Black Lotus

Chapter 75.1 - How Do You Feel Covered In Mud? (12)

Seeing that Wen Niannan looked depressed, Uncle Xu instantly change the topic, “Then, what type of flowers do you like the most? We can plant the ones that you like.”

“The flowers I like…”

Wen Niannan looked up at the bright sun in the sky and said quietly, “I like sunflowers. I envy that they can always follow the sun from birth to death. ”

Uncle Xu and Gu Yansheng were both surprised by this. Upstairs, Gu Yansheng subconsciously looked up at the sky as well. 

Following the sun… is he talking about himself?

Uncle Xu pretended that he didn’t know gardening that well so he said, “Sir, can you teach me a little about taking care of flowers?”

Wen Niannan nodded and started sharing the gardening techniques that his mom taught him.

Gu Yansheng looked at the exciting man downstairs talking about flowers, and he soon left the balcony. 

From inside, Aunt Lan called Uncle Xu in to help with some heavy lifting, so Wen Niannan was left alone in the garden.

The soil in the small garden patch was finally prepared for planting. Wen Niannan patted away some dirt on his shirt and smiled.

He walked to the middle of the garden to pick up the tool box he left there, but a gust of wind blew some dirt up into the air, and Wen Niannan felt that something got into his eyes.

Wen Niannan rubbed his eyes and tried to open them again, but he couldn’t. His eyes started hurting.

The wind got larger, and when Wen Niannan wanted to get back inside, he accidentally tripped on the edge of the garden because he couldn’t see much at all.


Suddenly, someone grabbed onto him from behind and stopped him from falling.

Wen Niannan sighed in relief as he panicked when he knew that he was about to fall. When he calmed down a bit, he thought of the person that just saved him.

When he wanted to look back at the person, he could only see a blurry figure

Wen Niannan thought it was Uncle Xu, so he rubbed his eyes again and said, “Uncle Xu, I can walk by myself, you don’t have to hold onto me like that”

But “Uncle Xu” didn’t let go, nor did he reply.

“Uncle Xu?” Wen Niannan was confused.

Suddenly, Wen Niannan felt that the hand on his waist tightened, and he suddenly knew who it was that caught him.

“Let go of me!” He tried grabbing onto the hand.

But suddenly, the hand went away. Wen Niannan lost balance and walked back a few steps, falling onto the ground. 

Wen Niannan grubbed his eyes again and saw that Gu Yansheng was looking at him with an indifferent expression.

Wen Niannan patted away some dust on his shirt and looked back at Gu Yansheng who was still looking at his legs.

When he looked down, he saw that his pants were full of mud as the place he fell was precisely the place Uncle Xu watered not long ago.

Gu Yansheng walked over to him until he was only one step away and looked down coldly.

“How do you feel being covered in mud?”


Only now did Wen Niannan remember the time when he spilled a pot of flower on Gu Yansheng.

“You did it on purpose?”

“I don’t know what you mean.” His voice was still so indifferent, and he returned to the house right after.

Wen Niannan stood there and looked at all the mud and stains on his clothes. He smiled and went back to change.

As he walked past the piano room, he slightly paused his steps and a look of loss flashed across his eyes. 

When he changed into a clean set of clothes, he saw that Gu Yansheng had been waiting for him outside the room.

After hearing the footsteps, Gu Yansheng walked over with his car keys in hand. He said coldly, “Bring your hat and let’s get going”

Wen Niannan was a little surprised by this sudden request and asked, “To where?”

Gu Yansheng stopped and said, “To the concert.”

“But didn’t we say that we won’t go…”

“Just do what I say. Go get your hat.”

Wen Niannan didn’t move but said quietly, “I don’t want to go.”

Hearing the rejection, Gu Yansheng’s face darkened and grabbed over Wen Niannan’s hand. At this moment, a voice came from behind.

“A Sheng.”

Gu Yansheng heard Yansheng’s voice and let go of Wen Niannan. He then sat down on the sofa.

Zhou Yuanfeng walked over and asked Wen Niannan, “Niannan, are you sure you don’t want to go? It took me a lot of effort to get these tickets for a couple of my friends. You can go see the pianist with these.”

“But I…”

Wen Niannan couldn’t decide. He refused to go attend his favorite pianist’s concert only because he didn’t want to be somewhere alone with Gu Yansheng.

But when he heard that Zhou Yuanfeng worked hard to get these tickets for him, he felt bad for not going.

He then looked at the person on the sofa and said, “Fine.”

Seeing that she agreed, Zhou Yuanfeng went over and kicked Gu Yansheng, “Didn’t you hear? Go get the car. What are you waiting for?”

Gu Yansheng looked at the person standing at the far corner and stood up.

Translated by: Summit

Edited by: UnderTheMoon

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