Black Lotus

Chapter 85.1 - He'll Go Crazy If You Keep Forcing Him (12)

Gu Yansheng returned to his room and turned on his phone. His eyes looked coldly at the photos that were sent to him.

He has never seen the man in the photo who was smiling and talking to Wen Niannan. Wen Niannan’s expression was also very relaxed when talking to him. The two seemed to have a really good relationship, and one of the photos showed the two walking into a room.

Gu Yansheng dialed a number, “Question, how long did it take before Wen Niannan came back out of the room?”

After hearing the answer from the other end of the phone, his eyes turned even colder. He hung up and looked at the two people in the photo.

“Damn, you stayed with him for more than three hours in a room, Wen Niannan… quite impressive…”

Gu Yansheng stood up, opened the door, and went downstairs to the dining room with a gloomy face.

Wen Niannan was looking at the empty seat in front of him in a daze and didn’t notice the person behind him. Until the person walked up to him and saw the ring on his hand, he was stunned and looked up at Gu Yansheng.


Gu Yansheng suddenly flipped the table over, smashing the dishes and bowls on the floor loudly.

Wen Niannan looked at the scattered food on the floor with an indifferent expression and didn’t speak.

“Who is this man? How many men have you been cheating behind my back?”

Gu Yansheng pushed the phone to Wen Niannan’s face, forcing him to look. Seeing Dr. Li in the photo, he was stunned again, his eyes filled with panic.

“You… you knew?”

“Knew? Looks like Tang Shuo is just one of them, you have hooked up with so many men!”

“What? Hooked up?” Wen Niannan finally realized that Gu Yansheng was skeptical of his relationship with Dr. Li, not that he had discovered his illness.

“Gu Yansheng, what are you doing?” Lu Yun’s roar came from behind as she approached quickly. 

“What am I doing? You should be asking what Wen Niannan is doing! Look at what he has done!”

Gu Yansheng threw the phone to Lu Yun and stepped aside. After seeing the image, she looked towards Wen Niannan. But her eyes didn’t have any blame in them, instead, they were full of care.

“Nian Nian, you have always…” Lu Yun didn’t continue, but Wen Niannan knew why she didn’t.

Wen Niannan gently shook his head and smiled bitterly, “I’m okay mom, I’m okay.”

Lu Yun felt very bad and turned to scold Gu Yansheng, “He’s just meeting his friend, how is that hooking up with other men? Do you think that every time he meets a man it is a date?”

“Friend? Which friend runs to see each other right after waking up? Which friend stays in a room together for three hours? There was so much evidence but you choose to not believe them. Why are you so protective of Wen Niannan and not permitting my divorce? Isn’t it because you don’t want his shares to land in my hand?”

Lu Yun looked at him with a face full of confusion, “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Why must you do everything to benefit you the most? For power and interest, you wouldn’t even hesitate to ruin the life of your own sun. Just like that cooperation with Qiyue, isn’t that just a way to join forces with the Tang Family to control me? You don’t love me at all…”

Lu Yun was shocked by his words and looked at him speechlessly.

“See? I guessed it right!”

Gu Yansheng pointed to Zhou Yuanfeng, who was standing in front of Wen Niannan, and laughed, “You have never cared about me. In your eyes, Yuanfeng is more trustworthy than I am.”

“I was sent abroad when I was young and you never bothered to care about me. Every time I waited for you to come home in the middle of the night and wanted to talk with you, you would always ignore me and rush back to the company. In your heart, only the company is important!”

“You… how could you think that way?” Lu Yun looked at him in disbelief. 

“Is that not true? You have always only cared about the company. And when I needed you to be with me the most, you just pushed me to a group of teachers to teach me things that a child couldn’t bear at his age. I thought that once I was good enough, you’d start to notice me, but that was nothing more than a dream.”

Gu Yansheng’s eyes turned red and sneered at the person in front of him, “After growing up, I understand now, and no longer need your care. How ironic. After returning to the country, I got kidnapped by someone you provoked before. If it wasn’t because I met Luoan, do you think I can still be alive?”

After mentioning Shen Luoan, Gu Yansheng’s eyes showed a hit of softness, “When I was escaping full of wounds, he was the one who saved me. It was him to keep telling me not to fall asleep, and when I was lying in the hospital bed, where were you then? Did you ever come to see me? No! You didn’t even give me a call!”

Zhou Yuanfeng couldn’t bear it anymore. He walked up and helped Lu Yun to sit down, then turned to his head to scold, “How can you talk like that to your mother! Gu Yansheng, are you crazy?”

“Yeah, maybe I am. I was driven crazy by you guys! Back then, I had already prepared the ring to marry him. If it wasn’t because she forced me to marry Wen Niannan, I would have long been coupled with Luoan!”

The more he said, the more emotionally uncontrolled he was. His face was gloomy and scary. Lu Yun sat on the side, not knowing what to say.

Translated by: UnderTheMoon 

Edited by: Summit

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