Chapter 7 How to Become an Administrator

Qi Tian opened the videos they uploaded one by one, and the first one was the little monkey’s

In the video, the little guy is topless and makes a scissors gesture to the camera.

Behind him is the endless sea

To be honest, Qi Tian felt that Lao Deng, who asked the little monkey to go out to sea to find the Bodhi Fairy Island, was unreliable.

He is just a newborn baby, but you just send him out to sea.

That is to say, the little monkey is Sun Wukong. If it were any other monkey, it would have been eaten by a fish long ago.

The next two videos are pretty much the same as the first one, and Qi Tian gave positive reviews for each video.

Afterwards, Zhizunbao and Wuzhihou also gave good reviews

In a short while, all the videos uploaded by the three people have been filled with positive comments.

However, there was no pop-up message in the chat group about who had obtained administrator privileges.

【I don’t want to wear diapers anymore: Oh, is this method really not working?】

On the sea mountain, the little monkey drooped his face, and his bright red hair was a little wilted.

Although I already knew the result, it is still disappointing when I really face it.

【The Axe Gang leader: Shit, I worked so hard to shoot this video, it took me half a day to upload it, and it turns out it’s not working?】

Zhizunbao was so angry that he was fuming. If the chat group had a physical body, he would probably rush over with an axe and chop it down.

If he can’t become an administrator, then wouldn’t his dream of getting rich be shattered?

【I really want to eat peaches: I think the reason why”Don’t you want to be” can become an administrator is because the videos he uploaded are different from ours.】

【I Want to Eat Peaches: He uploaded four videos in total, three of which are our respective past and future, and the remaining one is the future of his world.】

【I really want to eat peaches: With these videos, we can avoid some things in advance】

【I really want to eat peaches: For example, you, @I don’t want to wear diapers anymore, you knew in advance that Red Boy, the child of Bull Demon King, would cling to you because he liked Tang Sanzang’s Zen stick, which led to you and Bull Demon King becoming enemies.】

【I really want to eat peaches: You can avoid confronting the Bull Demon King by not showing your Zen stick to Red Boy.】

【I really want to eat peaches: My situation with the”Axe Gang Boss” is the same as yours.】

【I really want to eat peaches: Because we can change our future through these videos, that’s why”Don’t you want to be one?” was chosen as the administrator.】

【I really want to eat peaches: If we can contribute to other people in the group, we can also become administrators】

【I really want to eat peaches: I will put some simple spells in the chat group mall at the price of one point, you can try to learn them】

【I really want to eat peaches: If I become an administrator, it proves that this idea is correct.】

Looking at the messages sent by the Five-Fingered Monkey, Qi Tian could only sigh, he is worthy of being Sun Wukong!

The comprehension is really good.

I just came into contact with a new thing like chat group. Not only did I understand it in a very short time, but I also figured out a way to become an administrator.

Qi Tian wasn’t sure if the five-fingered monkey’s method would work, but who cares?

Just like what I said before, no matter if it works or not, they won’t lose money anyway.

You can get a spell with one point, that’s a big profit, right?

Qi Tian stared at the group message without blinking, waiting to buy the spell as soon as it was uploaded.

The little monkey and Zhizunbao were also staring at the group messages eagerly, they also wanted to learn magic!

The five-fingered monkey didn’t keep them waiting for long, and a message popped up in the chat group soon.

【New products are available in the chat group mall, go check them out】

“Here we come!”

Qi Tian’s eyes lit up, and he immediately bought everything in the chat group mall.

After the seconds were up, he finally had time to look at what the Five Fingers Monkey uploaded.

《The Art of Immobilization, the Art of Transfiguration, and the Art of Refining Qi》

Anyone who has read Journey to the West knows the art of immobilization.

In the Peach Garden, Sun Wukong used the immobilization technique to immobilize the fairies who were picking peaches, and he used it many times.

Transfiguration has been used many times, transforming into Taoist priests, monks, insects, animals, etc.

As for the method of refining Qi, didn’t Sun Wukong learn the”Great Heavenly Immortal Art”?

Where did he get this Qi-refining method from?

【I really want to eat peaches: I’m sorry, but I can’t share the magic I learned from my master without his permission.】

【I really want to eat peaches: However, most ordinary practitioners know the art of immobilization, transformation and Qi training, so it’s okay to teach them to you.】

【I Want to Eat Peaches: If you learn these, ordinary little monsters will not be your opponents. It should be enough to protect yourself.】

The five-fingered monkey was also a little nervous. Of course, he wanted to be the administrator.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to send out everything that Bodhi Patriarch taught him just for the position of an administrator.

Although Bodhi Patriarch drove him out of Fangcun Mountain, in his heart, the Patriarch was not only his master, but also a father figure.

He would not do that without the permission of Bodhi Patriarch.

The people in the group also understand that if they were five-fingered monkeys, they would do the same

【I don’t want to wear diapers anymore: Brother Taozi, don’t say that, we should thank you】

【I don’t want to wear diapers anymore: If it weren’t for you, God knows when we would have learned magic】

【Axe Gang Leader: That’s right, thanks to Brother Peach!】

Qi Tian also wanted to thank him, so he looked at the peach beside him, found the red envelope function of the chat group, and tried to put the peach into the red envelope.

It was just a sudden thought, but I didn’t expect it to actually fit in.

【Don’t you want to be it? Thanks, Brother Taozi!】

【Don’t you want to be one? I can’t help you with anything, so just eat some peaches.】

As he spoke, Qi Tian picked several more peaches, set the recipient to”I really want to eat peaches”, and clicked send.

At the same time, a message popped up in the chat group

【It is detected that”好想吃桃子” is the first to upload products to the chat group mall, and he is granted the administrator position first.】…

Is anyone there?

It’s so dark here. I’m so scared.

Can anyone speak up?

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