Chapter 59 You must not steal the Seventy-two Transformations! (Subscribe)

Qi Tian stayed in Huaguo Mountain for ten days

During these ten days, he watched the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain torture the monsters.

Lingchi, slicing, frying, roasting

All the things that the monsters had done to the monkeys were returned to them.

Because the scene was too restrictive, Qi Tian kicked the little monkey out of the live broadcast room

He is too young. Watching too much will leave psychological trauma.

In fact, Qi Tian also felt disgusted

After all, he came from a peaceful world, and the bloodiest thing he had done before crossing over was killing chickens.

It’s not difficult for him to kill a monster with one blow.

But he really can’t torture monsters.

When he first saw the monkeys torturing the monster, he remained calm in front of them.

I vomited when no one was around.

Later, I learned how to do it, and I could keep a straight face in front of others and behind them.

Qi Tian also fulfilled his promise to the Black Tiger Demon and let the Black Tiger Demon taste what his own brain tasted like.

Finally, the monkeys, having had enough of the torture, gave the monsters a last hurrah.

“It’s almost time for me to go back.”

“You drank the water soaked in the golden elixir, although it was diluted, it was also very beneficial to your body.”

“As long as you practice diligently during this period, no monster will dare to bully you anymore.”

When the Monkey King returned from his studies, he naturally taught his monkeys and grandchildren how to practice.

But when they rebelled, many monkeys died.

When he was suppressed, the Heavenly Court came to suppress him again. All the monkeys with fighting power were killed, leaving only the old, weak and sick.

Even the cultivation method is gone.

Because of this, he was bullied by a black tiger demon who had transformed himself into a god.

If it were five hundred years ago, the Monkey King wouldn’t have to do anything. Any monkey from the Flower-Fruit Mountain could have sent the Black Tiger Demon to see the King of Hell.

During these ten days, in addition to solving the hidden dangers on Huaguo Mountain, Qi Tian also taught these monkeys to practice

After drinking the golden elixir, these monkeys can be said to have cultivated rapidly.

When the monkeys heard that Qi Tian was leaving, they were reluctant to let him go, but they did not try to stop him.

They knew that although Qi Tian was sent by the king to see them,

But it’s good enough for them.

Now Qi Tian has to leave for something, how can they ask Qi Tian to stay just because of their own selfish reasons?

“Okay, why are you looking so sad?”

“I’ll come back to see you later.”

“And your king will be back soon.”

Qi Tian really has to leave

There are two main reasons for leaving.

The first reason is that he has been here for three days. Although in the eyes of Bodhi Patriarch, he is still in seclusion.

But I’ve been closed for more than half a month.

If he didn’t come out again, he was afraid that Bodhi Patriarch would think he was dead.

When the time comes, I’ll come in and see where you have gone.

Huaguo Mountain is gradually getting back on track, everything will be fine, there is no need for him to stay or not

The second reason is that the messages sent by the Monkey King in the group have become more sarcastic recently.

What about”It would be great if you were the Monkey King of my Flower-Fruit Mountain” and”You take good care of my monkeys and grandchildren”?

If he stays any longer, he will probably have to wear a helmet when the next team building is held.

【The Monkey King: Brother Qi Tian, ​​are you really going back?】

【The Monkey King: How about you stay a little longer and let my children treat you well?】

Qi Tian rolled his eyes and said,”You’re starting to speak like a human now, right?”

【Qi Tian: I’m afraid someone will get jealous if I stay any longer】

The Monkey King laughed

It’s not that he has a rift with Qi Tian because his own monkeys and descendants worship Qi Tian so much.

He’s not that kind of person.

But, this feeling is like my own child, the person I admire most is not me.

Which old father can bear such stimulation?

Now the Monkey King is that old father

【Little Monkey: Brother Xiaotian, you are finally coming back】

【Little Monkey: If you don’t come back, I don’t know how to tell Master.】

The little monkey’s tone was full of resentment

In order to stop Bodhi Patriarch from looking for Qi Tian, ​​he put in a lot of effort and even asked Bull Demon King to cover for Qi Tian.

Now Qi Tian is ready to come back, he can finally be free

【Qi Tian: Thank you for your hard work during this period. When you go out to play, I will cover for you.】

【Little Monkey: Great!】

He was just waiting for Qi Tian to say this

Exiting the chat group, Qi Tian waved to the monkeys

“I’m leaving, I’ll come see you later!”

“I hope that next time I see you, you will be able to protect yourself.”

After saying this, Qi Tian rode on his somersault cloud and flew towards the horizon.

“Farewell sir!”

The monkeys bowed in the direction of Qi Tian’s departure, bidding him farewell in unison.

Qi Tian didn’t look back, waved at them, and disappeared into the horizon.


“Finally back!”

Looking at the familiar room, Qi Tian rubbed his temples

Although there was no fighting during these ten days, I was exhausted both physically and mentally.

Watching others being tortured is also hard.

Now that he’s back, he just wants to have a good sleep

I sent a message to the little monkey and he was ready to go to sleep.

However, what he didn’t know was that soon after he fell asleep

Bodhi Patriarch opened the door and walked in, looking at him and sighed.

This is Bodhi Academy, his territory.

How could he not pay attention to Qi Tian, ​​a variable that he couldn’t calculate?

Although Qi Tian was a bit noisy, he was still a good monkey at heart, otherwise he would have driven Qi Tian away long ago.

He really didn’t notice Qi Tian leaving at first, but when he asked Qi Tian about it later

He became suspicious of the monkey’s panicked expression.

I came over to take a look, and sure enough, he was gone.

Although Qi Tian’s origins were unknown, he was still his disciple after all. If something unexpected happened to him, he would not feel good.

So he mentioned Qi Tian in front of the little monkey every one or two days, and confirmed that Qi Tian was not in any danger by observing the little monkey’s expression.

When he mentioned it just now, the little monkey was not panicked but smiled happily. He guessed that Qi Tian must have returned.

“Well, if you have something to do, why don’t you just ask for leave from me?”

“Now, I am worried about your safety, and you are worried that I will find you away.”

Patriarch Bodhi shook his head helplessly. When Qi Tian came back this time, he had a bloody smell on his body, but he was not haunted by karma. It was obvious that he had killed only bad guys.

I wanted to wake Qi Tian up to ask what was going on, but seeing the tiredness on Qi Tian’s face, I decided not to wake him up.

Forget it, wait until this monkey wakes up and then teach them the seventy-two transformations.

So as to avoid any danger when going out.

These young people don’t know how to be considerate of an old man like him.

If he encounters danger when going out and comes back injured, wouldn’t it be this old man who is worried and frightened?

With a sigh, Bodhi Patriarch walked out of the room, carefully closing the door when he left, trying not to make any noise.


“What a comfortable sleep!”

Qi Tian stood up from the bed and stretched

In the Flower-Fruit Mountain of the Monkey King’s world, the monsters scream every day.

Although he can block his hearing, he still feels noisy sometimes.

Although he has now reached the level of Qi Refining and Spiritualization, eating and sleeping are not necessary.

But what’s the point of living if you don’t eat and sleep?

He casually took out a peach and took a bite. When he went out, he saw the little monkey meditating outside.

“Why did you come here to practice?”

Qi Tian was eating a peach and threw one to the little monkey.

These two peaches are three thousand years old, which is just right for them to eat at this stage, and they will not have difficulty digesting them.

“Didn’t you come back the day before yesterday? You said you wanted to take a nap and rest, so I planned to come to see you the next day.”

“But when I came here yesterday, you were still sleeping, so I just sat here and practiced.”

The little monkey scratched his head and said embarrassedly

“I slept for two days?”

Qi Tian was stunned. He thought he only slept for one day.


“Is there anything that hasn’t been done yet?”

The little monkey asked

Qi Tian shook his head. He had nothing to do now.

I just felt a little emotional. I didn’t expect that after traveling through time, I could still experience the feeling of sleeping so hard that even time was blurred.

“Oh, brother Xiaotian, Master said that after you wake up, let me, you and Brother Niu go to find him.”

The little monkey seemed to remember something and suddenly said

“Master is looking for us?”

“Could it be that he discovered that I ran away from the academy while I was in seclusion?”

Qi Tian felt a little guilty

Although Bodhi Patriarch is very kind and usually has a smiling face, there is a natural sense of oppression from teachers to students.

Just like the class teacher, no matter it is good or bad, as long as the class teacher calls you, you will definitely tremble in your heart.


“I’ve covered you very well, Master won’t find out at all!”

The little monkey patted his chest, extremely confident

Office of the Dean of Bodhi College

“Wukong, next time if you need to leave Bodhi Academy for something, just ask for leave from me directly, no need to be sneaky.”

“You even let Daniu and Wukong cover for you. I feel tired just looking at their guilty expressions.”

Patriarch Bodhi calmly drank his tea, but what he said made the three of them sweat profusely.

Didn’t you say that the master wouldn’t find out at all?

Qi Tian winked at the little monkey

It’s none of my business. The master must not have discovered my flaw. It must be Brother Daniu who made a mistake.

The little monkey started to blame

It’s definitely not my problem!

The Bull Demon King who was cueed is innocent

“What are you guys doing flirting with each other?”

Bodhi Patriarch coughed twice

Two monkeys and one cow instantly appeared beside Bodhi Patriarch, pouring tea, massaging shoulders and legs in one go.

“Master, I just went out to do something, and I didn’t tell you because I was afraid you would worry.”

“Look, I’m back safely, right?”

Qi Tian smiled as he massaged Patriarch Bodhi’s shoulders and said:

“Yes, yes, Master, isn’t Brother Xiaotian back safely?”

“Master, please don’t blame Wukong.”

Unexpectedly, instead of relaxing his expression, Bodhi Patriarch slapped the table in front of him and said angrily:

“I can leave when I want to, come when I want to, without even asking for leave.”

“Do you think this place is a public toilet?”

“Wukong left the academy without asking for leave, and you two are still protecting him”

“Now I punish you three to clean the dean’s office for a month!”

After saying this, Patriarch Bodhi flicked his sleeves and was about to leave when he suddenly warned

“By the way, there is a book called Seventy-two Transformations in the dean’s office. It is not the time for you to study it yet.”

“You can’t learn secretly!”

“Never learn by stealing!”

“If you learn it secretly, you will have to clean the house for me for 500 years. Do you understand?”

Bodhi Patriarch deliberately emphasized several times that”stealing learning”

“Got it, Master.”

“We promise we won’t ‘learn by stealing’!”

Bodhi Patriarch nodded with satisfaction and walked out of the dean’s office.

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