Black Lotus

Chapter 60 - Tense Relationships

Wen Niannan had been in a coma for a day and a night and had shown no signs of waking up.

Uncle Xu was so worried that he had been circling the house all day and hesitated on whether he should send Wen Niannan to the hospital, but when he saw Gu Yansheng’s sullen expression, he swallowed down what he wanted to say.

So, Uncle Xu could only inform Zhou Yuanfeng, and Zhou Yuanfeng called the family doctor from the old house to do a check-up on Wen Niannan after hearing that the conditions weren’t getting any better.

As soon as the doctor arrived, Uncle Xu hurried upstairs, explaining Wen Niannan’s situation as he walked.

The family doctor, Doctor Lin, gave Wen Niannan a thorough body check, and after checking, he turned around and asked, “Mr. Gu, is Mr. Wen eating well recently?”

Gu Yansheng was taken back and replied casually, “I don’t know, he was admitted to the hospital two days ago, and Aunt Lan has been giving him stomach-nourishing diets these days.”

“Then, has he encountered anything worrisome lately?”

Gu Yansheng didn’t speak, but walked to the sofa and sat down with a cold face, and glanced at Uncle Xu.

Uncle Xu stepped forward and said, “Recently, there are some bad rumors about Mr. Wen on the Internet, and he may have seen it.”

“That must be it.”

“What do you mean that must be it? Why did he still not wake up after being in a coma for so long?” Gu Yansheng looked over and asked in confusion.

“Sir, he has been under excessive stress recently, and he seems to be in a tense relationship. It looks like he hasn’t taken a good rest for a while and seemed very anxious. Because of the fright, he has been sleeping for a long time. Other than that, he should be fine. Just let him rest. His body is very weak and needs extra care.”

“How long will it take before he wakes?”

“It will most likely be tomorrow, depending on his physical condition.”

Doctor Lin saw the wound on the brow bone and asked suspiciously, “But the scar on this face is…”

“Doctor Lin.”

Gu Yansheng looked over with sharp eyes and said in a gloomy voice, “Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, and don’t talk about what you shouldn’t, understand?”

“Yes, Mr. Gu.”

After Dr. Lin explained a few more precautions, he packed up his belongings and left. Uncle Xu got up to send the doctor out. When they reached the door, Dr. Lin suddenly stopped. Looking inside, he said helplessly, “The wound is caused by the young master. Is that right?”

Uncle Xu also stopped and replied, “Yes.”

“Nonsense! Mr. Wen is too weak to let him mess around like this. I checked him before they got married, and his condition back then was fairly well. How did you and Aunt Lan take care of him in the past few years?”

Remembering the pale paper face he had just seen, the doctor felt pity that the once well-behaved and beautiful child now lost the smile he used to have, “Did they always get along like this?”

Uncle Xu sighed and said helplessly, “We can’t do much. The relationship between the two of them has been very tight. After the man named Shen came here, Mr. Gu has been even more indifferent to his husband. We can only let the old lady come back and deal with it this time.”

Gu Yansheng walked to the balcony irritably and lit a cigarette. The smoke ring covered up much of his eyes, making his vision a little hazy. He turned his head and looked at the person on the bed and couldn’t take his gaze back for a long time.

The face of the person on the bed was extremely pale, and he couldn’t help feeling a little upset when he thought of Wen Niannan’s stubbornness before he was locked in the basement.

Tense relationships…excessive stress…

Is he so stressed because of the video?

Translated by: Summit

Edited by: UnderTheMoon

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