Black Lotus

Chapter 41 - Severe Condition

After leaving the banquet in embarrassment, Wen Niannan walked aimlessly on the street.

When he saw a couple playing in school uniforms in front of him, tears fell down his face, remembering the times he had with Gu Yansheng in high school.

A taxi stopped in front of him, and a person got off. Wen Niannan waved his hand to stop the car.

“Sir, where do you want to go?” asked the driver kindly.

“Any nearby bar.”

The driver recommended a popular bar. When Wen Niannan got off the car and walked into the bar, he found the interior to be very fancy and elegant, nothing like a typical bar.

He walked into the bar ordered several drinks. After a while, he started to feel dizzy from the alcohol. He tried to prop up his head with his hand placed on the table.

The singers on the stage sang a pop song that was famous on the internet recently. Listening to the depressing lyrics and tunes, Wen Niannan felt even more pain in his heart. Raising his head, he drank another glass.

“Ah! Niannan, why are you here?”

As soon as Tang Shuo entered the bar, he saw Wen Niannan with his head dangling. Thinking that he might have mistaken, he rubbed his eyes to make sure that it was Wen Niannan sitting there.

Wen Niannan was already a little drunk. He raised his wine glass and pointed at Tang Shuo, asking, “We met again. What a coincidence. How come we always meet each other?”

“My other friend and I made this bar together. Niannan, don’t get me wrong. I don’t come here usually. It’s just that it’s his wife’s birthday today, and he is away celebrating with her, so I’m here to look after the shop.”

Tang Shuo shook his head vigorously in fear that Wen Niannan would misunderstand that he is a person who often comes to the bar.

“Yeah, I have to accompany him on his birthday, otherwise he won’t be happy,” Wen Niannan suddenly stood up and wanted to leave, but as soon as he got up, he became unconscious and fell to the ground.

“Niannan!” Tang Shuo caught him just in time to avoid a fall.

“Let go of me. I’m going back to celebrate his birthday with him, otherwise, he will be mad.”

Wen Niannan struggled hard trying to escape Tang Shuo’s arms. but his body became too weak from the drinks to do any damage.

“Today is Gu Yansheng’s birthday?” Tang Shuo’s eyes flashed. No wonder that he is acting like this. He slowly let go of his hands.

Wen Niannan broke free from Tang Shuo and stood up, backing away. He wanted to say something but suddenly bent down with a painful expression.

“Niannan! What’s wrong? Why is your face so pale?”

Seeing the cold sweat on his forehead as he bent down, Tang Shuo was scared.

“Um… it hurts…” His words made Tang Shuo feel even more distressed. Disregarding if Wen Niannan likes it or not, he grabbed onto Wen Niannan and rushed out the door.

“Ambulance! Call an ambulance!”

“Yes, boss.”

After arriving at the hospital, Wen Niannan was pushed into the emergency room. Left outside the door, Tang Shuo stood there shaking.

The door was pushed open. The doctor walked out as he was taking off his mask. “He’s fine now, just need some more rest.”

Tang Shuo let out a sigh of relief and almost fell to the ground.

“Who is this person? Tang Shuo, why are you so nervous?” Wang Qi never saw Young Master Tang so nervous before.

Tang Shuo glanced at his friend and said, “He’s my high school classmate… What’s wrong?”

“Gastrointestinal bleeding1interior bleeding in the stomach area that is extremely painful and might be life-threatening. Your classmate’s stomach is already weak, how can you still let him drink so much at once?”

“What?” Tang Shuo froze in place. How can his condition be so severe…

“Yeah, his physical condition is not ideal. You should take him for a full-body checkup tomorrow and let me see his report.”

“Oh, okay.”

Translated by: Summit

Edited by: UnderTheMoon

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