Black Lotus

Chapter 37 - Birthday Party Begins

On the day of the birthday party, many reporters came to Yi Feng neighborhood, rushing to capture the incredible gathering that got almost every notable figure in the industry.

Wen Niannan changed into a carefully selected light blue formal suit, which made his skin look even brighter than usual. Seeing his new appearance, Aunt Lan couldn’t stop praising him.

As soon as he got downstairs, he saw that there were already many guests. Most of them were renowned celebrities that made frequent appearances on the news. They casually chatted among each other, totally ignoring Wen Niannan who was standing in front of them.

None of them took him seriously. In their eyes, Wen Niannan was just a lost bird flopping on a bench, not to mention Gu Yansheng didn’t even care about him. So his position as the partner obviously didn’t matter as well.

Wen Niannan felt that he was a little out of place and wanted to retreat upstairs. After turning around, he suddenly ran into someone.

“I’m sorry…I didn’t mean it,” Wen Niannan apologized quickly and looked up at the person who he hit.

“Yuanfeng? When did you come back?”

“I came back a few days ago to attend Sheng’s birthday party and take care of some business.”

Seeing Wen Niannan’s face was a little pale, Zhou Yuanfeng asked, “Are you okay? You don’t look good.”

“I don’t feel very well. I’ll go up and rest for a while,” This wasn’t an excuse. He actually felt that his stomach pain has become more serious in the past two days, and it still hurts even after he took some painkillers.

“Sure. Don’t worry, I can take care of things here.”

More and more people gathered into the all, and soon, the place became a large conversation opportunity, where everyone communicated for their own purposes.

Zhou Yuanfeng was standing in an inconspicuous corner with a glass of wine, observing what the guests were doing. Suddenly, he saw another person who was also standing to the side just like him and quietly looking at the crowd.

The person wore a pair of gold-framed glasses, and his gentle temperament looked particularly attractive. The man saw someone looking at him and glanced over.

Their eyes met for a moment, and they both raised the glass in their hands and nodded.

There was an intrusive noise from the door, and the guests all looked in that direction. The man of the day had arrived.

Sure enough, he saw Gu Yansheng in a black formal dress walking in and being surrounded by people. His faint smile instantly got everyone’s attention.

Now that the man was here, the event has officially begun.

After a while, Gu Yansheng was surrounded by many people who wanted to offer him a toast, but he only took drinks from those who he knew well, and for the others who he didn’t know, he didn’t even give one extra word.

Zhou Yuanfeng picked up a glass of wine and walked over, “Happy birthday. Yet again, one year older.”

Gu Yansheng took the glass and drank it, “Whatever.”

Seeing Gu Yansheng’s eyes fluttering, Zhou Yuanfeng asked, “Are you looking for Niannan?”


“I’m asking if you are looking for your partner,” Zhou Yuanfeng said, staring at the person in front of him.

“Yeah, how dare him not to attend the banquet and greet the guests even as a host! He is becoming more and more arrogant!”

Zhou Yuanfeng swung the glass in his hand and said slowly, “He’s not feeling well, so he went to his room to rest.”

Gu Yansheng sneered, “Sick again? What, he’s made out of porcelain? He’s sick all day long.”

Zhou Yuanfeng shook his head. Just as he was about to say something, Wen Niannan walked downstairs.

“The person you’re looking for is here. You should go for a toast with him.” Zhou Yuanfeng turned around and left.

Translated by: Summit

Edited by: UnderTheMoon

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