Wen Niannan to sit down.

Wen Niannan suppressed the fear in his heart and moved slowly to sit.

Not knowing if it was because of his fear or because of his stomachache, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

“Why? Afraid that I will punish you again? Aren’t you always very full of yourself?” Gu Yansheng lit a cigarette and said sarcastically, turning away from him.

“No, I’m not afraid.” The voice was trembling, and it was obvious that these words were not true simply from Wen Niannan’s appearance.

There was a strong smell of smoke all over the room, and Wen Niannan could not stop coughing lightly, frowning, and turning his head to the side in pain.

Gu Yansheng glanced sideways and deliberately puffed out smoke rings in the direction of Wen Niannan.

“Did you not ask Tang Shuo to send you back yesterday? Your relationship must be really good. Looks like you two are still in contact after so many years. How do you get Tang Shuo to stay single for all those years? You must have some solid tactics. If his status is higher than mine, you are going to do everything as he says, right?”


Wen Niannan couldn’t even speak properly anymore. The pain from his stomach filled his face with cold sweat.

Seeing that he didn’t hear a reply, Gu Yansheng looked at Wen Niannan with a sullen face and was about to mock him, only to see his painful expression with his face covered with sweat.

“What happened to you?”

The butler Uncle Xu hurried over and found out the reason when he saw Wen Niannan’s appearance. He quickly brought a glass of water, then dug out the medicine from the medicine box and handed it to him.

“What kind of medicine is this?”

“Sir, this is the medicine for stomach pain. Last night, I saw that he wasn’t feeling good and I wanted him to sleep more today, so I didn’t wake him up in the morning. It is probably because he hasn’t eaten breakfast. I thought he returned yesterday after eating dinner, but how come it’s happening now?” Uncle Xusaid questioningly.

Gu Yansheng suddenly remembered that last night, Wen Niannan didn’t seem to eat much as well.

Was it because of him…

After taking the medicine, Wen Niannan stopped sweating, and Uncle Xu brought a bowl of porridge for him to eat.

Seeing that Gu Yansheng was still standing there with no intention of moving away, Uncle Xu was a little surprised but stopped his own guess. What was he trying to do? He just wanted to see the embarrassment and pain?

“I thought you would never come back again,” Wen Niannan said with mockery.

“Mother has returned from Nation F and wants us to go to the house tomorrow. Grandpa and your father will also be there. In front of Grandpa, you just pretend that we are going along great.”

Putting down the spoon in his hand, Wen Niannan smiled bitterly, “Don’t you want to divorce me? Why do you want me to lie to them?”

“I don’t care about what you do in front of others but not in front of my Grandpa.”

Afterward, Gu Yansheng stared at Wen Niannan with cold eyes, “You’d better not play tricks, otherwise I won’t mind flipping off in front of your father.”

“Ok, I got it.”

Perhaps because of the illness, Gu Yansheng felt that Wen Niannan seemed especially obedient, without the feeling of deception that he had yesterday.

Checking the time on his watch, he got up and walked out.

“Sir, aren’t you going to stay here a little longer? You two… should spend some more time with each other.” Aunt Lan asked worriedly.

“There’s no need. I still have some business to deal with in the company, please take care of him for me.”

After saying that, he drove away without looking back. Aunt Lan looked at Wen Niannan sitting blankly in the living room. She sighed helplessly and shook her head.

Edited by: UnderTheMoon

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