Yue Qin is too proud. Although she has the capital to be proud, such a proud person will not be comfortable if she is not properly trained and trained.

Maureen likes unruly people, but doesn’t like others being unruly to him.

She can be proud, she can not put others in her eyes, and she can disobey anyone, but she must admire Mo Lin!

What Maureen is doing now is to trample her pride under her feet, although this may destroy her。

The one-month deadline has expired, the king showed no mercy, and Yue Qin was dismissed on the spot.

The king sent another investigator to investigate the case of tax theft.

Yueqin waited until investigator Duke came to Muros City, told him all the clues she had, and asked him to continue investigating Molin.

With a smile on his face, Duke listened quietly and asked politely: “Are you teaching me how to do things?”

Yue Qin’s face turned red with anger and she left without looking back.

If you have the ability, go check it out! See what you can find out!

As a result, Duke visited Maureen that night and brought him the viscount badge.

The title has been raised to a higher level, and the territory should be expanded, but this must wait until the kingdom is calmed down.

When it comes to business ability, even Duke Patai can’t keep up with Yue Qin.

But when it comes to trying to figure out the holy will and flattering others, even Shi Yueqin can’t compare to him!

Duke has long seen that it doesn’t matter whether the tax money is recovered or not, the important thing is to kill him as a warning to others!

Years of war have reduced the kingdom to poverty, but it is not even short of ten thousand gold coins!

However, such a heinous crime of embezzling taxes must not be spared lightly. Everyone must be shown the consequences of daring to do this!

Otherwise, if other officials follow the same example and use this crooked idea, they will be in trouble!

It is a fact that Walter embezzled taxes, and it is also a fact that he disappeared. It has already been spread among the officials!

No matter where he escapes, he must be captured and punished.

Even if he is dead, his body must be exhumed and his ashes scattered so that all officials can see the consequences of daring to touch taxes!

No matter what the truth is or whose hands the tax money falls into, Maureen killed Walter just in time to save him from being hunted all over the world.

Just dig up Walter’s body and kill him again.

Is the truth that important?

Young people are still too young!

So what if Maureen stole the tax money?

There was turmoil in the south, and all the nobles ran away. After the chaos in the kingdom was over, the nobles would need to return to the south.

But the south is so poor and its population has shrunk greatly. Where can the nobles go?

Maureen is the leader of the king’s plan!

He will be the first noble to return to the south and set an example for those nobles!

So Duke didn’t care about Molin at all and focused on searching the body.

He believed that Yueqin’s judgment was correct, so Walter’s body must be near Muros City!

Yue Qin was not found because there were not enough manpower.

The scope is too wide. Even if the 500 Guards soldiers are added to the city defense force, they will not have much effect if they are spread over the wilderness.

But Duke is a standard bureaucrat, and he fully embodies the meaning of a bureaucrat!

not enough people? Why are so many civilians in the city doing nothing? Pull it out and let them find it!

Do you dare not to go? The city defense troops sent warmth from door to door!

The investigator sent by the

king is the biggest in Muros City. Who dares to say no?

The Guards were very cooperative this time, because they only needed supervision.

With the Guards regiment shaking, even if the civilians were dissatisfied, they would not be able to make waves.

After Duke’s extensive search, he actually found Walter’s body!

As it happens, there is a plant growing at the burial site that has a strong antiseptic effect!

Walter’s body has been buried for several months, and it hasn’t rotted at all!

Duke was overjoyed and quickly ordered someone to embalm the body and send it directly to the royal city.

The king was very happy after seeing the body. He immediately sentenced Walter to death and hanged Walter’s body in front of all officials.

As a result, Duke was promoted to an official position and enjoyed the bounty from the king.

But Yueqin’s life was very hard.

After losing her job, she had no income and could not continue to earn an official salary.

In addition, her salary is not high, and Wangcheng is a place where land is at a premium. She has not saved much money in the past two years.

Let alone return to the royal city now, she can’t even afford food!

Huo Sen remembered the friendship between working together before and wanted to help her.

But she thought it was charity and refused to accept it.

The hungry Yueqin wandered around the city of Muros and somehow ended up on the black market.

Now there is only one merchant in the black market, Mo Lin, and the civilians who haven’t run away can only exchange food from him.

It was because of him that he not only experienced the first defeat of his career, but also lost his job.

Seeing that hateful smiling face again, Yue Qin gritted her teeth and decided not to bow to him even if she starved to death!

But she wanted to avoid Mo Lin, but Mo Lin just moved forward.。

“Hey, isn’t this Miss Yueqin? Why haven’t you been so depressed in a few days? ”

Yueqin’s hand holding the sword tightened, she wished she could draw the sword and chop him to death on the spot!

“I heard that your job is gone now. How about I hire you? You can do whatever you want.。”

“Although the salary is not high, it won’t make you hungry! ”

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of civilians rushed up, but luckily they were stopped by the soldiers.。

“Mr. Morin! Can I apply? As long as you can give me some food, I will do whatever you want me to do!”

“Mr. Morin, me too!”

“I can too!”

Mo Lin ignored them and continued to confuse him: “Look, there are people who do not want you to。”

“Don’t be proud! I will definitely find evidence, recover the tax money, and put you in jail! ”

Yueqin gritted her teeth and said。

“Okay, okay, I believe you can do it!”

“But don’t you think it’s easier to investigate if you stay with me? ”

Mo Lin’s words made Yue Qin deep in thought. Her

intuition told her that Mo Lin must have no good intentions!

But what he said was indeed right. He left no evidence outside. If she wanted to find conclusive evidence, it seemed that she could only approach him. Yes!

After hesitating for a long time, Yue Qin finally convinced herself。

“OK, I promise you! Don’t regret it!”

“I’ll give you three months. After three months, the rebellion in the south should be put down, and it’s time for me to take over my territory. If you don’t have evidence by then…”

“Then I will be at your mercy from now on!”

“It’s a deal! ”

Mo Lin raised his palm, and Yue Qin gave him a high-five solemnly.

At this time, Mo Lin finally showed a smile that showed his conspiracy had succeeded.

You know, my friend, no one can say no to Bai Mao.

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