Black Lotus

Chapter 28 - Who's Upstairs?

“How are you doing? Have you found activities that make you happy? How are your songs?”

“Well, they all like the new song I wrote. Recently, I took a project from a foreign band to compose for them.” When talking about what he liked, Wen Niannan finally showed a smile on his face.

Dr. Li nodded and continued to ask, “That’s good, as long as it makes you happy, it’s a good thing.”

“Then…how are you and your husband?”

The hand holding the cup tightened as Wen Niannan slowly lowered his head without speaking.

When Dr. Li saw this, he spoke again, “Niannan, you can tell me what you have. I am your psychologist and your friend. There is nothing you can’t say to me. Don’t keep everything in your head.”

“He… asked me for a divorce… I don’t know what to do…” Wen Niannan studdered and finally told him what he didn’t want to mention.

“Is that why you don’t want to continue the treatment? If you tell me everything, maybe you can feel a bit better.”

As if he finally found someone to talk to, Wen Niannan told him a lot of things that he didn’t want to talk about, and Dr. Li sat in front of him, listening carefully and guiding him to say more.

An hour later, the top part of the hourglass on the table was empty, and Wen Niannan’s voice also stopped. His face looked much better than before he entered.

Dr. Li sent Wen Niannan to the door and couldn’t help saying, “Niannan, you have to live for yourself, think more about yourself, and find things that make you happy.”

“Okay, I have things I like to do, and I will think more about myself, thank you,” Wen Niannan nodded to Dr. Li, turned, and left.

Looking at Wen Niannan’s lonely back, Dr. Li shook his head with a sigh, returned to the table, and dialed a number.

“Hey, it’s me.”


Wen Niannan did not go home directly but came to the mall he used to go to all the time. He wanted to relax a bit.

Slowly, he walked to the front doors of a musical instrument store, looked at the exquisite piano in front of the glass window, and placed his hands against the glass.

“Do you like it?” Suddenly a familiar voice came from behind.

Wen Niannan was surprised and turned to find Tang Shuo standing behind him looking at him with interesting eyes.

“You… why are you here?” he asked aloud in astonishment.

Tang Shuo walked over, smiled at him, and turned his head to look at the piano in the window.

“Do you like this piano?”

“Yes, I like it, I like it very much.”

Of course Wen Niannan liked it, but no matter how much he liked it, he can’t play it because Gu Yansheng doesn’t like him playing the piano.

When he first got married that year, Wen Niannan wanted to go around and get familiar with the house because he had just moved in. When passing by Gu Yansheng’s study room, he saw that the door to the room wasn’t closed.

He walked over and wanted to close the door easily, but saw the piano placed in the room, and was instantly attracted to his eyes. He curiously walked over and pressed the key, and caught a glimpse of the two letters on top…LS.

He thought that Gu Yansheng probably carved it on there and Wen Niannan didn’t pay much attention to it. He placed his fingers on the piano keys, and the bright piano sound slowly sounded, gradually overflowing like a tide.

Wen Niannan was immersed in the sound of the piano but did not see the figure coming down from the car outside the window.

“Master… No sir, welcome back.” Uncle Xu changed his words quickly, remembering that his master was already married.

As soon as Gu Yansheng walked to the living room, he heard the sound of the piano from the stairs, and his face instantly became gloomy.

“Who’s upstairs?”

Uncle Xu was frightened by Gu Yansheng’s angry eyes and quickly replied, “It’s… it’s your husband.”

Translated by: Summit

Edited by: UnderTheMoon

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