The weather has not been good these days. Dark clouds hang in the sky, as if they are going to swallow up the whole world.

There is a moist smell in the air, indicating the coming heavy rain.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning pierced the dark sky, like a crack in the sky, illuminating the earth.

The light of lightning disappeared instantly, followed by a deafening thunder, as if the sky was roaring angrily.

The rain was pouring down, and the raindrops hit the windows, making a clear drum sound.

The wind carried the raindrops and attacked the earth crazily, as if it was going to destroy everything.

Molin stood in front of the window, with only the raging rain in her eyes.

The long-awaited rainstorm finally came, and it came hard!

Fortunately, the drainage system in Nomis City has been improved, otherwise it would definitely be flooded.

There was plenty of rain, which was a good thing, but Molin still wasn’t sure.

Is there any other exit in the cave, can the water flow out?

Will Andrew be around when he comes out of the cave?

The plan was too hasty and many details were not considered. I can only hope that everything goes well.

On the cliff of the canyon, several soldiers wearing raincoats were observing the entrance of the cave.

The water at the bottom of the canyon was fast and powerful, rushing down the rugged river bed, stirring up layers of waves, and finally hit the dam and was trapped in the canyon.

As the heavy rain continued to recharge, the water level rose rapidly and successfully poured into the cave.

After drinking it for a whole day, a roar suddenly came from the cave!

The deafening sound echoed in the canyon, even turning into thunder!

Immediately afterwards, a five-meter-tall giant emerged from the cave, with mud and water dripping from his body.

Every step the giant took seemed to be very difficult, and he staggered upstream against the current.

The soldiers recorded the process on DV, and then sent one of them back to report to Mo Lin.

There are observation points like this every one kilometer, and their task is to monitor Andrew and see where it will go.

All the way to the end of the canyon, the terrain here is already very high, and it is only more than thirty meters away from the top of the canyon.

Andrew started to climb up, but the canyon was steep and it was raining, making it very slippery.

Every time I’m about to climb a mountain, I fall straight to the bottom.

After repeating it dozens of times, Andrew finally climbed to the top of the mountain.

Then, like King Kong masturbating on the Empire State Building, he hammered his chest and roared into the sky, and finally walked helplessly eastward.

Five days later, the rain finally stopped, the cave was filled with rainwater, and Andrew never came back.

Mo Lin couldn’t wait to send someone to put on a diving respirator and go down to salvage the magic crystal.

After several days of salvage, a total of thousands of magic crystals were salvaged.

These magic crystals are irregular and vary in size.

But as long as the system acknowledges the account, it will be fine.

Mo Lin checked and found that some products such as earth magic were already available for purchase.

Speaking of earth magic, the first impression that comes to people is magic such as defense and changing terrain.

In fact, earth magic still has some offensive magic, such as earth thorns…

Mo Lin prefers to call it the Millennium Killing.

Think of a thorn suddenly growing out of the earth, giving it to you.

The sourness is beyond words.

Maureen felt that this magic suited her temperament very well, so she bought it.

As a lot of information poured into his mind, Maureen also gained some understanding of the basics of magic.

In fact, magic itself has no hierarchy, which does not mean that some magic must be garbage.

The strength of magic depends on the strength of the caster.

It’s like a fireball spell, it sounds like the most basic magic.

But when a fireball with a radius of ten kilometers falls, who dares to say that the fireball technique is rubbish?

And those magics that sound awesome are actually enhanced

versions of basic magics, just with a different name.

For example, when the wind forbidden spell Wrath of the Wind God is released, the sky is filled with wind blades.

Its essence is the basic magic wind blade, but a powerful magician can condense more wind blades and become more powerful.

The Earth Spear magic that Morin purchased is probably very rare given his current level of ability to release an earth thorn, and it is not known whether it can hurt people. It can be said to be very rubbish.

But as Morin continues to get stronger, he can release more and more ground thorns.

Maybe one day, Molin can make every inch of land grow thorns in a large area, and kill thousands of people at the same time. Then it won’t be garbage!

And there are no spells in magic, you just need to use mental power to communicate magic and elements.

Of course, you can add a spell when releasing magic to make it look more tricky.

What surprised Molin was that after purchasing the magic, the system also came with a meditation method!

Meditation is actually practice. Magicians can strengthen their mental power and enhance their magic power during meditation.

Nature is filled with a large number of elements and magic.

The process of meditation is to absorb the magic in nature.

The most difficult part of this process is sensing the magic power of the outside world.

It is extremely difficult to meditate for the first time because you have no experience and no one else can help you. You can only rely on your feelings.

You must be focused and free from any distractions. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After reading it carefully, Maureen told the catwomen not to let anyone disturb them, and then find a place to start trying.

To meditate, first find a quiet place to sit down, straighten your body, relax your shoulders and back, and let your body relax.

Then focus on your breathing, pay attention to the feeling of inhaling and exhaling, pause after each breath, and then inhale again, keeping your breathing natural and comfortable.

Once your breathing has stabilized, gradually shift your focus from your breathing to the sensations in your body.

Feel the touch, temperature, and tension in your body, or imagine some calm, peaceful scene.

Just be careful not to force yourself to meditate.

Don’t worry if your attention is distracted or your thoughts are wandering, this is normal.

Just gently bring your attention back to your breath or body sensations.

Maureen followed the steps step by step and soon entered a wonderful state!

My mind was clear and I had never felt more energetic.

It was as if my mind was separated from my body, traveling in the universe, and the next moment I soaked in the hot spring again, which was warm and comfortable.

That extremely comfortable feeling, the joy coming from the depths of the soul, seems to be about to reach immortality.

Although his eyes were closed, everything around him was in his mind.

There seemed to be countless tiny particles in the surrounding air, and they seemed to be alive.

As soon as their thoughts moved, they gathered around Mo Lin.

Mo Lin instantly felt extremely comfortable all over her body, as if she was in a full-body SPA. The technician’s soft hands…

“Is this magic?”

“Or called magic particles? ”

Before I could fully appreciate it, my stomach began to growl.。[]

As soon as his attention was distracted, he suddenly felt a strong sense of hunger.

Maureen walked out of the room and realized that it was getting dark!

Before I knew it, the day passed.

Maureen asked Catwoman to get some food, and finished the meal like a storm.

The moon was already at its zenith, but Mo Lin was not sleepy at all and was very energetic.

Thinking of nothing and being happy, he went to the bedroom to look for Yilin.

Yilin also stayed up and took a bath with her in the bathroom.

The water in the pool is empty and clear, with jade pillars crisscrossing the water and Gai Yilin’s jade legs.

What night and day? Where can there be no beautiful legs? But there are few idle people, like the two of us. .

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