Black Lotus

Chapter 80.2 - Can We Hold Hands While Crossing The Street? (22)

When Wen Niannan arrived on Leqing Street, the person he was looking for was already standing on the sidewalk looking toward him.

Right after receiving the message, Tang Shuo had been waiting here at the intersection. Even though he knew he had to wait an hour, he still came out to wait anyway.

Today was cold and windy. Facing the freezing wind, Tang Shuo was shivering but still stood there stupidly.

“Tang Shuo.”

Hearing the sound from behind him, Tang Shuo ran over quickly to the car.

“Niannan, Niannan, how come you got here so fast? Achoo… Didn’t you say that you’ll be here in an hour… achoo… How come you got here so fast?”

Tang Shuo smiled at Wen Niannan, but Wen Niannan just felt like this person must be like a stupid criminal.

“Didn’t I tell you that I’ll be here in an hour? Why don’t you wait for me inside the studio? It’s cold outside.”

“No… Achoo… It’s not cold at all.” Tang Shuo scratched his head and said with a slight embracement. 

Wen Niannan sighed and said, “Yeah right, you’re even sneezing now. Do you have another jacket in your studio?”

“Yes, yes, I’ll go get it right now.”

Tang Shuo quickly went into the studio and grabbed a large black coat from his office chair and wore it. Coming out, he smiled, “Here, now I’m warm.”

Wen Niannan chuckled from his silliness, he said gently, “You want to go to the library, right? If not, then I’ll be heading back.”

“Yes, yes, let’s go right now.”

Wen Niannan was just about to get into the car, but Tang Shuo grabbed the door and stopped him.

“Niannan, just hop on my car. I want to bring you there for once.”


Tang Shuo’s car was a black SUV, and on its rear mirror there was a small picture hanging there, but just as Wen Niannan got in the car, Tang Shuo took it off before he could see it clearly.

“What’s wrong?”

“Ha… haha… that… that’s just a picture of me when I’m small, nothing much.” He said as he put the picture into his pocket in a hurry, but then he turned around to look at the person beside him.

“You… did see what’s on there, right?”

Wen Niannan was confused, “What? I didn’t.”

Tang Shuo sighed in relief. This picture was not a picture he took but one downloaded online. It was the one when Wen Niannan was wiping off the blood on his nose. 

Although he was pissed at those who were commenting about Wen Niannan, he still saved this picture that was somewhat precious to him. 

Along the way, Tang Shuo kept peeking at the person leaning against the window. He couldn’t help but smile.

“Pay attention to the road. Tang Shuo, look ahead.”

Seeing that Tang Shuo kept being distracted, Wen Niannan turned to remind him.

“What? Oh, okay okay… the road.”

After the two finally got to their destination, Wen Niannan looked at the library building from across the street, and his eyes became a little mysterious.

Tang Shuo saw that he was staring at the library, he also looked that way and asked, “Niannan, are you ok?”

Wen Niannan looked back and said, “Nothing, let’s head in.”

After saying so, Wen Niannan was just about to cross the street but got grabbed by Tang Shuo, and a car then quickly went past from the left.

“Gosh, you scared me there. That’s so dangerous. Pay attention, Niannan.”  Tang Shuo was terrified by what just happened and patted his chest. 

“Sorry, I didn’t see that.”

“No, I’ll hold your hand while passing the road, or at least just let me grab onto your sleeves.”

Then he held Wen Niannan’s hand through the sleeves and looked around to check for traffic.

“What? Hold up, Tang Shuo.”

Wen Niannan was distracted by what he was thinking, causing him not to notice that car that just went by, but now he panicked from what Tang Shuo did. 

“Just for a little while. I’ll let go when we get across, ok?” Tang Shuo begged with his flashing eyes.

Wen Niannan looked at the hand and seemed hesitant. Looking at the person, he finally said quietly, “Fine…”

Tang Shuo smiled brightly and tightened his grip, “Alright, let’s go.”

After practicing the piece for a while, Shen Luoan also came to the library with Gu Yansheng. The two sat down in a corner and Gu Yansheng went to get Shen Luoan some books.



Gu Yansheng placed a stack of books on the table and took one and handed it to Shen Luoan, who was reading quietly.

Gu Yansheng glanced around the people in the library and also started reading a book. Suddenly, he saw two students in school uniforms walking by him. 

The two sat down at a nearby table. The girl glanced at the boy, and the boy instantly went to grab some books for her.

Gu Yansheng’s mind was a little dazed, remembering Wen Niannan back then.

Author’s Notes:

Tang Shuo: Achoo… So cold…

Tang Lunxuan: Here, a coat for you, remember to wear it. I know you tend to drop in IQ when following a person you love.

Tang Shuo: I just want him to pity me…

Meeting again at the library, what will happen between the four of them?

Translated by: Summit

Edited by: UnderTheMoon

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